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What is the true value of money?
Considering the highest denomination note is worth mere pence and the figures on the cash machine zero. Is it the faith in money as an idol, mind controlled into us by the same bankers who own the media and control it through their puppets at the highest level. They lend money as debt and while doing so steal all gold away from us and falsely inflate its value. Twenty pounds of what indeed?
16 AnswersPhilosophy9 years agoIs banking financial terrorism?
5 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoIs school the best form of mind control and brainwashing?
Designed to sell kids the lie that they are living under?
12 AnswersGovernment9 years agoWho believes austerity measures are brought in to destroy people and our economy?
People are being taxed and mind controlled to believe the depression was an accident. The hardest up are feeling it the worst and struggling to survive in a first world country. Everyone is now being forced to pay increased taxes and vat that we are all in together. Sold by the illuminist agent Cameron and his pal Clegg neither of whom have done a days work in their lives. Notice none of these agents ever have. Lenin who led a party supposedly for the workers never did a days work in his life. What links Clegg, Cameron and Lenin? Membership of secret societies, the allegience of which is to rather than the people. The whole scenario is to destroy the people and the economy and put all assets in the hands of the few. The truth is the UK has been in debt to the bank of England for over 400 years so has always been in debt. All that has happened is that this current depression has been planned as the final push on behalf of the banks. It is simple in times of plenty money is lent at debt. In times of depression debt called in to steal assets from the people. A huge con. If you tax people through the roof in the name of austerity you stop their spending, they struggle to live and cant spend money on all industries which destroy's the economy. Which is the plan. People need to wake up to the mind controlled lie and take their planet back and stop paying for the privilege of breathing to people who have never worked i their lives.
7 AnswersGovernment9 years agoShould all adults who have left school de program themselves?
State education is so obviously mind control programming designed to make the victims subservient tax payers and passive and acceptant of their successive governments all controlled by the same criminals. Would de programming like i have done wake people up to taking back control of Our country.
2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoIs circumcision part of trauma based mind control?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoShould state schools be shut down?
And the money be paid for material for mothers and fathers to educate kids at home. Without the mind control of teachers who simply repeat the miseducation taught at college and the terrible curriculum kids would develop into what humanity should actually become intelligent capable right brain thinkers not subservient left brainers.
2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoWhy do people listen to Lana Del Ray?
Before changing her name and appearance she was a half decent singer songwriter failing to make the big time. She signed and sold her soul to the satanic interscope records and they paid for plastic surgery and now use her as a mind controlled puppet to sing morbid obvious funeral dirges about selling your soul. Why would people want to listen to a once good singer who sucks corporate ****!
6 AnswersCelebrities9 years agoHow can the good people of England get social services shut down?
And should people stop paying their hard earned taxes to this vehicle for the manipulation, control and enslavement of people. Children should be well educated in boarding schools rather than abused and traumatised in ss homes which cost far more to run than eton and are a huge drain on taxes and put in place to damage and mind control vunerable kids and adults.
3 AnswersGovernment9 years agoShould abortion be classed as murder?
Would this stop mind controlled women from killing their babies who are fooled by criminals into thinking this human sacrifice is a lunchtime service.
18 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoWill social services be shut down in the next ten years?
And the good people of England take control of their own lives out of the hands of socialist criminals.
4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoAre sure start children's centres a socialist creation?
2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoWhy do people go to church on Sunday when Saturday is the Sabbath day?
Why accept the mark of the beast? Sunday laws Will soon be enforced starting in Germany this year than spreading to America. This is all the work of the Vatican.
12 AnswersGovernment9 years agoWhy do parents let their 2 to 4 year olds watch childrens tv?
These kids tv shows are made by people to keep kids dumbed down and stunt their intellectual and emotional development. The language and the way they address and speak to children teaches kids to talk like babies and does nothing but damage. I teach and read to my son as an adult and he listens to classical music with of and his development is a lot quicker then his friends who watch kids tv. I am also thinking of home schooling him as i don't want him to be dumbed down by state education.
13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years agoIs Ed Sheeran the most overrated artist in music?
And a complete creation of his record label.
16 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoIs the mainstream music industry's main 2012 agenda boring singer songwriters?
Watching the Brits this year, the only highlight being blur. Ed Sheeran and Adele won and it seemed such a set up. 2 boring middle of the road singers. Overly heart felt and boring. I have heard better singers on the tube and in my pub. Obviously with the over computerized satanic rhianna and gaga the illumin
4 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoWhy do people praise communism but criticise fascism?
When communism is and continues to be responsible for more deaths.
12 AnswersPolitics9 years agoDo other people agree that there is no place for homosexuality in professional football?
There is a thing called freedom of speech in this country but people have been mind controlled into nasty political correctness by the criminals that have stolen our government from us by the use of political correctness. They invented and legalized the homosexual agenda and elevated it above the male female family unit as they are carrying out a eugenics depopulation agenda on us and homosexuality ensures the human numbers are kept low.
5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago