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Great question about abortion . can you answer?

We are told the fetus is not a person so it's not murder if you have an abortion, By Law though, It clearly states that, if you kill a pregnant women and the "Fetus" dies they will charge you with 2 counts of murder!! .....Which is it !!?? Explain !

Oh, that's right, I forgot that the democrat/liberals like to make laws on what’s convenient for them!

28 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Great point, the courts are not consistent on this issue. It's only murder if they want it to be. God however see it as murder.

  • yagoda
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    people who flow loopy a pair of mature abortion question, i.e. somebody asking bearing directly to the why or why not's, have not been with the aid of that ordeal themselves. in my opinion, on abortion, my thoughts are basically; each and every so often that's mandatory to have an abortion achieved, yet in some international locations that's basically too elementary to have it achieved. Leaving human beings to apply it (some human beings see the alternative of abortion as a manner to take concerns into their very own palms; if a being pregnant is unplanned, do exactly away with it and initiate over while the time is stable - an rather sickening, yet regrettably genuine tale; a doctor instructed me a pair of couple who certainly had an abortion for that reason), and option centers (new child help, pre-natal help) to be left to die. which often provides the pregnant woman basically 2 concepts while she's single and not residing together with her mum and dad anymore; the two have a properly paid and stable interest or get an abortion. That, for my area is ill. despite if that's each and all the reason for ill-ruled societies. and that i grow to be the sufferer. As for why human beings do not answer the questions maturely... that's an open website. every person can connect, and every person can answer. lower back, with each and every decision relatively elementary and open, there'll continuously be human beings taking benefit of it. As to your pondering abortion - in case you have not already had it achieved, please do not do it. You *will* sense sorry approximately it earlier to you think of and that's something that keeps to be with you to your finished lifestyles. basically paintings very perplexing to locate those *hidden* different concepts and flow away no stone unturned in the previous you're making the determination.

  • 1 decade ago

    "By Law"

    The fetus is not a person "by law" until the 12th week of uterogestation

    Doctors who abort a fetus, at or past the 12th week, commit a class C felony.

    A person who kills a mother and an unborn child:

    by killing the mother, also kills a child.

    The fact to contemplate is, "would that child have lived, if the mother had not died."

    Speculative, but; still a question in point of law, as to whom amongst us can say, the child would not have died, if the mother had not died?

    Thus it is treated like a life support issue, if the support was not cut off the child would have been living.

  • YY4Me
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If I spend money it's not theft. If someone steals my money it is theft.

    In any event, if a fetus dies it should not be considered murder, under any circumstances. That's just a wedge used by anti-abortion activists in their quest to make all abortions illegal. Until a fetus is able to live on its own, it's a parasite.

    The difference between progressives and conservatives is that progressives generally believe that each person should be able to decide such things for themselves, whereas, conservatives generally believe that they have a right to force everyone to live according to their beliefs.

    You may not like the fact that the U.S. Constitution prohibits the government from forcing religious rules on its citizens, but you'd probably change your tune really fast if someone else's religion's rules, with which you disagree, were forced on you.

    The U.S. is a secular constitutional republic, not a christian theocracy.


    Source(s): . ~ "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." ~ .
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  • 1 decade ago

    If the fetus is a person, then why doesn't it already have a name and social security numbers before it is born?

    I am not "pro-abortion," but I am "pro-choice." It seems to me the Republicans/liberals who think that government should stay out of our business, should not turn around and say the government SHOULD tell women what they can or cannot do with their own bodies. Kind of inconsistent and "Big Brotherish" to me, I must say.

    In China, women are FORCED to have abortions whether they want one or not. To me, that's just as wrong as forcing them NOT to if they have decided that's the best thing for them and for their unborn fetus.

    I think we should trust everyone to make the choice for themselves, based on their beliefs and situation. Abortion is NEVER an easy decision, but it's a decision every woman deserves to be able to make for herself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ignorant a$$hole! First of all, womEn is plural, genius!! Second of all, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Abortion is still legal in this country, and the only time you would ever be charged with ANYTHING, is if you have the abortion in the third trimester! Don't even quote law when you don't have your facts straight! Oh, that's right, I forgot that Neo-Conservative Bush lovers are the spawn of retarded goats!!!

  • It is called pro choice so the woman can make one bad choice after another. Please do not call the unborn baby a fetus- the heart beats at 7 days after conception. I urge those advocates of planned parenthood to research the reason that it was founded to start with. You may be surprised at the lies that they have been spreading all these years and the crimes they have been involved in.

  • 1 decade ago

    really? state who exactly came up with the idea for that law. and as far as the abortion thing, its a matter of opinion. personally, its up to circumstances for me. and for the murder thing, if it is within a month or two of birth, shure call it murder, if its at like 3 or 4 months though, sucks but i would not call it murder.

  • Caesar
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I answer rants with here i go What is your question... i get confuse, sorry i was not designed by a perfect being, or eat fruit from the tree of knowledge like you do.. if democrats and liberals only use what is convenient, i will ask if you will follow a religion if the god. kill all the innocents first born of some nation or when the same deity order in Numbers 31:17 (Moses) “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every women that hath known man by lying with him.” ...i will quit that kind of religion because all those little childs and no born kids will be killed in his name with out any choice from their either, it will be a little convenient and holy-er to pick and choose if you ask me...

  • 1 decade ago

    "By Law though, It clearly states that, if you kill a pregnant women and the "Fetus" dies they will charge you with 2 counts of murder!! .....Which is it !!?? Explain ! "

    Gee, sparky, it's not like lawmakers have conflicting views with other people or anything.

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