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Lv 56,208 points


Favorite Answers27%
  • Is turpentine used to make or does the manufacturing of it smell like turpentine? Hoping an Officer can tell?

    10 Points to infinity for answer here.

    Hi, I am hoping a Police Officer, Sheriff, or NARC Officer can answer this question. Can or does a meth lab smell like turpentine? I am asking because off and on I have smelled the scent of what I was sure was turpentine in an area. I did a Google map to see if I could find some kind of plant or shop that would use turpentine near me. Couldn't find any thing. But because the smell was really overwhelming I did contact on a non emergency line the local authorities. I also learned that a meth lab was found near the area that I smelled the turpentine odor. I don't know what meth smells like but don't want to smell it anyway. Just wanted to know if it smelled like turpentine to any officer who might have been in on a bust no matter where in the USA. I am hoping my call helped the officers take this lab off line so to speak. From what I have read about it....nobody needs it to start with. We need more hugs not drugs in this world. And hugs do more good than drugs and are much better for you anyway.

    Advanced thank you to any officer who might help me on this answer. And hats off and hugs to anyone of you officers who this year has done in one of those labs or other drug related crimes.

    Please no dumb remarks from general public. Or cracks about me liking the crap. I can barely stand Tylenol if I get a bad headache.

    1 AnswerOther - Science9 years ago
  • Can anyone make sense of this situation in dating? Is he as nuts as family thinks? Says I will die before him?

    Been dating 3 years a man who has said loves me enough to marry me.... but I was born the same year as his deceased wife. Now out of the blue he says he has 2 new interests. Two? He found someone on a dating site, told me her name & showed me one of her emails to him. She is 10 years younger& has been widowed 19 months. He has been a widower for nearly 5 years. I have dated him 3 of those 5 years. We got along fine, like many things...good wide variety of music; almost the same in movies; Enjoyed working out on his home exercise gym with him. While we dated if you came over the door was open most of the time, but not locked. His youngest son hates me so if he saw my car he would ease in then jump into the living room hoping to catch us only there was nothing to catch. We might be folding laundry that would be put away in the kitchen & towels for the bathrooms (3) Or sheets,pillow cases, etc. for the (4) bedrooms.

    Only time we folded laundry in the master bedroom was when it was his clothing, bed sheets & towels. I stood on one side of the bed, him on the other. Yep the bed room door was shut; but only to keep the cat out, the door was never locked. But if the younger son thought we were in there, he jerk the door open and be disappointed..... again!! It got to be so funny we could hardly keep from laughing in his face. This is not to say that we didn't sit together on the couch or in the living room in different seats and watch movies or sit and hug or kiss... we did. But we're not putting the cart before the horse. This was a mutual agreement on both our parts. The rest of our adult kids wanted us to marry...even his Dad wanted his son to marry me. Why? They all said we were made for each other & made each other happy.Something neither of us had been before he asked me to date him. A few months ago, while we were slow dancing he told me he was in love with me enough to want to marry me...I thought I would die of lack of oxygen. Then he said,"but I can't lose you like I did my wife." ( we were both born the same year; she was 5 months older than me. That is not a valid reason not to marry is it? I don't think so. Actually he most likely will die before me as he has some health problems. Bipolar & seizures as well as anxiety, memory problems & nerve problems The last two are recent problems. Then he tells me he has found someone else 10 year younger. She has lots of dough is a big wig in a company,& will live a long time.Wonder who wrote up that guarantee? Then he tells me I have to leave because the woman next door (also wealthy) is bringing him supper as soon as I leave & he calls her. She is waiting for me to get out so she can come over? She is married & her husband can't walk well. Now I wonder just what has happened to us. There was nothing to indicate there was any problems. But his other son told me it was not like his Dad to lock the house down so no one could get in; but his Dad is doing it now. Claiming fear of break-ins? Yet he told me to come over one day & the door was standing open... & he's afraid of break ins?

