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All right, what should religion do with gay people?

I keep hearing from religious people on how gays and lesbians are all sinners, how they live against God's laws, how it says in the Bible how any man who lays down with another man should be put to death without fail, etc etc etc. I keep asking this question and I have yet to get an answer, so maybe I receive one from some of the religious people here-

Imagine one of you "god;'s faithful" was put in charge of the world for a few hours. Just WHAT are you going to do with the gays and the lesbians? Are you going to throw them in a concentration camp? Kill them? Put them out on an island by themselves like lepers? Use them for medical experiments until you find a way to "cure" them? Anyone who thinks that a gay or lesbian will spontaneously become heterosexual simply by lecturing to them from the Bible is horribly ignorant, so it's obvious you're going to have to get heavy handed.

I want to know- what's your master plan to get gays and lesbians to follow God's law? It seems to me that if your solution is to do nothing and wait until God comes back so he can deal with them, then you should keep your mouth shut about the gays and lesbians because you're admitting it's not your problem to worry about. If you DO want to do something, your "peace on Earth, good will toward all mankind" has about as much peace and good will as Hitler.

I ask this because I know several gay people and they don't seem particularly wicked to me. They pretty much just want to be able to walk down the street without getting beat up. I have no problem with them...but I DO have a problem with you people telling me I should hate complete strangers for no rational reason.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Religion should not be brought into this topic! It has no place.

    I will never meet a christian in my lifetime that even remotely resembles what their savior preached.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is nothing in the Bible that condemns homosexuals, so at least for the religion of Biblical Christianity, God or the followers will not do anything to homosexuals simply because they are homosexuals.

    It is the sexual act that condemns them, the same way that if a man were to look at a woman that makes them a sinner. Have you ever looked at someone in lust? Then you have already committed adultery! If you ever sinned you are in the same boat as everyone else. But luckily God loves sinners and that is why he sent his only son to die on the cross. There are Christians who have same-sex orientation and live happily married in a heterosexual relationship.

    Your post is almost entirely emotional and it is obvious you have done little of your own research or read the Bible. You should definitely think critically about all the things you just said and realize especially that it is fallacious to pour your emotions out and call that an argument against religion.

  • 5 years ago

    First off, we have got to appreciate peoples ideals, whether or not we adore them or now not. I grew to become an Atheist on the grounds that I noticed that my then faith (Catholicism) was once everywhere the location, and the numerous questions I had, could not had been replied. I to marvel why homosexuality is so unwelcome within the devout group. Supposedly we are all made by means of "God" and we're made in his photograph. So, is God homosexual and instantly? Basically, Christians feel that a girl's rationale is to create kids, to be a mom who cleans, chefs, and many others. The mans responsibility is to do the equal (in the case of having kids), and be the bread bringer. So, if individuals are homosexual, that is going in opposition to what they feel in, on the grounds that 2 of the equal intercourse are not able to make kids. But I nonetheless do not fully grasp why homosexuals have got to be dealt with so badly.

  • 1 decade ago

    As for me I have no master plan. Only God has a master plan. But guess what! Our God is a great God who is compassionate, forgiving, gives grace freely, totally loves sinners, (for there is not any alive who are not sinners). He is most importantly understanding. Who am I to condemn anyone, when we all fall into the same catagory.

    1Jn 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

    I do not cast stones!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Leviticus clearly states that they should be stoned to death, but then again Leviticus also rails against shellfish, pork, cotton-polyester blends, and women who are menstruating. Jesus never mentioned homosexuals. Not even once. Clearly it wasn't a high priority for him. Furthermore, the Bible is a collection of fairy tales so it really doesn't matter. What should we do about the gays? Nothing. Let them do what they want.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think religious people should learn that we are all the same, Human Brothers and Sisters. It is only when we look for small differences that we begin to dislike each other, and these differences should mean nothing more then "Humanity is diverse". We should celebrate the diversity of Humanity, and accept all.

    Om Mani Peme Hung

    Source(s): Tibetan Buddhist
  • 1 decade ago

    I would show love to them just like Jesus would. Jesus sat and ate with the worst sinners. Hopefully sometime they would see something different in me, and ask what it was all about. I would show them the gospel, and hopefully they would believe it and see the error of their ways.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The bible says gay people are an abomination and are going straight to hell so too bad.

    Now if you'll excuse me I'm going out for lobster tonight. God I love shellfish.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion should stop asking to put up cameras and posters of religious quotes inside the bedrooms of other people. Especially since "religious people" includes more than just Christians.

    Source(s): ~atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    Love them.

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