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why is water pooling up in bottom of fridge... ice maker is not working, so why & what is leaking?

Noticed small amt of water on floor a few days ago. Thought it was from a dropped ice cube (made the old way with ice trays). Mopped it up, later found water on floor again. Yesterday it was a pool nearly 2 ft. across. Have taken everything out looking for source. Water is slow dripping from the left side of the back wall and from around the bottom of the control panel in the middle of the back wall. There is nothing leaking from the freezer (nothing visible & everything in the freezer is frozen rock hard.

Boyfriend says his Dads fridge can't be leaking at all because there is no water running to the fridge at all. So where is this coming from? It is obvious it is leaking water...but what could be the source?

Also the electric bill here has jumped way too high for what is running in this house. Example: Boy friend has 4 PCs, two fridges with freezers and one freezer. His house is 2 1/2 times bigger than this house. He has more lights, a dishwasher, which isn't at his Dads, boyfriend has high tech hot water heater, washer and dryer. Recent light bill at boy friends $230 last month. So is ours.

We have one fridge...freezer on top, air conditioner, oil heat, gas hot water heater, oxygen machine, 3 box fans to circulate air, washer dryer, stove, microwave. Fridge, stove,washer, dryer are all at least 15 years old or older. Our bill is $ 230 also.

I believe the meter here is faulty, it is 9 or 10 years old. I called the electric co and they told me that the meter IF faulty will Fault to Our Good.... don't have to be an electrician to know that is B S. They told me I had to cut off everything and let the electricity drain out of the house.LOL more

B S. They might as well told me there is no such thing as tires on an auto or a horn or seat belts or a steering wheel. That is B S too. But they tried to sell me that crap and I know better. Was not born under a rock and my parents weren't monkeys either. Dad had a high I Q and I do to. Just sit on mine and even put in mistakes so I won't make people feel bad.

But this makes no sense unless boyfriend hooked up the water (forgetting the ice maker won't work). And failed to tell me.. I think the age (near 26 to 30 years old is more the culprit. But on the other hand why hasn't it leaked until now?

4 Answers

  • KMA
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In regards the meter faulting in your favor, Yes that IS true. I have first hand experience with that. On more than one occasion I or a customer have had our meters replaced and shortly there after noticed an increase in the bill. In talking with power company employees and managers they confirmed that as being true. The older the meter the greater the increase. So leave the meter alone.

    As to the water leak. If there is indeed no water line attached to the ice maker I would remove everything from the refrigerator and freezer and turn it off and leave the doors open for 24 hours. Then close it back up and run it for 24 hours with nothing in it. Check for any signs of moisture.

    It occurs to me that the door gasket may need to be replaced. Lack of a good seal all the way around will allow warm moist air to enter the refrigerator compartment.

    It may be that simple.

    Source(s): a licensed electrician
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I am not sure whats going on with your refrigerator but I bet it has something to do with the ice maker. If the water was disconnected from it while the switches that allow water to flow are closed. Then like your finger over a straw will hold the water in the hose. But if the ice maker was turned on while in this state it would let the proverbial thumb off of the straw. But I'm just an electrician and you know how much we like work around water. Which brings me to my next point......The voltage leaking out of your house is more of a legality thing. The electronics of yesteryore where tube driven and later capacitors came to play. All of which carry a charge after de-energizing. By saying what they did covers utility keyster to see another day. Good Luck with the frig. hope goes better.

  • 10 years ago

    Did you put anything liquid in the freezer compartment that may have spilled? Maybe the freezer compartment is not freezing properly and water will leak down the side somehow and come out of the bottom of the fridge. This happened to me and I completely defrosted the freezer and cleaned it out and it never happened again. Hope this may help a little bit.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    condesation on objects can cause excess moisture in your fridge. and chech the water filter to see if it has a leak.

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