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1magicmom asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Should a rookie with BiPolar genes be allow to become a cop when they have mood swings?

People with Bi Polar problems tend to go from one end of the cycle to to the other; that is sweet and kind on the right side of the cycle and angry and hateful at the other end. Wouldn't that make them unstable as an officer and undesirable to do any work at a Sheriff, Police or State Trooper?

If you are an officer...would you feel comfortable knowing that your partner had mood swings that may or may not be under control? I know a guy who has this gene running on the male side of his family and wonder if he would or should be allowed to complete his training? He has made some statements that if I were is superior officer on the training field.... I'd drop him like a hot potato. No officer should be a loos cannon in my opinion.

Anyone with answers for this question?

He tends to make me feel he would abuse his authority just for his own amusement. I think if anyone upset him that he would use his authority to make life a living hell just for the fun of it.


Folks if I came of sounding like I was bashing officers in any police field; even in another country.... I wasn't. Nor was I bashing folks with this particular illness or any other. I have picked music with some fine fiddle, bass and guitar pickers who were in any given department. Was neighbors, and house watchers for some as well as care giver when any of them needed extra help when sick or, their parents needed care.

Most of the programs I watched as a kid and as an adult were & are based around the good guys who night not necessarily be "cops so to speak"; but were law-abiding...aiding folk. Programs like: Highway Patrol, Hawaii 5-0, The Untouchables, Roy Rodgers & Dale Evans, Hop-a-long- Cassidy, Gene Autry among others. My favorites of the "Singing Cowboys/Lawmen", were Roy Rogers & Gene Autry...both taught you to "shoot straight".... Yet with all the gun play in their films; no one was ever killed that I can remember. Shots were " warning shots" for the most

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Before i begin, ill explain i'm from the UK, and our police force is different to yours in many ways, the main one being that we don't carry firearms. I understand that this may be a factor in your question.

    From my experience working within the field of Mental Health i know that Bi-Polar disorder can and usually is controlled by medications prescribed by a Psychiatrist. However if this is not the case, then are you sure that the person your talk about suffers with Bi-Polar disorder, and not just mood swings? You describe the persons behavior as one end of the scale being sweet and kind, and the other angry and hateful. Is there any kind of balance in between these two ends of the scale?

    Bi-Polar disorder is indeed the two sides of the "poles" lets call it top and bottom, the "top" of the pole would be the High, or often manic state of mind, this can cause the person to feel very happy, often make unwise decisions, such as giving away large amounts of money to charity, a decision which a person in a "balanced" state of mind may not of made. People on a "High" may also suffer hallucinations or hear voices, which in itself can pose more problems.

    On the flip side the "bottom" of the scale or the "low" often causes a severe depression, a person may not come out of the house, neglect personal hygiene and self care, and have a short temper. These differing stares can last anywhere between a few minuets and a few months.

    Someone who suffers with un-treated or un-diagnosed Bi-Polar disorder will have no balance between these two poles, and switch from a High manic state to a Low depressive state very quickly at any moment, and often changing their mind about decisions at the last minute.

    As you say the bi-polar gene runs down the male side of the family, this would suggest that only one parent suffers with or carries the Bi-Polar gene. You should take into consideration that there is only 15%-25% chance that the gene would of been passed onto this guy from his father. However this increases to over 50% chance if both parents carry the gene.

    As to the specific question "Should a rookie with BiPolar genes be allow to become a cop when they have mood swings"

    In my opinion, based upon these facts, we have a guy who has around a 20% chance of having Bi-Polar disorder, i presume this is as yet un-diagnosed so ill presume un-treated.

    Although there is only a low chance I would still advise seeing a Psychiatrist, to determine weather the guy you speak about does suffer with Bi-Polar disorder and if so the medications available would help balance things out for him. Remember to take into consideration that he may not suffer with Bi-Polar disorder, Don't jump to conclusions, he may just have "mood swings." Mood swings are not always a sign of a mental illness, it could be something completely un-related such as low blood sugar levels.

    I don't believe that anyone who suffers with a mental illness should be discriminated against joining the police force, or any other job. As long as its diagnosed and controlled with correct medication then this should not be a factor in the decision making process.

    However i understand that becoming a police officer carries great responsibility, especially when you guys carry guns, this in mind, if you feel that by this guy joining the police force he could be putting people in unnecessary danger, then you need to do something. We have an Independent Police Complaints Commission in the UK, i'm not sure how you would go about reporting this in the US. but i would imagine there is a chain of command you can voice any concerns too.

    Have you tried talking to this guy about this? Does he think he suffers with Bi-Polar disorder? If so, encourage him to seek advice from a Psychiatrist, as long as its controlled theres nothing stopping him from joining the police force.

    Hope this helps.

    Feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss this any further with me. I will try to answer any questions i can.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    If an officer is displaying habits that violates coverage or or else poses an obvious and unreasonable hazard to others for the duration of the direction of his tasks, that may be addressed via supervisory employees irrespective of the motive. The proven fact that he has bipolar does no longer subject nor it's vital to turn out if he is not able to do the activity safely consistent with set necessities within the first situation. There are officials around the United States, hundreds of them, who show elaborate habits on a regular foundation. Not they all have bipolar, even if they've temper swings. While the officer you talk of would possibly actually had been identified with bipolar, and at the same time the idea is that bipolar is inflicting his habits, that is most effective an assumption. If anyone is on healing for a intellectual sickness and medicinal remedy modifies the habits brought on via intellectual sickness to fall inside a fair variety and allows for the officer to participate in satisfactorily, he can't be terminated or disciplined for the intellectual sickness. Again, that is provided that the officer's sickness is adequately managed. This manner administrative employees, in addressing the problem with the officer, might uncover that a difference in healing might relief the quandary. After session with the psychiatrist and the legal professional for the federal government, the officer would possibly keep. (The officer could have relevant rights beneath ADA and a few different places of legislation.) There are all types of persons with intellectual sickness in each and every subject. Law enforcement is only one of them. We repair those issues no longer via pointing to their issues however via pointing to the habits. This units a common and makes it reasonable. As I stated earlier than, there are a entire lot of officials with out diagnosable issues who do the craziest matters to persons. If the common grew to be whether or not anyone is mentally in poor health irrespective of remedy choices, then any one and not using a analysis perhaps allowed to stick even after questions approximately habits are raised. Lastly, legislation enforcement already areas a stigma on intellectual sickness, and this stigma is comprehensible given what many officials ought to see from time to time to not point out the steady stigma that exists in society as a entire. If we started to move after intellectual sickness in legislation enforcement in unreasonable, unfair methods, then officials who do want precise support or are pain psychologically as a result of the activity or or else will shy clear of discovering support. This might have the outcome of growing elaborate habits via officials all in view that we started to check out and repair the special quandary of intellectual sickness in officials with a extensive stroke. Academy employees, subject coaching officials, skilled officials, and supervisors aren't normal applicants for being inspired via a rookie, and they're most likely to be significant of a rookie if he isn't upholding necessities. Let that procedure take its direction.

  • 1 decade ago

    Looking through your post I couldn't tell if it had been proven he was but I'm gonna work off the idea that it was...

    It depends on how dirastic the swings are and if he can control his temper. I'm not too sure on the qualifications for law enforcement agencies but I don't think he has much luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    How do you know he even has bipolar? It runs in my family too, and I have it, but my sister doesn't. I'm pretty sure law enforcement officers have psychological testing and a mental evaluation done before they get handed a gun.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You cna;t restrict people from doing things because they have someone in their family who has a disorder... IF he is ever diagnosed with it then they can deal with it but you can't stop him just because he might develop it.....

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