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Horrible coming out moment?

Okay so my uncle came over and He just made me change my facebook to what it was before(To intrested in women) he literally forced me to change it and now I'm all sad... Everytime I am finally almost happy something comes along and messes it up... I just want to leave at the moment and get away from everyone in my family they are doing nothing but holding me down from what I am trying to achieve... They are nothing but stereotyping people who want me to be this this and that... It has taken me so long to get to this point in my life and now he just ruined it all... I have encountered some non-accepting people before but with him it's different we are really close and I thought that he would understand but I guess not... I just don't know what to do

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Made" you change it? What,he put a gun to your head?

    Here's a new word for you to learn. No. Try using it more often.

  • Clint
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Change it back to what you want it to be. And if your uncle comes back, tell him "Sure - no problem. I'll change it. And then when you leave the house, it's going to get changed again. I will not pretend to be someone I am not." And then walk away.

    If he even raises a hand to you, report him to the police.

    I feel for you, buddy. It's not easy coming out in general, and in some circumstances (like yours) it can be pretty traumatic and deeply depressing. Hang in there because nothing stays the same. Your family will eventually warm up to who you are, although you may lose a few of them. And you'll soon be old enough to be on your own and call your own shots. Remember that: Nothing stays the same. And best wishes - it makes me sad whenever I see someone have to deal with coming out in such a harsh way. At least know that you aren't alone. @HUG@

  • 1 decade ago

    You can do it! Don't give up. Just because some people are unsupportive doesn't mean that you will never find anyone who supports you! I believe in you! There will be rough times, but it will get better. You are a strong young man full of ambition and talent. You can do anything you set your mind to! God will love you no matter what, esther you're gay or not or transgendered or not or whatever! He will always love you! You will find a partner who will love you for you and won't ever let you down! Give it time! And, YOU ARE FRICKIN AWESOME! <3

    Source(s): My noggin
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel so bad for you! I recently came out to my dad, and he is trying to tell me who I am, and that I don't know who I am. Don't let people tell you who you are! Good luck!

    If you wanna talk, email me at

    (I'm sixteen if that makes a difference)

    Stay strong, and remember, you are who you are, and people can't tell you otherwise!

    Source(s): Personal experience
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