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Why Does God Allow Us to Suffer?

16 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Don't blame God , the blame is on Satan ,Adam & Eve. Soon God will end the suffering but you know that & I know where you got this question from.

    BTW Are you sick ? You asked a question , well done nice to see you on Brother.Hope to see more from you.

    Also thanks for the nice comments you said about me in that question about atheists becoming Christian.

  • AmJ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    A seemingly basic question that so many people ask and the answer is really easy to find!

    The Bible has the answer for us, plain and clear. Let's look at Genesis chapter 3.

    God gave the first human pair, Adam and Eve specific instructions that they were to obey and they would live forever in perfection. Well, a rebellious angel got those two to disobey causing sin and death for all. That rebellious angel, Satan the Devil made the first people on earth question God's right to rule and also starting the first lie. From then on all of us are showing whether we support God's way of ruling or if we support Satan's lies.

    God is giving as many people as he can time to learn about him and his ways and have the chance to learn forever through his Son Jesus Christ who died so that we have that chance.

    Soon all suffering will end, in order for us to have the blessings that is held out for all humans is to learn what God wants us to do and the truth about him, by obeying him.

    Life forever here on a paradise earth, with no more suffering is possible and to live there there are requirements just like to be a citizen of a country there are requirements. They are for our good and lessen our suffering until the time comes for things to change.

    For more information anyone can look at this

    it's from the book called, "What Does the Bible *Really* Teach?" Chapter 11 "Why Does God Allow Suffering?"

  • edoedo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No Change within Lone Dissenter returns is correct.

    God did make people suffer , for that stupid Adam disobeyed Jehovah God at the first place then we all of us won't be suffering.

    I wonder if people ever notice Adam and Eve was perfect then sudden become imperfect after they eat that fruit?

    Can you all see that we are imperfect because of that?

    One more thing...

    If something that cause without a reason then it is just happened, it has nothing to do with Jehovah God. For instance : A big box feel off from the top of closet then hits my head .... you know this mean it is just happened. There is nothing to complaining.

    So, most of time when people done wrong to you then it is belong to Satan , and I still blame on Satan for everything.

    It would be nice if I invent Time Machine then go back where Adam was then I can kick his silly tush!

  • 1 decade ago

    There are two "us"s in your question.

    One "us" is the "world". Everyone (believers and non-believers, animals, and all creation).

    That "us" suffers because in Romans 8:22 we're reminded: "For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now." You see, Sin caused all of that. God was not kidding when He said "the soul that sins will surely die". You and me and this whole world is in the process of dieing. That is the first part of your question.

    The other part refers to the other "us". For those who are Christians. For those who are "the called" there is an additional reason for suffering...

    James 1:2 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers (i.e. fellow Christians), whenever you face trials of many kinds (i.e. suffering), 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

    God allows suffering in the Christian's life so that in the end a Christian may mature and not lack anything.

    I pray you begin to understand this important Truth.


    iamnotbut...I know [the Great] I AM

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  • 1 decade ago

    This question assumes that "God" does exist. People need to take responsibility and work together, not just stop when the going gets tough and say "it's gods way".

    If a supreme being does exist then "God" doesn't allow us to suffer, "God" lets us live from the values that we have created and believe in. Even if they cause unrest amongst ourselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    The human race chose to live apart from God. God has allowed us time to live apart from him to show us what the consequnces are like. Some have still not learned the lesson. It will not go on forever though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well... *one day at school*

    kid: why does God let us suffer?

    me: because you can stand up for yourself. come on! be a man! God's counting on you to fend for yourself!

    kid: yeah! i can do it!

    bully: hey, give me your lunch money!

    kid: no!

    bully: did you just say no to me?! >:(

    kid: what do i do?

    me: turn the other cheek!

    kid: okay. *turns the other cheek*

    bully: *punches kid flat* don't be a hero.

    me: lord, they took it literally again. should i have just told him to run.

    God: probably. hey, you gonna eat that apple?

    me: well, yeah. i was.

    God: of course you were, i should have known better... what with the whole omnipotence-thing. and also the eden incident.

    me: probably. hey, you gonna show yourself to the world, so people will stop saying you're not real?

    God: i don't know, i got a lot of stuff in Africa to take care of.

    me: you always say that.

    God: because i always do! they are constantly in dire need of heavenly assistance!

    me: can't the angels take care of that? i mean, what are you paying them for?

    God: paying? oh! right, right. i was suppose to pay them. oh well. what's another thousand years without pay?

    me: will you just show yourself already, and get it over with?

    God: i already did! several times, in fact! if they still don't believe, why should i even bother?

    me: because your God! people forget sometimes. they doubt, it's how you made us. we're not perfect.

    God: yeah, perfection is hard to make. that's why i gave you free will, because it would've taken forever, literally, to make everyone perfect!

    me: so will you show yourself?

    God: maybe next century. *disappears unto the clouds*

    me: Jesus Christ!

    God: *heavenly voice) don't say that!

    me: sorry...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All gods are myths, suffering is a part of the natural world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He doesnt. Because he doesnt exist. That is why there is suffering. Would any all loving god actually let people suffer and die?

  • 1 decade ago

    God will not change situation of people until they change themselves first..

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