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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 1 decade ago

I'm ready to convert to Islam but I need lots of help & I don't where to start?

I had a dream about the Quran a few weeks ago. Then I had it two days ago again. I started researching about Islam & I found it interesting. I am 28 & I am married with two daughters. My husband is Christian & his family is a little religious. So is my family but my family isn't religious. My parents let me believe what I want & I believe in God/Heaven/Hell. I am kind of religion-lost. My daughters believe the same as me. When I looked up Islam I started to believe it was correct religion. But I don't know what to do? How should I tell my family & in-law family that I want to convert? My family never hated Muslims, they are just neutral. And I had never been bad. I never smoked or had premarital sex. I just drink a little on important parties.

My husband is a faithful Christian & there will be disputes to whether our children will be Islam or Christian. I don't know how to tell him. I wanted to convert a few weeks ago but I had been waiting. Now I feel like I'm going to burst & I need to tell someone.

I don't know where & how to start!


Can someone tell me how to break the news to my family & in-law family???

19 Answers

  • Ramz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How to convert to Islam:

    It's not difficult to convert to Islam... To be a Muslim just u should believe in God the only One and believe in all His messengers and Books... to be a Muslim u should say by your tongue as u are convinced be your heart : "La Ellaha Ella Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah" = No god except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger... U can do this any time Between u and only Allah, He is hearing u... And by doing this you become a Muslim.

    How to tell your family:

    I think if u know that they will accept you, u can just give them a notice that u are concerning to know Islam well because u feel happy to worship God... then you can tell them that u choose Islam and you like to know about this religion more... u can practice some simple Islamic thing with them,for example; salute them by saying (Assalamu Alykom).. or say; By the name of God (Allah) before eating..etc

    How to tell your husband:

    Begin by discussing the Religions with him and ask him why he believe in The Christianity and refusing the other religions such as Islam ... Tell him that u like to know more about the other Religions and u feel Islam...

    If he feels angry, u shouldn't tell him now, and u needn't to announce the people... U try to keep your family.... but if he accept your way, u can give him a notice (step by step) as u do with your family.

    About your daughters:

    In Islam the children are related to the father, so that the Muslim woman doesn't marry to non Muslim... but in your case (that you become Muslim after your marriage).. your daughters are already Christians, (I don't know how old are them) so, I think you should give them the choice when they become adults... and they can believe by their hearts ( as long as they like to convert) till the time they can announce their discission.


    <As a Muslimah, you are not allowed to be married to a Christian>

    Woman is not allowed to marry to non Muslim in order to protect her from being obliged to leave her Religion if she married to a bad man, and her children become Muslim too. Also, Islam allows to man to marry to a non Muslim woman, because God orders him to let his woman to practice her Religion's rules with peace.

    But the one who converts to Islam after her marriage, she can continue her relationship with her non Muslim husband as long as he gives her the freedome to choose her Religion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sister God guides only whom he wishes to guide & It's amazing how you've been guided. That's a really great blessing. Im glad to see that you feel there is truth in Islam, there is. Sister before taking big steps like this make sure you want this full heartedly just so that you don't have any problems in the future. I think the best thing to do would be to find a muslim scholar or leader that you may know of and if you do not know anyone then you could ask someone who might. You'll get better advice and info that way, go to someone who knows a lot about Islam. May Allah Guide you and Hopefully you become successful in both this life and the after life. Good luck sister! May Allah help you with all difficulties!


  • 1 decade ago


    I am extremely glad to read your interest in Isla- Alhamdulillah.

    I've never been in such a situation so do not know how to answer! (I've put some links at the bottom which may be more helpful)

    I'm not sure how you should tell them, maybe you would like to tell someone who will support you first...and then someone else?

    face-face would be the best option where you both can talk freely...or if not then a letter or a phone-call. just keep calm and remember the teachings of not get angry and conduct yourself with humility

    - just pray to Allah to give you strength.

    Recite the following prayer read by Prophet Moses (pbuh) when he was going to face the Pharoah:-

    O my Lord! expand me my breast; Ease my task for me; And remove the impediment from my speech, So they may understand what I say

    [20:25--28] (Rabbish rahli sadri wa yas-sir li amri wahloul uqdatam mil-lisaani yafqahu qawli)

    I understand there will be disputes- which is why a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man- men have the stronger nature and she will not be able to fulfill the obligation towards her children of teaching them about the straight path. Please read the following for more information:-

    May Allah assist you and guide us both!


    I think this link may be more helpful:

  • 7 years ago

    i wan't to convert to muslim but i'm a married to a christian woman? what can i do?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Congratulation sister and welcome to Islam dear.

    For convincing your husband, you can show him the scientific evidences that prove Allah's existence.

    to find read more about evidences go to the following websites:

    Try to make his brain working and make him ask about Islam . Tell him that the prophet Jesus was mentioned in Quran positively and all Muslims believe in him. Tell him how kind the prophet Muhammad- peace be upon him - was.

    But before telling him about your conversion , you must read alot and study about Islam so that you can convince him easily.

    Also, you can make him listen to any Quran reciter who has a very beautiful voice . May be he will be affected more and his heart will start to believe in Allah.

  • 1 decade ago

    ok well lets start from the face that the religion is islam the followers are called muslims. i am saying this because you wrote "whether our children will be Islam or Christian". it would be wether they are going to be MUSLIM or christian. anyways it is great that u want to convert. you should first just get your husband and tell him when your kids arent there and then tell your kids later. after you should go to an imam and go from there.

    hope this helped.

  • 1 decade ago

    Salaam Sister,

    I shall give you a link where you can contact this dawah group. They are from Australia and are experienced in helping converts to Islam. They have very good islamic knowledge and will be able to help you better than this section.

    Just copy and paste your above question to them.

    Inshah Allah they will be able to help you.


    Your sis in Islam

  • 1 decade ago


    Sister you are already a muslim once you believe Allah is the Almighty Creator, Prophet Muhammad and Jesus are the messengers. The rest are only formalities.Get to the nearest Masjid or Islamic Center for assistance.

    Quran, Surah 5:: 82-83 "And thou wilt find the nearest of them in affection to those who believe (to be) those who say: Lo! We are Christians. That is because there are among them priests and monks, and because they are not proud. When they listen to that which hath been revealed unto the messenger, thou seest their eyes overflow with tears because of their recognition of the Truth. They say: Our Lord, we believe. Inscribe us as among the witnesses"

    A Christian Minister's Conversion to Islam

    How the Bible Led Me to Islam:

    May Almighty God the Creator please with you since all your previous sin are forgiven and Allah will give you peace and happiness in this world and Jannah in the hereafter.


  • 5 years ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Look before you start anywhere, if you believe this is for you, head down to the mosque, speak to an imaam, he can help you say the prayer to convert, and get your friends as witnesses, or just use people from the mosque.

    There is no time to faff about, you could die tomorrow. You might as well make the transition now before it's too late.

    Congrats and good luck

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