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I just reached Level 7. It took me 4.5 years. What should I do now?

Since most of my time has been in R/S I will probably continue to answer questions but my life pattern is to drop something once I have reached my goal, in this case, I made it to Level 7 so will I continue or not? What do you think?

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can go straight to Heaven now - but you don't pass GO and you don't collect the $200.

  • 1 decade ago

    Congratulations. You even beat the old bear who started in 2005 but did not work continuously, more like in winter spurts. Who would work in my garden or do maintenance and improvements?

    How many questions did you answer in total? Oh, 6345, I see...

    I do not specialize, bear goes all over the place. And I ask a lot of questions, like always. Some teachers nearly went nuts. Not all of five year old is gone here. All of those questions subtract, but still not that much.

    Confession: A few of my questions are asked for fun and games or just to keep people on their toes.

    You answered about 45% more Q's than I did. I have at least the rest of this year before hitting 7.

    And I am somewhat controversial so I do not get as many points as those who hit the popular opinions better.

    Do you feel like you shared a lot of good and worthy?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    no way, thats not how monopoly works. anyway best answer is laughable. right now i needed it. thumbs up for best comical answer. :)

    where i just had a day where i pooped 16 or 17 times in one day, last week, and where i had just spent the day at the library, pooping another 12 or 13 times, i went to church and was poisoned by a guy who offered to shake my hands, and when i refused, he still threw his poison in the air when we had priesthood elders quorum on the stage. so i was feeling totally oppressed and totally brain dead, even though i had previously had good spirits and a clear mind. i hate these kinds of sorcery. or is it witch craft?

    i can remember when i reached level 7. i thought i had reached the end of my time on yahoo. but as things happened, someone gave me an entire laptop and i continued again with R&S. i was hoping they would go to level 10 but weed out the point gamers and the trolls and the truly unrepentant about causing so much anti social behavior, in the new world order they would be cremated for such intollerant behavior, in the mercy and grace of christ and through much forgiveness, they would be tolerated. i hope you success in whatever you are doing. but carry one. everyone who participates gets browning points towards sanctification if they seek the truth in honesty. imo

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Defiantly Continue; Y/A is fun! So, I am curious to know what you learned most about yourself in those 4.5 years in Y/A? I think at my rate, I have another year or two before I reach Level 7 and I hope to see you around.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It grew to become into greater effective under Bush. Ever using fact the democrats took administration of congress and senate in 2008, the democrats all started changing countless economic regulations that created the recession contained in the final year of Bush's term. Did they do it to have a republican scapegoat responsible issues on so as that they could be beneficial a democratic president gets elected or did they even have self belief their regulations extremely grew to become into going to advance issues? Judging how briskly they have been responsible Bush and his oil friends whilst gas reached $3/gallon, they are somewhat quiet now that gas is $4/gallon. How can it nevertheless be Bush's fault whilst Obama has been president for the previous 3.5 years?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Write a book about it.

    QUOTE: "my life pattern is to drop something once I have reached my goal, in this case, I made it to Level 7"

    Things don't come much sadder than having that as a goal in life. I hope you are not being serious.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I just made it to level 6, after about 5 years, but I need a lot more to get to level 7. Why worry about the levels? I'm not here to engage in a competition, but to learn things I don't know, and hopefully inform others.

    Hmm...I like the word "level" because it's a palindrome.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Be very careful; that comes with a target square in the center of your back. I've lost several Level 7 accounts to report monkeys. Tuck it away somewhere and start over with a new account; this time you'll find points are a little less important.

  • 1 decade ago

    4.5 years? What took you so long. You should see this guy in the Politics section, Paul Grass, he got like 14,000 best answers in a year and a half (that`s like 30 best answers a day, every day)

    I mention this as a contrast to you who seems to have spent a lot of time on such a frivolous en devour (albeit fun at times) and now enough is enough (perhaps) V. a guy who treats the same en devour in such a mentally unstable way that it seems pertinent to cheat and cheat and cheat to get what? #1 on the Best Answer list? Yikes, at least you are smart enough to see what innocent fun Y!A is vs., vs., muck me if I know what`s going through that guys head!

    Take up bicycling!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Concentrate on asking questions since you now have the points. Find out which

    questions 'work', try putting them differently, make up your own search points.

    Let's not let others set out goals, but rather we make up our own. We can use

    theirs but ours should be more valuable to us. Yahoo needs good questions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've just reached Level 1 after having my account suspended a few days ago.

    Source(s): I'm going to Disneyland!
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