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Do you draw blueprints for a living, when is your work day over?Do you drive to/from work & work half asleep?

My boyfriend draws plans for all sorts of buildings.Hardly anyone stays past 6 p.m., most including the boss are gone by 5. My boyfriend has stayed as late as 3 or 4 a.m. Gone home and returned to work that same morning. Usually it is as late as midnight before he goes home. This started shortly after his wife died, and has become an every day thing; even his weekends are spent mostly at work. It has and is effecting his health, sleep, eating habits, and when/if he takes his medications. We had an argument and part of it dealt with this "eat, sleep,breathe,live, life revolves around work" issue. We hardly see each other since he was out of work last time (working so much that he couldn't discern one day from the next, or what time of day or week it was. Or even if or when his much needed medications where supposed to be taken.) He became so confused from lack of sleep ( working more than sleeping) then going home and trying to run the house on (empty ...exhaustion). He wound up in the hospital twice, partly from exhaustion; partly from taking his medications incorrectly..either too close together or taking double does because he couldn't remember taking the pill and would take it again. Exhaustion and over work had left him in a blur of time, work,medicines, lack of meals, sleep....get the picture. And he is under pressure from one doctor to constantly change his medications on top of it all. He has driven to work in a daze of sleeping pills this (quack) has had him on. Once he drove to work in such a stupor that he didn't remember making the drive, or forgetting the alarm, and was surprised when the law came knocking on the door at work to try and catch the (burglar).They told him to go home, and he didn't remember making that drive either.

I have met the is (quack) and I think she is more interested in her crazy fees than she is his health. I don't care if he's richer than Bill Gates or not. I only worry about his health and happiness. I see him heading for a physical/mental breakdown if something doesn't change. How can I help him see what what is happening? I don't want to see him in the hospital again.

MEN...your input on this please, since this is about a man and you would be understand this better. And better understand better possibly what he is feeling, and why he is pushing himself towards a breakdown. Are you a workaholic? Do you know why? Do you try to change this or like the exhaustion/problems it causes you and your loved ones? Is your wife/girlfriend a workaholic and have the same problems as I described above?

WOMEN: I want your input on this is your boyfriend/husband does the workaholic, heading for a breakdown thing. How to you deal with it or do you?

Serious reply's please. Any constructive information or ideas would be appreciated by myself as well as adult kids... we are all concerned about what is happening.

Yes he has diabetes, and is bipolar. And he has a quack in charge of the medicines he takes for being bipolar. (She has him wrapped around her finger...and I am waiting to see how long before she tells him to dump me...which I am fairly sure she will.) I want him happy and healthy and his medical problems as under control as possible. When I said as much on a visit (she wanted to see if I was suitable "rich enough in case one day he can't pay her fees". I am not rich even a little. And don't care if he is or not. She thinks I want his pay check like she does. I want his health, companionship, and love. Money is not what I worry about (maybe I should) I only want him to be happy, healthy, and more like his old self when his wife was still alive. That would be worth more to me than if he had Bill Gates deep pockets times infinity.

Anyone got any suggestions as to how I can help him see what this is doing to his health and happiness... to his kids ( both adults ). And even the impact it has on me as someone who loves him.

I see him heading for a physical, possible mental breakdown if something doesn't change. As his girl friend, I want to help him before he collapses. But hip-pa and other laws make trying to h

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow. That's a really long story. I feel woozy.

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