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How do i get my wireless to work?

How do I get my computer to identify my wireless network. Its been like this for 5 days. It has worked plenty of times before. I've had this computer for about 3 months. Its a hp mini. My bigger hp laptop is working fine. But my mini is saying unidentified network. I've turned of my wireless thing like 5 times n I've taken my battery out of my computer but its still not letting me. All the lights are on my wireless thing n I know its working cus its working on my other computer. But I need the work on my mini so I gotta get it working. What do I do?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    check the gateway of the router. suppose subnet

    usable pc's IP subnet

    then in the mini netbook use a IP to subnet

    You did not say anything about the wireless router. whether it is using DHCP or not. anyways provide us with further information so that we can help you.

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