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What are your thoughts on my revised favourites (BOYS)?

My SO used to be convinced that I could pick the names for our children and he wasn't bothered about them, but now he's decided he is interested and wants a say! So we spent most of the morning devising some first-middle-middle combinations that we both like, and I'm wondering what your thoughts on them are :)

These are the boy names. Check the additional details for the girl name question if you please :)

•• Roman Nathaniel Grey

Roman is "RO-muhn", not "ro-MAHN". Nathaniel is after my SO; we originally wanted it as a first name but now he's not too keen on sharing a name with his son, as he also shares it with his dad. Grey is to honour my maiden name.

•• Harper Adam Jack

Do you think Jack makes the combination a little too harsh? We’re open to suggestions with that, and aren’t too attached to Adam so you can suggest alternatives to that too.

•• Morgan Bennet James

I live in England, where Harper and Morgan are pretty much strictly boys names. So that shouldn't be a problem.

•• Isaac Jasper Gabriel

we're not all that keen on the middles together, though we love them separately. Any ideas for middle names for Isaac including either Jasper OR Gabriel?

•• Maxwell Jacob Heath

We're also considering Maximilien in place of Maxwell, what would your thoughts on that be?

Please answer the comment on the questions I’ve asked, and provide your general thoughts on each name. If you don’t have much time to spare, feel free to just rate or tell me your favourites / least favourites. But the 10 points will go to the most detailed answer!

Don't be afraid to be honest, even brutally so! We're still not 100% set on them, and it will probably be a long time before children are really on the cards for us.


~ Aurora

NOTE: Though the flow may sound a little “off” on some of them, my SO and I think they sound perfectly lovely with the surname. Also, if you’re going to make a point about how they’d sound in a sibsets then please note that we’re looking to have just one or two children, with three at the absolute most.


SO = significant other, as in boyfriend / fiancé / husband.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    •• Roman Nathaniel Grey

    Roman is "RO-muhn", not "ro-MAHN". Nathaniel is after my SO; we originally wanted it as a first name but now he's not too keen on sharing a name with his son, as he also shares it with his dad. Grey is to honour my maiden name.

    --* Perfection! Roman Nathaniel Grey is SO handsome. I love it! :) I honestly wouldn't change a thing I could see myself using this.

    •• Harper Adam Jack

    Do you think Jack makes the combination a little too harsh? We’re open to suggestions with that, and aren’t too attached to Adam so you can suggest alternatives to that too.


    Harper Tobias Jude/Reid/Jack/Finn/Flynn, Harper Gideon Jude/Jack/Rhys/Reid/Cole/Seth/Noel, Harper Elliot Jack/Jude/Rhys/Pierce, Harper Adam Lee, Harper Adam Cole, Harper Adam Rhys. Honestly I don't think Harper & Adam go together very well since they are both two syllables and Jack does make it sound a bit harsh even in the combo's I suggested it does.

    •• Morgan Bennet James

    I live in England, where Harper and Morgan are pretty much strictly boys names. So that shouldn't be a problem.

    *-- I like it! :) It doesn't flow perfectly but I do like it!

    •• Isaac Jasper Gabriel

    we're not all that keen on the middles together, though we love them separately. Any ideas for middle names for Isaac including either Jasper OR Gabriel?

    *-- Isaac Jasper Rhys, Isaac Jasper Noel, Isaac Jasper Pierce would all work & I think sound really nice :) OR Isaac Henry Gabriel, Isaac Thomas Gabriel, Isaac Nolan Gabriel.

    •• Maxwell Jacob Heath

    We're also considering Maximilien in place of Maxwell, what would your thoughts on that be?

    *-- I personally like Maxwell better than Maximilien BUT Maximilien Jacob Heath flows better. Whatever you like best it's up to you :)

    Hope I helped! :)

    ♥ {ag}

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Roman Nathaniel Grey - 9/10. Love this name so much. It's my favourite of them all, and all the names are on my personal favourites list. Roman is so handsome and underused, though I can see it getting a bit more popular, but not hugely. Nathaniel is one of my personal favourite boy names, and I love that it would be after your man. Grey is really cute too.

    Harper Adam Jack - 7/10. I really like that you used Harper for a boy! I dislike it so much on a girl, because I find it so masculine, so I like it for a boy. Adam has never been a huge favourite of mine, though there isn't anything wrong with it. Jack is super cute, but the Adam Jack part doesn't flow well to me really.

