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  • Can I let my cat out onto the balcony?

    I'm about to move to a high rise building on the 22nd floor. I have this amazing balcony, but I'd be so nervous to let my cat out. It's the closest he's every going to be to being outdoors.

    I don't think he's dumb enough to jump off, but he does like to jump onto high things, so I'm scared he would jump up like he would on a bookcase and miss.

    I know this is a silly question. I'm just wondering if you would let your cat out despite being up that high.

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How do I stop cat from urinating on things?

    I've asked this question a thousand times, and I still don't know what to do. It's getting frustrated.

    Basically my cat is almost 4 years old, I've had him since he was a 3 month old kitten. He has been neutered since I got him and still has his claws. I also have a dog and we lived with another cat for a while. He's been urinating on things since I got him. Anything that can be construed as a bed (pet beds, pillows, mats, folded laundry). I have narrowed down reasons and I think he doesn't like other animals.

    I've tried deterrents and foil and things. As soon as the foil is off, he comes back to it and pees on it. I'm tired of buying new things and I'm tired of smelling cat pee!

    Is this just the way he is? If so, it's annoying. Any suggestions on how to make him stop? I can't just get rid of everything soft, I don't want to get rid of him, and I don't want to get rid of the dog.

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Are teachers to blame for high school drop out rates?

    You know, when a teacher has a low pass rate, they fire the teacher. The next year with, those same students still do not pass. Should you automatically blame all teachers or could there possibly be something going on with the families and communities that cause these failure and drop out rates?

    Sure bad teachers should be fired, and they usually are, but failure in secondary education often has little to do with the school system, or the teacher, or even those dreaded unions.

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Have you seen your high school teacher at a protest?

    Or are some of you basing your ideas of all public school teachers off of a few in a one state?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • I'm confused, conservatives think they do not need teachers?

    I hear you say "All teachers are just there to molest children and get benefits." and "They do not deserve to be paid well and should not get benefits."

    Do you really think comments like that make other people take you seriously?

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you leave your dog in the car?

    It seems like a common sense "No." Last spring, a person I knew left their dog in the back of their car while they went to a movie. It's just not something I've ever seen.

    The way he defended it was that if they dog was at home he would have just been in a crate, so why not bring him and let him have a little more room to roam around in the car, look at new and different things out the window, etc.

    It was definitely not freezing so no way the dog would have gotten frostbite or something. But it wasn't warm either, so even if the car had heated up 20 or so degrees from the dogs body heat and sunlight it wouldn't have been over 75 degrees.

    Thinking about it like this, would you do it? The dog was a very friendly, well behaved dog so it didn't have problems with being anxious or barking when people walk by, etc. It wasn't hot or cold. And it was potentially more interesting to the dog than sitting at home in a crate.

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do I stop my cat from peeing on things?

    I know I've asked this before. He's peed on things since I've had him for 3 years since I got him as a kitten. He doesn't do it every day or anything, but enough that I know it's not related to a medical problem.

    It's always been annoying, but now it's really starting to make me angry. I'm tired of buying new dog beds and re-washing just cleaned laundry.

    I don't know what else to do short of dropping his little cat butt outside and never letting him back in.

    I'm at my wits end here, have you tried anything that it worked (for good, not for just a week)? Is he just a jerk or is there something wrong with him that a doctor wouldn't be able to detect in a regular urine test? I'm not very keen on the idea of cleaning cat pee for the next 20 years, but I love him too much just to give him away.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Should I have a wedding or not?

    Basically, as a recently engaged couple, we are deciding whether we actually want a wedding or not. There is a big push from our families to have a wedding. He is probably going to be the only one of his siblings to get married and I would be the first in my family. Our parents are really looking forward to at least one wedding to be involved with.

    It's not that I object to a wedding, it's that if I had a wedding I would want it to be extravagant (thusly expensive). Unfortunately for me I am also extremely cheap (I know, it's bad). Even the cheap weddings are expensive. I would rather spend the money on a house down payment, rather than on a party that no one is going to care about the day after (except the family).

    I realize it's ultimately our decision and we shouldn't let anyone else's opinions sway us too much. But I think I would feel bad for the family if I didn't and for my pocket book if I did.

    Would you suck it up and have the wedding? How could I appease the parents without spending way to much?

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • After birth, how long did you wait to go back to work?

    This is a little early to be asking since if I'm only about 4 weeks along, but I'm curious.

    This pregnancy is a little unplanned. I just finished my masters degree in education and have really been looking forward to my first year as a kindergarten teacher. I'd be due in April, which means if I take off two months I miss the end of my first school year :-/.

    How long did you wait?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What sort of dance should I teach?

    I was just asked last minute to teach a dance workshop (15 minute rotating sessions) tomorrow morning!

    It is for an elementary school field day. Not all students have a dance background. Basically the point is the keep them moving.

