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I know a child who acts out, constantly wants to touch things...?

This child is about 4 years old or five? He tends to not listen to much from what I have seen of him. He picks up anything he sees without asking. Sneaks sips of drink from his parents. His mom was married and

daddy beat them both....he may have had sex with the child as well as the granddad and his girl friend from what I hear from the mom and the child who has recently started blurting out they touched me here played with here (God this makes me wanna puke) They were both threatened by this man and his father.....he even threatened to kill me as well. Anyone who is friends with the woman and her son are threatened with death if these men don't like you or how you treat her or the boy. Each time the woman took her son to a doctor or hospital about the marks.... they were dismissed no matter how bad the child looked or how much she tried to get him and her help. The little boy is smart but "sits on his brains" He knows words, letters, colors, numbers and such, but will refuse to relay it back to you if you ask. He lies, I don't think he does ..... but thats all him and his Mom hear from doctors when he is hurt. I worry that now she and the man she is seeing are starting to believe the doctors as well. This little boy only talks if he talks at all about "his beatings" only about the "dad and dad's dad and some mommy.Which I am sure he means the older mans women friend I've heard about.

I am wondering aside from his abuse from "them" if he may have other problems such as PTSD, this I think is a given, he has rages and says I hate you to everyone else including me. If later he apologizes he is told he is lying. If he spills something like water and says sorry again someone will call him a liar. They came by one day and he asked for a cup of water which I gave him. When he turned around he stepped on a loose shoe lace and spilled the water. Immediately he told me he was sorry,,,, he was still spanked for spilling the water, I have been told doctors told his mom he must be punished to stop such things..... I wouldn't be surprised considering all the other garbage I have heard said. I have gone with them as a help with the boy and heard some really nutty advice from so call experts. How on earth can the mom help the child when she is being told he does every thing on purpose? She works long hours and can barely stay awake from what she told me. This world is going stark raving mad....

Any one got any ideas? And please don't come down on the mom She stayed with this child in the hospital round the clock and then was told the child couldn't be kept long enough to run tests needed to prove abuse????? If I hadn't been there...when she was told.... I would have though she was losing it I hadn't heard it myself.

How many other people have this happen to them? Don't lie I have seen sites were others have voiced the same problems with our so called system..... so out with it.. If my question seems all over the place I have not been well lately. I don't know if it's stress, the heat or both ....sorry. %|


This was supposed to go under health but I guess it is stuck here ....any REAL help would be appreciated such as reputable sites .

Update 2:

TO Miss KNOW IT ALL and tTo those who think the mom was the culprit. She had been staying with me At the time the child child was abused. The abuser had threatened to kill all of us. He wanted freedom to abuse both of them and when I stepped in he threatened to kill me as well. When the abuse started I took her and her son to my house ( he was hitting her when she tried to protect her son. And after the divorce and the "High and Mighty CPS workers told her she HAD TO SEND HER SON TO THE ABUSER. I had seen the man if you can call him that hitting both of them in the their back yard and that didn't matter to CPS WORKERS EITHER. Think I am lying...???? Type in comparative signs of child abuse into search and look at the tons of dead children CPS workers claimed to be protecting....Get your head out of your butt. CPS workers are in their jobs for the $$$$$ NOT FOR THE CHILDREN... Did you know that if a child tells who did the abuse they call the child mistaken or a l

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all - 4 year olds do act out. They are stubborn, even the smart ones. They lie, if they aren't corrected. They can be sneaky. That alone doesn't mean anything. However, a child psychologist may be able to look between the lines unlike you.

    That being said, if you suspect abuse, by all means call CPS. And honestly I do think that this boy's mother is responsible for any abuse. If she isn't actively participating, that's one thing. But she isn't exactly stopping it either. It doesn't matter if she stayed with her child in the hospital. An abuser always tells his/her wife/child that they love them too. That doesn't make it right.

    Call CPS. Please.

  • 9 years ago

    He like ly has ASD and PTSD.Look at these books,The Out Of Sync Child,Children With Starving brains,The LCP Solution,Gut and Psychology Syndrome and read customer reviews at Amazon.May have sensory overalod and sensory processing problems,that is the constant touching thing.Flourescent lights make things worse.Look at the autism research institute and generation rescue websites.Severe nutrient deficiencies contribute,and much of the food is GMO and incorrectly processed for digestion.The soil is depleated.

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