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am i betraying my ex?

my boyfriend and i broke up after three years. it was a mutual break up- we still love each other but things started to change as we both grew older and started college.

our relationship has been an on and off relationship and when we broke up he told me not to find anyone else/ move on. however, recently out of the blue, my friends introduced me to this guy and we have been talking ever since and we like each other. we cuddled and kissed but thats all. i am not looking for a relationship anytime soon and he understand that.

am i doing anything wrong? i feel like im betraying my ex by moving on and i sometimes feel guilty about it.


my ex was my first real boyfriend who i feel in love with, so i guess thats why i kind of feel guilty by moving on. but this new guy was just so random and came into my life just weeks after my break up and i was not expecting it at all.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    The reason why you're calling him your "ex" answers your own question. You're not betraying anyone, and if you like this new guy, keep hanging out with him. It's completely out of line for your ex to expect you to remain monogomous to him if you're not in a relationship.

    I'm sure he's a very nice guy, but requesting this of you is him "having his cake and eating it, too". Trust me on this. I used to BE that guy.

    Go ahead and see if this new guy is the real deal. Best case scenerio, he is, and you have a new guy you like to kiss and cuddle. Worst case, he's not all you thought, and you'll realize what you missed about guy #1 to begin with.

    Hope this helps, and good luck. :-)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Maybe he wants you all to himself and that you would come back or he would come back eventually.

    But that is selfish and he can't control you.

    I don't know why you feel guilty if y'all broke up and this is not cheating. Unless you promised him that you wouldn't see anybody…but that would be stupid. Why would you promise a GUY YOU ARE BREAKIN UP WITH that you won't see anyone else?

    A little twisted, aint it? It's supposed to be when you are ENTERING into a relationship, NOT leaving one!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no you should move on if it's not working out with him he cant tell you you cant fall in love with someone else your not doing anything wrong if your single and you like this new guy go for it

  • 1 decade ago

    It was a mutual break up,so your not betraying him by moving on.If he wants you,he needs to speak up,because normally guys have a hard time expressing how they really feel about you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    betraying by moving on?

    so what exactly do you do after break ups? just be stuck?

    it's your right to move on and he should too.. you will go on separate roads..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you are doing nothing wrong. and why would he say to not move on ? thats why hes your ex.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    its YOUR life your ex has no say over what you do,im sure he has hook ups

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