    I got there & his sons pet was nearly dead. His son lives on his own but can't have pets in his apartment. So he comes by to care for it. But now can't get in. When I saw his Dad he had a huge open wound on his right thumb in the fleshy area between the thumb & pointer finger. He had also dug his nails into the side of that same thumb. All those areas were black with infection, he never did that while we were dating. I think he feels guilty for what he's said & done because I believe he truly loves me & knows I love him too. He says he wants us to stay friends, yet if I call he won't answer the phone or even return a call. I now can't tell him anything about his Dad's home (his Dad died not long ago). I was his live in caregiver. I was his Dad's caregiver for 3 years. His Dad had said his son would be a fool not to marry me. He even tried to get him to come over before he died. He told me he he was going to tell him to snatch me up; that if I took as good a care of his son as I did him he'd have a gem of a wife. I am at a loss for what to think. His oldest son is livid that he did this to me."You gave us back our Dad and he did this to you? He don't deserve you." Even his Aunt her son are shocked, they call me their Angel. They are angry with him as well. I gave his Dad, her brother 3 more years. They know the burdens I have lifted from him & the burdens I have helped lighten for him. He even has able to put his wifes' pictures back out after 5 years & not fall apart. Me? I don't know how to feel. I am too numb with shock. I do know that I can heat blankets up, wrap them around me & shake freezing cold for hours before I collapse from exhaustion. My daughter came by after work one morning and thought she'd found a corpse..I actually get that cold even under heaps of blankets. I try to

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What is up with yahoo answers? I get chatboxes and if I try to get rid of them they won't go.?

    When I click on them they just keep moving from one place to the other on the screen. And if I answer a question suddenly yahoo is down. It happens way to much. Not to mention when I type something I will say I have 486 misspelled words. Right now it says I have 47 misspelled words....Do you see any?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Has anyone else noticed when using Yahoo Answers that the spell check will say you have 300 errors ?

    Recently when I am doing answers on Yahoo the spell check will pop up after I type this much. And say you have 19 to 23 incorrect spellings. Only there aren't any spelled wrong. Here it is saying I have 32 incorrect spellings. Then when you click on the spell check you might find 2 words that are incorrect. What is causing this? Anyone have an idea??? (the Pop up just said 66 words are incorrect). 10 points to anyone with the answer.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • I am looking for a word with these letters in it tneushe it is for "every word"?

    I like playing "every word" I have all the words except the longest one. The letters are as follows:

    T_N_E_U_S_H_E I have tried writing several words and checking them far the words I have been able to make with these letters... viable or not... are not the correct word. And I am stuck for words...... Tushee leaves an N not used not a word. Ensueth, uses all the letters but is not the word, Unsheet is not the correct word either. I just can't think of any other words. Have already looked at several in the dictionary but no luck so far. Would appreciate any help.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Why do people using Yahoo answers keep sticking questions just any where? You'd get answers a lot faster if...?

    Some examples: In Word Play questions about math, exercise, how to correct a sentence,

    questions about health, mental or physical.

    In Family areas questions about math, how to write a book, how to fix a flat.

    Not hard to figure they are in the wrong place for the answer the person is seeking. Maybe this is just a spill over from the dummies who go into the CD section of any given store and place blues artists in the classical rock section. And put artists names starting with A's under every other letter in the alphabet. It makes no sense to me. Even the phone books are no better. Some names are not in the right places. And you wonder what drugs someones on when they spell Crack ( the drug one) Crraaaaacccckkkkk . Gee did they have the hiccups when they typed that out? If it hadn't been in red letters and so long across the page I would not have noticed it. But tell me just was it meant to be funny? If so I didn't find it amusing.....people who are on drugs of that sort need help not goofy spellings of the drug they are using.

    I guess you get the idea. So come on people stop showing your ignorance and put your questions in at least in the correct area if not the correct heading. Thank you to those who try to at least get their questions in the right ball park, even if it was a bit left of center field.

