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just some chick asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

How do I stop my cat from peeing on things?

I know I've asked this before. He's peed on things since I've had him for 3 years since I got him as a kitten. He doesn't do it every day or anything, but enough that I know it's not related to a medical problem.

It's always been annoying, but now it's really starting to make me angry. I'm tired of buying new dog beds and re-washing just cleaned laundry.

I don't know what else to do short of dropping his little cat butt outside and never letting him back in.

I'm at my wits end here, have you tried anything that it worked (for good, not for just a week)? Is he just a jerk or is there something wrong with him that a doctor wouldn't be able to detect in a regular urine test? I'm not very keen on the idea of cleaning cat pee for the next 20 years, but I love him too much just to give him away.


He is neutered already.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i know when my cat was doing things bad we sprayed him with a water bottle & added lemon into it

    when the cat then cleaned himself it tasted horrible and as soon as he saw the spray he wouldnt go near it, & if hes about to pee somewhere and you see him spray him with the bottle, pick him up and lock him in the laundry etc with the fresh litter box for him to use, let him out once hes done his business

    maybe try putting pepper in the places you have noticed him going toilet in

    is his litter tray always clean? have you tried buying 2 litter boxes and seeing if he takes turns using them, i know some cats are fussy and if its to dirty they will go somewhere else to do there business cos they dont like standing in there own poo & wee.

    i suggest, buy another litter box, have it in a different room, have fresh litter, buy a water bottle and put lemon in it, if you catch him in the act spray him, lock him away so he goes in the litter box

    maybe after a while he will get the hang of it, if he wees outside of his box he gets sprayed

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'm not sure if your cat is marking his territory or just doing his duty where ever he feels like it. Does he lift his tail and spray furniture, walls or maybe curtains? If that is what he is doing he is marking his territory . You will never get the smell out no matter what you do. Consider clothing ruined if he sprays on them. You might think you got the smell out but soon you will realize the smell is still there and it isn't a pleasant smell! If you get him fixed before he's a year old the chances of him not spraying anymore is good. If you wait any longer than that it becomes very iffy that he will stop. Get him fixed as soon as possible so you don't get mad at him for what nature is causing him to do. Oh yes, he will need his shots before they will neuter him. Some vets are very expensive so call around. Also don't listen to anyone if they tell you the smell WILL go away because I am positive it will not!! Good Luck!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I had the same problem with my cat, he would pee on a chair in our old house despite being fixed as well. He could smell one of our other cats urine on the chair so he would pee on it and mark it as his territory. It's possible that your cat is smelling another animal's mark on things he see belong to him. the way we fixed our problem was we got rid of the chair and he stopped. So maybe try looking around for anything that smells like pee and either get rid of it or wash it thoroughly multiple times. And to keep him from going near I use a can of compressed air. A small spurt of air is harmless and teaches him he is not allowed on certain things.

    Source(s): Life time cat owner
  • 1 decade ago

    This is normal. He's a boy..boys like to pee on things and mark their territory.

    Is he altered? If not, he'll most likely stop if you get him nuetered. If so, don't let him get away with it. Try and track where he goes and what time of day. Get a little spray bottle and if you catch him in the act, give him a squirt and a firm NO.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Try Health Technology Professional Products' Eliminator Odor Digestor. Eliminator helps prevent dogs and cats from remarking their territory. Safe and effective on carpet, upholstery, clothing, gravel, grass, dirt, pet bedding, sinks, drains and garbage pails. Eliminator GETS THE STINK OUT GUARANTEED!!! Don't worry Eliminate those little or BIG mistakes your pet might make.

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