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Question for all Christians/former Christians: Does your denomination observe Lent?

Also, what is your denomination please?

Just curious.

Feel free to also describe your own Lent traditions, if any, if you'd like. Thanks!


For the record: I very rarely give thumbs-down on my own questions. If an answer is polite, I'll give a thumb-up usually, unless I really really disagree with the answer, in which case I'll leave it alone.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lent in the Catholic Church begins with Ash Wednesday and it is a day when we go to church to receive the ashes. This is when the priest makes the sign of the cross on our foreheads while saying the words 'Repent and believe the Gospel'

    Lent lasts 40 days and we are encouraged to fast, abstain from meat on Fridays in memory of the day Jesus died for us. Fasting is giving up a meal or something we enjoy such as chocolates or even watching TV!

    Any money saved can be given for alms giving to those in need.

    We also use the time to pray more.

    We learn to say No to our desires so that when temptations come we may be strengthened.

    Lent is a time of preparation for Easter. Jesus himself fasted and prayed before starting his mission.

    Shrove Tuesday is the day when we eat pancakes, I love that! It comes from the days when Christians did not eat eggs in Lent so made up the pancake to use up any surplus. Shrove comes from Shriven, as it was also the Day when Christians used to go to Confession and have their sins forgiven or 'Shriven' which was the word used then!

    In our Church we have a special service of Reconciliation when we come together to pray and have the opportunity to make our individual confession to a priest.

    God bless

  • 1 decade ago

    I am Anglican, and, we do observe Lent.

    The altar frontals, etc., are purple for the Lenten season, and many have a Lenten Discipline of some sort. This could be a fast: giving something up (often sweets, or chocolate), while others have study sessions. This is what my church is going to do: a weekly Bible study.

    Tonight is Shrove Tuesday, and we will have the traditional Pancake supper. Tomorrow is the Ash Wednesday service, where we will have the sign of the cross made on our foreheads. The ashes are usually made from burning last year's Palm Sunday palms.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have just this very minute taken up pastafarianism (due to a humourous answer on a previous topic) and we do adhere to Shrove Tuesday, scoffing pancakes is almost a near religious experience. Well I like 'em.

    Actually brought up CofE, from a family that had Catholic Irish antecedents, I remain highly confused and seeking the Kindly Light That Leads. (Old Hymn)

    To answer the question, very few people I know of, even the older generation, make any attempt to think to adhere to still less practise abstemption for forty days; I would guess a very minor minority, apart from possibly eating pancakes (sic) and giving kids Easter eggs at the end, as for Ash Wednesday, that must be only a very few Catholics that go thru' the rituals nowadays - prepared to hear I'm wrong but.......

  • skip
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    United Methodist.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My family is Catholic so, yeah, they celebrate Lent. I used to too, when I was still part of the Church. I like it because we're guaranteed a pasta dinner on fridays since you can't have meat. :)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    By the way, why would you thumbs down me answering in an honest way? Is it because you want to hide what I believe or something?

    EDIT: O yes, I was not aiming at you with that comment, asker. I just though our numerous fundie friends wouldn't like the fact I was affirming Catholic doctrine.

    Source(s): Roman Catholic Christian
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My family are Protestant and yes we do. I'm giving up watching friends and scrubs on tv since it's a real addiction!! It's what I'll find most difficult to be without how bad is that! We don't give up meat or anything. We choose ourselves what to quit like chocolate or pizza or tv.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, Catholic (the only true religion) and for lent we give up something we are very fond of.....and we eat fish, and drink lots of beer.

  • mark h
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We do not. We are non denominationl focusing on the teachings of the Bible.

    I understand the Catholic dogma, but I do not feel it is a necessary structure, or a valid method of fasting.

    Hope that helps.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No ...

    Lapsed Methodist, now Atheist

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