    3 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • I know a child who acts out, constantly wants to touch things...?

    This child is about 4 years old or five? He tends to not listen to much from what I have seen of him. He picks up anything he sees without asking. Sneaks sips of drink from his parents. His mom was married and

    daddy beat them both....he may have had sex with the child as well as the granddad and his girl friend from what I hear from the mom and the child who has recently started blurting out they touched me here played with here (God this makes me wanna puke) They were both threatened by this man and his father.....he even threatened to kill me as well. Anyone who is friends with the woman and her son are threatened with death if these men don't like you or how you treat her or the boy. Each time the woman took her son to a doctor or hospital about the marks.... they were dismissed no matter how bad the child looked or how much she tried to get him and her help. The little boy is smart but "sits on his brains" He knows words, letters, colors, numbers and such, but will refuse to relay it back to you if you ask. He lies, I don't think he does ..... but thats all him and his Mom hear from doctors when he is hurt. I worry that now she and the man she is seeing are starting to believe the doctors as well. This little boy only talks if he talks at all about "his beatings" only about the "dad and dad's dad and some mommy.Which I am sure he means the older mans women friend I've heard about.

    I am wondering aside from his abuse from "them" if he may have other problems such as PTSD, this I think is a given, he has rages and says I hate you to everyone else including me. If later he apologizes he is told he is lying. If he spills something like water and says sorry again someone will call him a liar. They came by one day and he asked for a cup of water which I gave him. When he turned around he stepped on a loose shoe lace and spilled the water. Immediately he told me he was sorry,,,, he was still spanked for spilling the water, I have been told doctors told his mom he must be punished to stop such things..... I wouldn't be surprised considering all the other garbage I have heard said. I have gone with them as a help with the boy and heard some really nutty advice from so call experts. How on earth can the mom help the child when she is being told he does every thing on purpose? She works long hours and can barely stay awake from what she told me. This world is going stark raving mad....

    Any one got any ideas? And please don't come down on the mom She stayed with this child in the hospital round the clock and then was told the child couldn't be kept long enough to run tests needed to prove abuse????? If I hadn't been there...when she was told.... I would have though she was losing it I hadn't heard it myself.

    How many other people have this happen to them? Don't lie I have seen sites were others have voiced the same problems with our so called system..... so out with it.. If my question seems all over the place I have not been well lately. I don't know if it's stress, the heat or both ....sorry. %|

    2 AnswersGrade-Schooler9 years ago
  • why is water pooling up in bottom of fridge... ice maker is not working, so why & what is leaking?

    Noticed small amt of water on floor a few days ago. Thought it was from a dropped ice cube (made the old way with ice trays). Mopped it up, later found water on floor again. Yesterday it was a pool nearly 2 ft. across. Have taken everything out looking for source. Water is slow dripping from the left side of the back wall and from around the bottom of the control panel in the middle of the back wall. There is nothing leaking from the freezer (nothing visible & everything in the freezer is frozen rock hard.

    Boyfriend says his Dads fridge can't be leaking at all because there is no water running to the fridge at all. So where is this coming from? It is obvious it is leaking water...but what could be the source?

    Also the electric bill here has jumped way too high for what is running in this house. Example: Boy friend has 4 PCs, two fridges with freezers and one freezer. His house is 2 1/2 times bigger than this house. He has more lights, a dishwasher, which isn't at his Dads, boyfriend has high tech hot water heater, washer and dryer. Recent light bill at boy friends $230 last month. So is ours.

    We have one fridge...freezer on top, air conditioner, oil heat, gas hot water heater, oxygen machine, 3 box fans to circulate air, washer dryer, stove, microwave. Fridge, stove,washer, dryer are all at least 15 years old or older. Our bill is $ 230 also.

