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Anybody build one of these magnetic generators-- And it works?

Examples Magniwork, or Magneticprojectwork. Supposed to be able to build magnetic electric units that can take over part of power needed for home use! See "testimonials all over the place", - bear in mind the old "snake oil salesman" in early days -- they brought their own people along to be cured in city after city as they traveled selling their medical cures! I am looking to see if some real person has done this and had it work reasonably well! Anybody can dream up names and locations, and put in glowing testimonial-- with out that person actually even existing!

Would like to find a group of people working in this direction so we could compare results! Or maybe make one myself if a few people want to form one! We could save money and wasted time on things that don't work well (or at all)! --- Not just another website that sells all these programs that may or may not work!

Probably a lot of experimenters looking for same things?? Any ideas?


3-7-11, 7:05 It didn't look possible to me either.. I have been in electronics since 1956 though, and a lot of things thought impossible have happened between then and now, --- So I am looking to see if I can find somebody real to talk to! ,,,..... So far nobody!

Update 2:

Well at this time I have 3 answers - one a naysayer, and another that is right on 1/2 of statement,and naysayer on the other half! .. I of course know that you can generate electricity a number of ways, since I have been building and rebuilding electric motors and generators for about 50 years! And the 3rd is possibly another "snake oil salesman! All I can say is this, in my 72 years on this planet I have heard space travel impossible, and of course engineers said that C-119 aircraft could not fly (same reason as bumblebee, their wings are too small)! But somehow these things all happened! Along with Television, GPS, and picture phones! --- Guess these guys were dumb, but persistent!!

3 Answers

  • Ben
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Edit 3-13-11 @ 10:34 AM. Feel free to email me.

    I thought I said it plainly, I am not a naysayer.

    This is the best explanation I have ever found and it contains some examples.

    It is an established fact, read this in its entirety.

    "What is the First Law of Thermodynamics?

    In its simplest form, the First Law of Thermodynamics states that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed. The amount of energy in the universe is constant – energy can be changed, moved, controlled, stored, or dissipated. However, this energy cannot be created from nothing or reduced to nothing. Every natural process transforms energy and moves energy, but cannot create or eliminate it.This principle forms a foundation for many of the physical sciences.

    The First Law of Thermodynamics is one of the absolute physical laws of the universe. Everything in the entire universe is affected by this law, as much as time or gravity. There are three Laws of Thermodynamics. The Second Law (Increased Entropy) and the Third Law (Zero Entropy at Zero Kelvin) are dependent on the First Law and each other. Together, these laws form part of the baseline for all modern science. No exceptions or contradictions to these laws have ever been observed.

    Energy that enters a system must either be stored there or leave. A system cannot output more energy than it contains without an external source of more energy. This energy can be in work, heat, potential, or kinetic form. On a small scale, this can be explained this way: “Change in internal energy equals the difference of heat transfer into the system and the work done by the system.” On a large scale, this Law is still observable. Oceans and planets and solar systems all operate under the control of the First Law of Thermodynamics.

    Some aspects of the First Law of Thermodynamics can seem confusing. A burning log in the fireplace seems to violate the principles of conservation of matter/energy. Burning the log appears to create energy and destroy matter. In reality, the energy and matter are only changing place and form, they are not being created or destroyed. The wood in the log has chemical potential energy, which is released when it is burned. This released energy appears in the form of heat and light. The matter of the log is changed into smoke particles, ash, and soot. The log’s total energy and mass before burning are the same as the mass and energy of the soot, ash, smoke, heat and light after wards.

    Rubbing your hands together generates heat on your palms. This is not actually creating energy. The work of your muscles takes the chemical energy of your body, changes it to work energy in your muscles, and then into friction (heat) energy in your skin. You’ve actually moved energy from your body through your muscles and into your hands. The First Law of Thermodynamics requires that the total energy of your body, muscles, and palms is the same both before and after you rub them together.

    One example of how the First Law of Thermodynamics acts is the perpetual motion machine. No one has ever built a machine that can continue to move forever without any external energy source keeping it moving. Every machine requires some input to continue moving. This input can be wind, chemical reactions, magnets, and so forth. The reason that machines cannot move indefinitely is friction. No matter how good the lubrication or bearings are, every machine has to lose some energy to friction as it moves. This energy must come from the total energy of the system, as the First Law of Thermodynamics demands. This is why a bicycle wheel will eventually stop spinning unless you push it. This is why a car cannot coast forever on a flat surface. Friction demands some energy from the system. For a machine to run forever without any external source of energy, it would have to violate the First Law of Thermodynamics by creating energy out of nowhere."

    There is more here.



    Original answer.

    They are all scams, you cannot get anything for nothing.

    No process is 100% efficient, so there is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine.

    You cannot get more energy out of any generator than you put into it.

    There are always losses, friction, air resistance, heat, etc.

    First Law of Thermodynamics

    "The first law of thermodynamics is often called the Law of Conservation of Energy. This law suggests that energy can be transferred from one system to another in many forms. Also, it can not be created or destroyed."


    Source(s): laws of energy Edit added 3-11-11 first law of thermodynamics
  • Ecko
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have to say the deceptions link below seems reasonable. Looking at this diagram as far as I can see it is a very ordinary generator with little attempt to couple the magnets effectively. If it was "fixed up" it would work as a generator with the input mechanical power greater than the output electrical power. There is absolutely no meaning to claims about "earth pressure flow". Interesting to see the threatening nature of some scammer (who may genuinely think the product is fine) responding. The product is a book it seems. For something like this, it should have a few proper engineering drawings that allow exact reproduction, and how to use it, specifications. If it were real it would stand by itself, needing no lightly veiled threats. We have no way to verify the truth of any statements made on the internet, but if that diagram is what a magniwork is then forget it.

    There are no magical sources of energy that are just waiting to be tapped by some mystical gizmo with magnets and coils, which performs only after the right incantations (charging) etc. The nature of these things are that if it doesn't work the scammer can always say the construction was wrong, or the mystical energy does not work around your house, whatever. Testimonials on the internet?? Hmmmm.

    Save your money and your time. There is no machine that produces energy. All machines convert energy, with losses. To convert energy there needs to be a source acknowledged and demonstrated as existing.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    First, you need a copious amount of aluminum foil. Use this to make a hat. Give the hat a wide brim to help protect from the solar flare. Those so-called "generators" you've been watching on Youtube are not generators, they don't work, and I won't tell you how to do it. A real generator requires a prime mover, fuel, and already uses magnets. Just go to a real store where there are real people who sell real machines that work on real physics. You won't be sorry. You might wonder whether you're just kowtowing to the Shadow Conspiracy that keeps all these marvelous inventions like Magnetic Generators and 200mpg Carburetors out of production, but trust me when I tell you, you need more aluminum foil in your hat.

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