    Morgan Bennet James - 8/10. I love that you used Morgan for a boy! It's so masculine to me, and I don't like it for a girl at all. Bennet is super cute and it's been growing on me a lot lately, though I do prefer it spelt Bennett. James is fabulous, and I will probably be using it as a middle name too.

    Isaac Jasper Gabriel - 9/10. This is my equal second favourite with the last one. Isaac is cute, but it's not usable for me because of personal connotations otherwise it would be on my favourites list I think. Jasper is my number one name for a boy, and Gabriel is up on my favourites list too.

    Maxwell Jacob Heath - 9/10. The more I think about this combo, the more I really love it. It might actually be first equal favourite with Roman Nathaniel Grey. Maxwell is so handsome and I used to love Maximillian but Maxwell has grown on me a lot lately and it's getting really close to going on my favourites list. Jacob and Heath are on my favourites list and will be strong contenders for middle names should I have a son.

    On a little side note, I love the two middle name thing and I'd totally use two middle names for any children I have.


    Harper Elias Jack

    Harper Tobias Jack

    Harper Lucian Jack

    Harper Cohen Jack

    Harper Adam Seth

    Harper Adam Reid

    Harper Adam Cole

    Harper Adam Dean

    Isaac Jasper Edmund

    Isaac Jasper Nicolas

    Isaac Jasper Gideon

    Isaac Jasper William

    Isaac Oliver Gabriel

    Isaac Dexter Gabriel

    Isaac Julius Gabriel

    Isaac Sebastian Gabriel

  • 1 decade ago

    You better be feeling very lucky Miss Aurora ;) I don't come on here much these days but I SUPPOSE I can make an exception for you :P

    Let's get to it!

    Roman Nathaniel Grey -- 7/10

    Roman honestly isn't a favourite of mine. I just think of that joke about Roman fingers (roaming fingers :P), and it's just not my style honestly. That said, there's nothing wrong with the name but just not to my tastes. Nathaniel is wonderful and I'm a huge fan. I used to love your Nathaniel Archer (I think that was yours...) combinations (I actually have Nathaniel Riley Archer on my list now -- Archer after my friend Archie). Grey is an awesome name and a great way to honour your current last name. Overall the flow is very good and whilst Roman isn't to my tastes, I appreciate the combo as a whole.

    Harper Adam Jack -- 8/10

    I do have Harper on my GP list for a girl, but I definitely prefer it to ACTUALLY be used on a boy (as in real life, not just GP lists :P). I know a little guy whose name is Harper but he goes by both Harry and Perry, which I think is cute. Adam flows well with it, but you're right in thinking that Jack does seem a little harsh -- I honestly think that Jack rarely works in the middle name slot because there's just that strength about it that seems suitable only as a first.

    Suggestions: Harper Adam James // Harper Adam Luc // Harper Adam Dean

    My personal favourite Harper combo: Harper Nicholas Dean

    Morgan Bennet James -- 8/10

    I definitely prefer Morgan on a boy, it's strong and a wonderful name. Bennet is cute, although I prefer Bennett with two T's, for some reason it seems more complete. James is wonderful, masculine and just so gorgeous. I also love James as the first name in this combo (James Morgan Bennett is cute!). My only concern with the flow is that there seems to be quite a few M/N sounds, which isn't a big deal but once I say the full name a few times it just seems a little difficult to pronounce.

    Isaac Jasper Gabriel -- 9/10

    Love this. How do Brits pronounce Isaac? In Australia it's EYE-zak but in America it's EYE-zik. Either way, this combo is gorgeous. Isaac is strong and unusual but still has that classic feel, whilst Jasper softens it a little and I have a real soft spot for the gorgeous Gabriel. The overall flow is great and I'm a really big fan.

    Alternative Jasper Suggestions: Isaac Thomas Gabriel // Isaac Vincent Gabriel

    Alternative Gabriel Suggestions: Isaac Jasper William // Isaac Jasper Dean

    Maxwell Jacob Heath -- 8/10

    Maxwell is cute but I think immediately of Maxwell Smart (the detective from that old TV show, 'Get Smart') which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but just an image :P. Jacob is wonderful, I really love this name despite it's pervasive popularity. Heath I really dislike, though I'm not sure why -- I feel like I should like it but I just can't bring myself to. The flow is good, but I do think that Maximilien Jacob Heath would be better :) The flow is just that tad better and the overall sound of the name is good. My only concern with Maximilien is that it seems a little pretentious compared to your other boys names. Maximilien and Nathaniel, however, would go together perfectly.

    Hope this helped Aurora!


    Source(s): N.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Roman Nathaniel Grey- 10/10 Love love love this name! Flows perfectly, honours both you and your SO. I think it is the best one up there!