    I believe the meter here is faulty, it is 9 or 10 years old. I called the electric co and they told me that the meter IF faulty will Fault to Our Good.... don't have to be an electrician to know that is B S. They told me I had to cut off everything and let the electricity drain out of the house.LOL more

    B S. They might as well told me there is no such thing as tires on an auto or a horn or seat belts or a steering wheel. That is B S too. But they tried to sell me that crap and I know better. Was not born under a rock and my parents weren't monkeys either. Dad had a high I Q and I do to. Just sit on mine and even put in mistakes so I won't make people feel bad.

    But this makes no sense unless boyfriend hooked up the water (forgetting the ice maker won't work). And failed to tell me.. I think the age (near 26 to 30 years old is more the culprit. But on the other hand why hasn't it leaked until now?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • My grandson had low grade temp friday, now is in hospital with bloody stools?

    Last week end my grandson was with non custodial male. He was acting odd, scared, and had bruises on his leg and his shoulder was really touchy. If I barely ran my hand over his shoulder bone, he'd grimace. He was taken to the Ped. and they said it was nothing. Now he is in the hospital with bloody stools. Some months ago he came home with 8 places on him. From black eye to bruises on ares and legs. The hospital acted as if it were abuse, yet cps said it wasn't conclusive enough for them.

    I think this came from some sort of injury inflicted by this male and or the males father. My daughter is being told she can't prove he did any thing to my grandson. But the child cries not to go and comes home moody, angry, and nervous each time.

    What can be done to make cps see this sorry dead beat is beating the child and getting away with it. Why don't they care? Why do they keep insisted she send her son back for more beatings?

    We are both upset at his treatment by this org-er but we seem to be the only ones who care/want something done to protect the child.

    Any one know how to reach the cold hearts of cps or the cops before my daughters son, my grandson is killed?

    Every time we ask for help we get sent in circles and are told we must wait until there are broken bones, or there is only a lifeless child to get help....what kind of crack cocaine are these so called protectors of children on anyway???

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • How do you survive the crazy upside down payment set up of child support??.?

    Asking this for someone who can't afford a PC or much of anything else.They have a child support payment that is higher than their paychecks. They want to support the children but the payments are higher than seems sensible.

    This person is already working 2 jobs, they have no car, relatives drive them to work and back to their apartment. They have no TV. only an alarm clock. They eat only snacks as the apartment is only one room box. They share a common bathroom and kitchen. If you put food in the kitchen, someone else eats your food. They work hard, but can barely keep this place which is like 400 a month for a box to stay in. Nothing is furnished but electricity, air conditioning, and heat. They have peanut butter ,jelly, and cereal, but can't put milk in the fridge because someone else will drink it up. There is no microwave to heat food. A stove in the kitchen but no pans, pots etc. If they keep bread or milk in the room it will mold. There are not enough plugs to use a dorm fridge, a microwave, and a clock at the same time.

    If they are put in jail they can't make the child support payment, but their paycheck isn't sent immediately to child support, The company they work for evidently holds the support payment for an unknown amount of time and evidently make these payments late.

    Their question is how can anyone survive? How do you survive if you are in a similar situation? They eat once about every 3 or 4 days and then work two jobs.

    I know this person very well, they are trying hard to make the payments on time. This person is not a bad parent by any means. They are just trapped by a crazy system. This can and does happen to both men and women who are not necessarily the bad parent.

    Is there a better way to set up payment(s) . So both the spouses can make it and hopefully the children too?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • How long should you see a therapist after you lose someone? Three years too long? Why can't we be happy?

