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How does your kids' school serve milk?

My kids have been complaining all year that the milk at their school is never cold. It seems that the lunchroom workers simply grab a crate of milk cartons (the little individual serving ones) out of the fridge and stick it on a cart, which is placed at the end of the lunch line.Not sure when it is replaced with another crate out of the fridge -- it's a small school of only 125 kids or so, but I imagine those crates only hold about 40 cartons.

The kids eat from oldest to youngest, preschoolers first and 8th graders last. My first-grader describes her milk as 'cool' but not 'cold'. My third-grader says her milk is room temp about half the time, and my sixth-grader says his is *always* room temperature. They all get sour milk at least once a week. I assume it's because any cartons left after the 8th graders have been through are just dumped into another crate after they've gotten warm and are brought out again the next day.

Right now, I am sending small cartons of milk that I purchase myself. I put these in my kids' insulated lunch bags with an ice pack, and they all say the milk is much colder that way. But there are 125 other kids at this school who need fresh, cold milk.

Before I go to the principal to get her help in correcting this problem, I need to know how other schools serve milk so I can be ready with viable solutions. (I will host a fundraiser myself to pay for a cooler or whatever is necessary -- I just need to know what will work.)


Pelican, milk may indeed be a luxury, but it is a rule at this school that all children MUST drink milk with their lunches unless they have a doctor's note saying they are allergic or lactose intolerant. I'm just trying to make sure the milk is safe to drink, because my kids are getting SOUR MILK at least once a week.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Milk and lunch at school is not a luxury it's a need to keep the kids well fed, alert and bright eyes to learn.

    At school the whole population of students dont all sit down at the same time for lunch. they have first, second and third lunch period. knowing this the milk might be set out for all of the lunch periods. so the first luncher goers might get colder milk. when you get to the third lunch which is 3 hours later the milk is fair to warm.

    If it's not about setting the milk out for 3 hours it means that the fridge is not set high enough to save on electricty. My local mama papa store does that and the mild is gross to say the least.

    You should definetly go to ur school principle and say that its unhealthy to serve near room temperture milk. suggest that they get a cooler. the ones that look like deep freezers so the children can slide open the cooler to get teh milk them selves.

    try to talk to other parents about it first. then when u go see the principle you can actually say i have spoken to other parents and they all agree that something has to be done about the milk.

  • 1 decade ago

    I work @ a school (not in the cafeteria) the reason they put the milk out crate by crate is because, once a child touches the milk they have to take it. They can not allow them to take it directly out of the milk cooler because, they may touch more than one carton of milk. Most schools get the milk delivered daily. The milk might not have a chance to get cold again, before lunch time (from delivery time).

    --The school I work at uses insulated coolers that the milk crates fit into (stacked on-top of each other) only 2-3 high. They plug them in or throw ice into the container to keep the milk cool until they are done serving. then it is put away until the next group of students come in for lunch.

    I hope some of this with the principal to see if there are way to keep the milk cool while it's waiting to be served.

  • 1 decade ago

    my little brother's school always has cold milk he has to rub off the left over ice chips surrounding it. When I was little i remember always having cold milk. but then again we went to a bigger school with about 2,000+ kids i would say. so maybe it was much more obvious to keep the milk cold since there was more children. all the school needs is to leave the milk in a cooler it's not much trouble and i don't believe your asking for much so feel free to get other parents involved :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not sure how the local schools serve milk but I can indeed help with a fundraiser! I am a PartyLite consultant and when you are ready, if you like, you can check out the partylite products and see if you think it would be easy to sell them. I know it is for me. The best part, you get 50% of the sales!


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My little sister school serves chocolate milk some days white,but that's only like 3 times a year because they are all out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my school takes the milk from the freezer and they put it in this large cooler. It is closed and as you walk by, you open the lid and take out a milk. it generally always cold for me :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good work.

    You should also wrap cotton wool around your childrens eyes and ears to insulate them from the harsh outside world, and place tin foil hats on their heads to deflect negative energy.

    Source(s): Parents these days.
  • 1 decade ago

    Milk is a luxury.

  • 1 decade ago

    in a bottle.

  • 1 decade ago


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