    Harper Adam Jack -8/10 Not liking Harper. Its sounds much too feminine to me. But I do love Adam Jack! Very cute!

    Morgan Bennett James -9/10 Again, not loving the first name. Mostly because I'm used to seeing Morgan on girls, but seeing as it is strictly a boys name in England I will put my thoughts past it being too girly in my mind. It definitley flows very well with Bennett James which is very cute!

    Isaac Jasper Gabriel- 9/10 Cute! Not sure how much I like Isaac but Jasper Gabriel is cute! The name flows very well too!

    Maxwell Jacob Heath -9/10 Love Maxwell Jacob! Not liking Heath, it seems out of place for some reason. I definitley think you could go with Maximilien and I love the way you spelt it!

    Hope this helps!

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  • aaa
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Roman Nathaniel Grey -- Loving this combo; it flows incredibly well and I love each of the names individually. Grey is rather kick-***. ;)

    Harper Adam Jack -- I adore Harper, it's my number one for a boy. Adam is sweet, and Jack is so handsome.

    Morgan Bennett James -- Love! Morgan has been growing on me as of late, and I adore Bennett and James.

    Isaac Jasper Gabriel -- I think the entire name's fine, actually, though not something I'd personally use.

    Isaac Lewis Gabriel

    Isaac Gabriel Harlan

    Isaac Oliver Gabriel

    Isaac Rory Jasper

    Isaac Joseph Jasper

    Isaac Luc Jasper

    Maxwell Jacob Heath -- I'm not a big fan of Maxwell, though I think it could grow on me, or Heath, but I do rather like Jacob. Maximilien isn't my style at all, there's just something I do not like about it, and I prefer Maxwell.


  • 1 decade ago

    • Roman Nathaniel Grey ~ I like this combo, though I don't LOVE Roman. I'd prefer Nathaniel Grey.

    • Harper Adam Jack ~ I love this combo, but I don't like Harper. Any Harper I've ever seen (as in a person who plays the harp) has been a girl but I don't like this name on a girl.. It's confusing :-P Adam & Jack are both GORGEOUS.. I love the name Jack!

    • Morgan Bennett James ~ This is a very masculine combo and I'm glad you're using Morgan on the correct gender. Though I would prefer James to be a first name.

    • Isaac Jasper Gabriel ~ I think Isaac Gabriel Jasper has better flow. All 3 of these names are on my list so I love them all.

    • Maxwell Jacob Heath ~ I like Max on it's own, but if I have to choose between Maximilian & Maxwell I'd go with Maximilian because Maxwell is a common surname in my area. Jacob is a nice name. Heath is going to be my son's middle name, so of course I love it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My absolute favorite is Morgan Bennet James. Though I would LOVE Morgan Bennet Grey. I also like Roman Nathaniel Grey quite a bit.

    My least favorite is Harper Adam Jack, even though I love the names Harper and Jack separately.

  • 5 years ago

    Viola Hazel Blair -- i've got by no skill been a great fan of Viola, although I do see the charm, and that i've got long gone off Hazel as of previous due, yet i'm loving Blair precise now. I do think of Violet would sound extra suitable -- it fairly is lots sweeter than Viola, in my view. Isobel Daphne Grace -- "Love this" is all i will fairly say. So candy! Olive Ruby wintry climate -- i decide to love Olive, i individually do, yet something places me off. i'm prepared on Ruby and wintry climate, yet I do think of the entire mixture is somewhat too nature-y. Rose Ivy Catherine -- usually, i'd want Caroline to Catherine, i think of, yet Catherine by some skill makes the mixture click. Rose and Ivy are alluring. Mary Elizabeth June -- it fairly is in all possibility my known of the entire record, it is so classic and sought after! Molly would be a stunning nickname, yet I want Mary myself. i'm liking Maren on the 2d, yet i'm no longer a great fan of Pomeline with the two pronunciation, sorry. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Roman --> not a huge fan, but it is definitely not the worst name ever

    Harper --> sounds a little girly to me, sorry!

    Morgan --> i like that

    Isaac --> i really like this one

    Maxwell --> definitely stay with Maxwell and assuming that he will go by "Max" i really like this one too

  • 1 decade ago


    Harper Samuel...better drop the "Jack" and the "Adam"

    I like it.

    Isaac Gabriel

    Maximilien Jacob


    Good luck!


    To Mandy: "Spelt" is not a word. It's "spelled".

    Unless you are from a different country. I'm sorry, if you are. If you aren't, you're welcome.

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