    The man I have been dating nearly 3 years has been seeing a " so called therapist" since his wife died in 2007. We started dating near the end of 2008. He has been seeing this "Doctor" within weeks of his wife's death and is still seeing her. She charges a high fee for him to see her; I learned this when she, on learning I was dating her "meal ticket" decided to have me brought in so she could evaluate how much trouble I might be to her control over him. She was anything but nice, glaring at me the whole visit. Asking masked questions, and making assumptions of me when she didn't know a thing about me was very unprofessional not to mention down right stupid on her part. Most of the things I have learned about her are enough to make ones skin crawl. From all I have been able to learn I am sure she is just milking him for his money. I doubt he still ( needs therapy ) as nearly a year ago. He made his last entry in his journals he had kept since he and his wife married. He brought the journal and let me read it. I didn't know how to feel, relieved that he was no longer struggling with her sudden death shortly after being told she was doing great. Or to cry, because he was finally able to let go of the pain and grief of losing her. And then to let me read something so private as his journal about her? He loved his wife dearly, and she was a great person, and a great friend to him as well as to me. But the way he is being "used" by this "so called doctor" makes my blood boil. I don't want to see him used, or tricked by this person. I have nothing to gain that I don't already have, which is his friendship. Or may I do ... not more than two weeks ago, he told me that he loved me enough to marry me, BUT, he fears I will die... something that sounds too much like her mouth not his. He was seeing her the next day and told me he was telling her the "great news." That same weekend; ( he saw her Thursday, ) That Saturday he started out with "I love you" but..." I am afraid you will die before me and I can't go through that again." We are a year apart in age, no one is guaranteed tomorrow. So why let that keep either of us from being happy? This is why I am sure it is this quack doctor speaking through him, putting words in his mouth and fear inside him. More than likely I will out live him, not him me. I think we should take a chance to be happy in the now and let the future take care of itself. Am I wrong in thinking this way, shouldn't we both be happy?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How to help my boyfriend over fear of my dying and leaving him alone again? Could this help other people ?

    How can a person get past the fear of being in a relationship that was/is leading to marriage ( he told me that is was and that he's afraid I'll die before him ).

    Recently I learned my boyfriend would love to marry me, but fears I will die before him just as his late wife. He told me he just doesn't believe he'd survive losing someone he loves strongly again. His wife was recovering from cancer surgery and died suddenly and unexpectedly after a successful operation and being put in a regular patient room.

    My ex had dumped me for another woman he now regrets doing; and I won't take him back ever. Both my boyfriend and I both have had and still have some issues we need to work through. We are both willing to get counseling for this very reason. I don't think we'd be willing if we didn't really love each other. This is a near 3 year relationship; first is was full of grief and tears, then laughter, as we worked on projects around the house; ( nope, we don't live together), and even some adversity from his family over a cheap ring I bought.

    He is bipolar, diabetic, and forgets to eat or take medications on time. )This I think comes mainly from losing his wife... the forgetfulness that is. Most people think we are already happily married. It could be the way we ususally act; like holding hands and tossing popcorn at one another when we are watching movies. We are in our early 60's, but still teens at heart.

    I think we owe it to each other to at least do all we can to make our relationship become what we each seem to want from it.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Do you draw blueprints for a living, when is your work day over?Do you drive to/from work & work half asleep?

    My boyfriend draws plans for all sorts of buildings.Hardly anyone stays past 6 p.m., most including the boss are gone by 5. My boyfriend has stayed as late as 3 or 4 a.m. Gone home and returned to work that same morning. Usually it is as late as midnight before he goes home. This started shortly after his wife died, and has become an every day thing; even his weekends are spent mostly at work. It has and is effecting his health, sleep, eating habits, and when/if he takes his medications. We had an argument and part of it dealt with this "eat, sleep,breathe,live, life revolves around work" issue. We hardly see each other since he was out of work last time (working so much that he couldn't discern one day from the next, or what time of day or week it was. Or even if or when his much needed medications where supposed to be taken.) He became so confused from lack of sleep ( working more than sleeping) then going home and trying to run the house on (empty ...exhaustion). He wound up in the hospital twice, partly from exhaustion; partly from taking his medications incorrectly..either too close together or taking double does because he couldn't remember taking the pill and would take it again. Exhaustion and over work had left him in a blur of time, work,medicines, lack of meals, sleep....get the picture. And he is under pressure from one doctor to constantly change his medications on top of it all. He has driven to work in a daze of sleeping pills this (quack) has had him on. Once he drove to work in such a stupor that he didn't remember making the drive, or forgetting the alarm, and was surprised when the law came knocking on the door at work to try and catch the (burglar).They told him to go home, and he didn't remember making that drive either.