    I have no clue what to do because i don't know which ages I'm going to get.

    What would you do for a 15 minute dance lesson? (That would get young girls AND boys interested).

    3 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • How much might my dog weigh when she gets older?

    I am adopting a puppy soon and she is currently about 10 lbs at almost 8 weeks. Her mom is a rat terrier and her dad is unknown. Do you have a weight range of how big she might get?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why is my home internet so slow?

    The wireless internet is very slow at my house. It works alright when I'm plugged into the wireless router, but the actual wireless is very slow.

    It is slow on all computers so it is not a computer problem.

    Is there anything I can do to make the wireless work more quickly? I just don't understand why it would work when you are plugged into it but not otherwise.

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Why would my muscles be twitching?

    My muscles have been twitching for years (7 perhaps). They aren't debilitating twitches and they don't hurt, they are mostly just annoying. Others wouldn't notice it unless they happened to be looking at the right place at the right time. I asked doctor's when they first started and they said "You are growing, it's nothing to worry about." I'm pretty sure I'm not growing anymore and they haven't stopped.

    They aren't very predictable and happen more often when I'm stressed. I think they don't happen quite as much lately, but it could be that I've just gotten used to it.

    What do you think it could be? Anyone else experience this?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Can I have 2 visas in china?

    I want to work part time and study part time. I do not think I can have a job on an X visa or study on a Z visa. Is it possible that I get both?

    4 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • I need your advice on moving?

    This is long... sorry. I have 4 animals (2 cats and 2 dogs). I currently live in a 3000 sq ft home. I have an opportunity to move across the country for a job. It unfortunately seems reasonable apartments are less than 1300 sq ft.

    It's not that I wouldn't be able to take them or that I can't care for them, I'm just concerned about the cats' well being.

    The long drive or plane ride across country would be traumatic for them, then there is the smaller apartment issue and also no chance to go outside (supervised in a yard, not just roaming).

    Our last move was only 15 minutes away and it took them weeks to adapt, I can't imagine across country. I don't want them to be miserable, but I don't want to leave them with some random person either. I just want the best for them, unfortunately I'm not really sure what that is yet.

    What would you do? Do you have any suggestions?

    I'm not moving for certain, but it's a great opportunity.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I think I just got a message from ExCel?

    "quit suckin so much donkey dick. *****."

    Is it a copy-cat ExCel or has he always been like this?

    I wasn't aware that he was 12 years old. Now that I know, I kind of feel bad for being mean to him because it's like I'm destroying the next generation.

    Though dumb, I thought he at least was a regular person and not a baby.

    I feel like I need to share my discovery. I didn't have anyone else to tell.

    Are you also blocked? Have you also gotten this message?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • My cats are going to the bathroom on soft things?

    I don't know why. They are both male about 2 years old. Have been living together for almost a year and are both neutered.

    It started a few weeks ago. I accidently left the door to the bathroom closed when I went to work, so they went to the bathroom on other things (I know my fault).

    Problem is, now they are still doing it! Even on things that I bought to replace things I figured were too saturated to keep. I don't know what to do! I can't just get rid of all mats and pillows in my house but I'm out of ideas. They are still using their litterboxes, but they are using the soft things to. They don't go on everything, just things close to the ground like pet beds, floor mats, etc.

    I've been cleaning or replacing things they've gone on.

    Have you had this problem before and how did you fix it?

    17 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about this new army secretary?

    His name is John McHugh. They are doing the speech now.

    He's a republican, but he seems like a good choice so far, though I don't know very much about him yet.

    I think Obama does a good job picking people to nominate for things. He doesn't just nominate people because they have the same views as him. He goes beyond party lines to try to find the best person for the job.

    How do you feel about McHugh? Do you think it was a good choice?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How do I prevent my dog from getting ticks?

    My dog consistantly gets ticks. She is on frontline, but she still gets about a tick a day. I'm not sure what to do. I live in Viriginia so there are a lot of ticks around this time of year. She doesn't get to run around in the woods or anything.

    What do you suggest?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Both of my cats have runny stool. What can I do about it?

    My cat Pete has been having soft stool for a while. So both Pete and Chubbles had a dewormer within the last month. They didn't test positive for worms, but the vet thought it would be a good precaution to take. Since that didn't work I changed their food from Nutro to Innova. Now Pete's stool is doing a little better, but Chubbles' is now really runny.

    I would take them to the vet had I known it was Chubbles with the runny stool this time, but now I am going to work and my Vet will be closed all weekend. So I'm looking for a short term remedy until we can go to the vet on Monday.

    Chubbles has never historically had any problems digesting any foods. Pete has a weak digestive system. Neither have a history of parasites. They are acting completely normal, the only problem is the liquid poop. They are both 1.5 years old.

    Any suggestions about what could be the problem? Any things to try to remedy it short term until Monday?

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago