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Is It Time George Galloway Was Put On Trial?

George Galloway a Scot who i believe is still leader of the Respect Party has for years been stirring up hatred of Britain and America and the West in general . He was pals with Saddam Hussein and many other dictators and terrorist groups he makes vile speeches spouting poison about the west and supporting violence . Yet he has the cheek to shout down anyone for reminding him of the truth he is a outright liar there is loads of evidence on Youtube to show this. The most saddest thing he said was he was devastated at the fall of the Soviet Union i would bet he believes Stalin was super.He is a commie unrepeated but that is not my real problem its the going over to the Middle East and supporting the enemies of Britain while being a leader of a party here he should be tried on the grounds of giving support to terrorist regimes which wish harm to Britain and cause harm to the local people.


Sorry thats unrepented

Update 2:

Yes i believe Blair is a bloody liar to don't get me wrong i did not support war in Iraq i am just sick of this man he makes out he is for freedom and "socialism" yet there is loads of evidence of him being pals with despots and stirring up crowds with hate filled rhetoric. Yet anyone challenging him on this " i did not say that !.

Update 3:

Limey pop on to youtube there is plenty of evidence of him stirring up hate and supporting violence check out Galloway watch and others he is a liar that can be shown quite easily. I don't know about the issue withe Telegraph i will check it out but there is other issues which put him in a very bad light.

Update 4:

Dan for a start i do not watch Fox the rants can be found on Youtube from arab footage and you can see him denying things he has clearly said on the western media he seems to not realise that the internet can expose him. He does liar simple as that i am not against genuine opponents of our foreign policy or the issue of palestine i just cannot stand a two faced opportunist who seems to love tin pot dictators and is in my opinion not helping the cause of peace.

Update 5:

Limey yes he can be quite moderate at times i have heard him on western media and i have said i have no objection to opposition of our foreign policy or concern over the Palestine issue. The comment on Youtube is rather pointless i could say that about any form of media and papers i have watched much footage and yes some are questionable but there is some good footage which i don't believe has been tampered with and he is shown not just questioning the west but actually taking up arms which i believe is wrong and as a leader of a British party should be challenged.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    You really do need to read up on your politics and I would suggest you stop watching fox news and bbc news. Start watching russia today and al jazzeera and you will discover why George Galloway is speaking out against america, great britain and israel. He is not speaking hate but true facts. Its just that large sections of the population have been so brainwashed by the mainstream media and the goverment since 9/11 that they think it is a crime to name a true, bad fact about any of there countries. Yet it is fine to call arabs rag heads and terrorists, because they want illegal occupying countries to move out of iraq and afghanistan. America and great britain were 'friends' with Saddam Hussein and sold him weapons. When he had served his use they bombed and invaded his country and murdered thousands of innocent people. Which they continue to do so today. At least a million iraqis are dead now. Thousands of our troops have also died. So the question is who really is the war criminal. George Galloway is one of very few politicians that speaks the truth and is a good man. He spoke out against the illegal occupation of palestine, where thousands are systematically killed or made homeless each year. Against the illegal occupations of iraq and afghanistan and wants to bring our troops home and end this bloodshed. Something the war criminal Obama lied about. George Galloway and Nigel Farage are the only 2 politicians who deserve to be paid a wage.

  • 1 decade ago

    What for?

    The Daily Telegraph had to pay £150,000 in damages and £1.2 million in costs when they printed allegations against him. He has also received damages from the Christian Science Monitor.

    For the charity work he does? The Charity Commission accepted that he does do charity work. The Viva Palestine aid convoy?

    What crimes has he committed?

    He has written," The economic system leaves most of the people in the world hungry, and without clean water to drink. ....Ancient freedoms, which we had for hundreds of years, are being taken away from us under the name of the war on terror, when the real big terrorists are the governments of Britain and the United States. They are the real rogue states breaking international law, invading other people's countries, killing their children in the name of anti-terrorism, when in fact, all they're achieving is to make more terrorists in the world, not less, to make the world more dangerous, rather than less." You might agree or disagree with what he says, but he has a right to say it, doesn't he?

    'Being in a bad light" is not a crime, and if you cite youtube as your main source of information what kind of light does that put you in?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes and Tony Blair beside him!

  • guiri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They would not dare. He knows too much!

    Source(s): The snakepit that is the Scottish Labour Party.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, That cat impersonation of his was criminal.

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