    I have met the is (quack) and I think she is more interested in her crazy fees than she is his health. I don't care if he's richer than Bill Gates or not. I only worry about his health and happiness. I see him heading for a physical/mental breakdown if something doesn't change. How can I help him see what what is happening? I don't want to see him in the hospital again.

    MEN...your input on this please, since this is about a man and you would be understand this better. And better understand better possibly what he is feeling, and why he is pushing himself towards a breakdown. Are you a workaholic? Do you know why? Do you try to change this or like the exhaustion/problems it causes you and your loved ones? Is your wife/girlfriend a workaholic and have the same problems as I described above?

    WOMEN: I want your input on this is your boyfriend/husband does the workaholic, heading for a breakdown thing. How to you deal with it or do you?

    Serious reply's please. Any constructive information or ideas would be appreciated by myself as well as adult kids... we are all concerned about what is happening.

    Yes he has diabetes, and is bipolar. And he has a quack in charge of the medicines he takes for being bipolar. (She has him wrapped around her finger...and I am waiting to see how long before she tells him to dump me...which I am fairly sure she will.) I want him happy and healthy and his medical problems as under control as possible. When I said as much on a visit (she wanted to see if I was suitable "rich enough in case one day he can't pay her fees". I am not rich even a little. And don't care if he is or not. She thinks I want his pay check like she does. I want his health, companionship, and love. Money is not what I worry about (maybe I should) I only want him to be happy, healthy, and more like his old self when his wife was still alive. That would be worth more to me than if he had Bill Gates deep pockets times infinity.

    Anyone got any suggestions as to how I can help him see what this is doing to his health and happiness... to his kids ( both adults ). And even the impact it has on me as someone who loves him.

    I see him heading for a physical, possible mental breakdown if something doesn't change. As his girl friend, I want to help him before he collapses. But hip-pa and other laws make trying to h

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Any one getting calls saying your PC is throwing out threatening e-mails? It is a scam...heads up folks.?

    If you get a noisy in the background call saying something about Microsoft finding or seeing "threatening emails from your PC" it is a scam. They only want to talk to women for some reason and get really huffy if you put a male on the phone. Females they try to run in circles by refusing to answer any questions YOU ask. If you are a female and they call, and you hang up, they just call again the next day with the same spill about "threatening e-mails. Hang up on them and if they call again have a male get on and watch the scammer's run for cover.

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Do you draw blueprints for a living, when is your work day over?Do you drive to/from work & work half asleep?

    My boyfriend draws plans for all sorts of buildings, schools, churches, colleges, police or other law centers and the like. Hardly anyone stays after 6:p.m. Most are gone by 5. My boy friend stays sometimes as late as 11 or midnight. I know this started shortly after his wife died; and now it is a everyday thing; even the weekends are spent working. It is effecting his health, sleep, eating habits and when/if he takes his medicines. We had an argument and part of it dealt with this "eat,breathe,live, revolve around work" issue. We've hardly see one another since he was out of work last ( working so much that he couldn't discern one day from the next or what time of day it was, or when or if he much needed medications were supposed to be taken. He became so confused from lack of sleep (working more than sleeping) then coming home and trying to run the house on EMPTY. He wound up in the hospital to get untangled and detoxed from taking medicines too close together because exhaustion had him living life in a blur of time, work, medicines, lack of meals,sleep ...get the picture??? Once he drove to work, set off the alarm and was confused when the law came to check out the "burglar" who dazed, asked why they were there! The "burglar" of course being my boyfriend. He did not remember driving to work in the middle of the night ( remembers the cops) Didn't remember the drive home either. He is a good driver, but that won't cut the (sleep-drive) to work. He has tried to cut across medians to a restaurant instead of going up to the traffic light to make a U turn. Had I not been with him he could have got hurt and hurt others unintentionally. He actually thought there was no median between the lanes on the street we were on.

    Yes he has diabetes, and is bipolar. And he has a quack in charge of the medicines he takes for being bipolar. (She has him wrapped around her finger...and I am waiting to see how long before she tells him to dump me...which I am fairly sure she will.) I want him happy and healthy and his medical problems as under control as possible. When I said as much on a visit (she wanted to see if I was suitable "rich enough in case one day he can't pay her fees". I am not rich even a little. And don't care if he is or not. She thinks I want his pay check like she does. I want his health, companionship, and love. Money is not what I worry about (maybe I should) I only want him to be happy, healthy, and more like his old self when his wife was still alive. That would be worth more to me than if he had Bill Gates deep pockets times infinity.

    Anyone got any suggestions as to how I can help him see what this is doing to his health and happiness... to his kids ( both adults ). And even the impact it has on me as someone who loves him.

    I see him heading for a physical, possible mental breakdown if something doesn't change. As his girl friend, I want to help him before he collapses. But hip-pa and other laws make trying to help near impossible. Doctors smile, nod, and ignore my being concerned about him. Even the laws in our state back workaholic bends. That is fine for PCs , and machinery but humans aren't least last time I checked humans aren't.

    MEN... I want your input on this since this is about another man, and you would understand better

    possibly what he is feeling, and why he is pushing himself toward a breakdown.

    Are you a workaholic? Do you know why? Do you try to change or like the exhaustion/

    problems it causes you and your loved ones? Is your girlfriend/wife a workaholic?

    WOMEN...I want your input on this if your boyfriend/husband does the workaholic, heading for a

    breakdown thing. How do you deal with it or do you?

    Serious answers please, goofy ones or smart mouthed ones will only prove something about you, how you were raised and what by.

    Any constructive information or ideas would be appreciated by myself and his adult kids.. we are all concerned about him and what is happening.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Any one hear of patients being offered "services" in a hospital, or hospital style center, nursing home or?

    other similar facilities?

    By services, they were not asking if a patient was satisfied with meals, general care and such, they wanted to know if the patients wanted ( a sex partner during their stay ), And if they complained to anyone about being approached in such a manor; they were threatened in various ways for the complaint. Going as far as telling the patient it wouldn't bode well for them during or with the next visit, and or family members if the issue was pressed. I know this seems to happen among the elderly. As I know of one person who confided this to me and they told me that the other person in their room told them they were offered this ( sex for a price deal ) and knew of some other people who were offered the same thing for various prices. These I gather were on their medical bills; most likely under the heading of ( miscellaneous or, other expenses ).

    Is there anyone out on the web who has had the same problem? Is there a place that would or is willing to investigate this sort of thing? Or is there someone who goes around under cover to check on this sort of thing?

    Would appreciate any advice on this. I'd say it is a form of abuse to the patient in general, not to mention of their concern of threats made toward their family members. Years back there was someone who went around checking out this very thing, but I don't remember the persons name , state or agency ( if they had one or not ).

    Please serious answers any stupid remarks will be dismissed as a show of the ignorance or the guilt of the people sending stupid remarks.

    9 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • How many churches and people in general do you think are praying for the situation in Japan and the effects it?

    Been listening and watching off and on what is happening in Japan and the effects that disaster is having on the people of Japan as well as the rest of the world. I applaud those willing and able to go and do what they can to help these people out. I am sure those of Japanese decent who live in the states are worried sick about relatives and friends there and appreciate help from anyone able and willing.

    I know my church is praying for those here who have loved ones in Japan as well as for other nationalities living there. I am hoping many if not all churches around the world are joining in offering prayers as well as any help they can offer to the folks in Japan.

    Come on people lets not be bashing Japan for this. They didn't cause the earthquake or the volcanic activity that damaged the Nuclear power plants there. Those were natural events. Only the Power plant is not natural, and Japan is not the only country with Nuclear power plants either.

    What happened there could easily happen anywhere else. Every country has greedy people in power, and governments are full of greedy people who's only bottom line is the buck. Let's be honest you all know that's the truth.

    Any one feel like I do?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should a rookie with BiPolar genes be allow to become a cop when they have mood swings?

    People with Bi Polar problems tend to go from one end of the cycle to to the other; that is sweet and kind on the right side of the cycle and angry and hateful at the other end. Wouldn't that make them unstable as an officer and undesirable to do any work at a Sheriff, Police or State Trooper?

    If you are an officer...would you feel comfortable knowing that your partner had mood swings that may or may not be under control? I know a guy who has this gene running on the male side of his family and wonder if he would or should be allowed to complete his training? He has made some statements that if I were is superior officer on the training field.... I'd drop him like a hot potato. No officer should be a loos cannon in my opinion.

    Anyone with answers for this question?

    He tends to make me feel he would abuse his authority just for his own amusement. I think if anyone upset him that he would use his authority to make life a living hell just for the fun of it.

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Should a rookie with BiPolar genes be allowed to become a cop when they have mood swings?

    People with Bi Polar problems tend to go from one end of the cycle to the other; that is sweet and kind on the right side of the cycle and angry and hateful at the other end. Wouldn't that make them unstable as an officer and undesirable to do any work as a Sheriff , Police or State Trooper?

    If you are an officer ... would you feel comfortable knowing your partner had mood swings that may or may not be under control?

    I know a guy who has this gene running on the male side of his family and wonder if he would or should be allow to complete his training? He has made some statements that if I were his superior officer on the training field ....I'd drop him like a hot potato. No officer should be a loose cannon in my opinion.

    Any one with answers for this question?

    He tends to make me feel he would abuse his authority just for his own amusement. Most likely if anyone tried to let his teachers know...he'd try to get other officers to make those peoples lives a living hell.

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • New Beta Owner Why is he making bubble nests with no female to court? I have two tanks to make cleaning easier?

    I recently bought a beautiful purplish blue beta with silvery streaks in his fins. I have placed a water lily in one and am waiting for it to open and take root. At present it just a tad below the surface of the water.

    I don't feed him as often as the food says to. If I do, the water gets cloudy and has an odd smell. And he literally looks unhappy. I only use bottled water as chlorine makes me sick too. It nearly killed me when I was little so I know it isn't good for anything that's alive.

    He is very smart, already knows he's getting fed when I rattle his fish food. Don't seem to like the flakes I bought him to help his general health and produce more brilliant color. If I move my fingers near the tank, he swims to them, and since he sits above my PC; he watches me off and on while he swims. I decided that once a week I will place a mirror near him so he can flair and do his male territory thing with his reflection too.

    I guess it won't be long until the lily will open. It seems to move on its own almost looks as if it is pulsing. Though it could come from the ground shaking when heavy trucks pass here. Anyone know how long it takes a water lily to sprout and take root on the marbles on the tank floor?

    If anyone can give me pointers on my new fish I'd sure appreciate it. He is the only live pet I can have where I am living at at present. I love all sorts of animals. Horses, dogs, cats, birds, snakes, rabbits,fish, turtles and such.

    If I can find say a half gallon square or oblong tank I plan to put in a "cave" for him to hide in if he wants too. Right now what I have is just big enough for a fake water flower, the live lily and him.

    But so far I just want to know if the bubble nest without a female is something the males do from stress, or just the need to make more Beta's. I am not planning on breeding any time in the near future. But would like my pet fish to be as happy and healthy as possible. PLEASE wise cracks about fish mating will only prove to me that you have less sense than my fish friend.

    any info about how long it takes a lily to put down roots etc. And any general info on Betas will be appreciated.

    Thanks for good answers.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago