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Would You Vote to Re-Elect Barack Obama in 2012 for a 2nd Term as President?

Will you vote to re-elect Barack Obama in 2012? Is Obama a 1-term President?

Barack Obama was elected our 44th President in 2008 officially

making him our nation's First African American President. But years

after the fact, all the hype has faded to bitter realities.

Our countries financial situation is worse than ever, unemployment

rates soar and controversial government bailouts have not had the

desired effect. The "Summer of Recovery" never happened, and those

shovel-ready projects to improve our nation's infrastructure aren't


The historic passage of ObamaCare has been ruled by 3 Federal judges

as Unconstitutional, continuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Pakistan

and now Libya, Guantanamo Bay is still open, pledge for net neutrality

has morphed into an internet 'kill switch', his reaction to

Middle East crisis and the Japanese tsunami and subsequent

nuclear reactor catastrophe was mute at best, and many Obama's

campaign promises have yet to be fulfilled.

Do you think Obama deserves a 2nd term?

Will you vote to re elected in 2012?

If so, why or why not?

I really don't ask to many questions here on Answers, but just out

of morbid curiosity I want to know what ppl are thinking.

Buyers remorse, knew it was a scam.. Your thoughts please...

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    2 Words - FVCK NO!!!

    I Want My Bailout Money Back! ;:{_}

  • 1 decade ago

    Hell no, he never should've been elected in the first place. No offense to anyone, but a big part of his votes were African Americans simply voting for him because he's "black", not even paying attention to his policies and buying into the whole "change" movement that was supposed to come. Not to mention that he's only 6% African American, while nobody mentions that he's 50% white and 44% Arab. He's probably one of the weakest Presidents we've ever had, and he's shown that he's very indecisive when it comes to the serious stuff like Japan and the Middle East as you said. He goes around the world apologizing for America and making us look weak. And saying we're a nation of citizens?? That has to be one of the stupidest things a President has said, every nation is a nation of citizens. Telling us he's going to bring all the troops home, then he sends even more troops over to Afghanistan. I can't think of a single way the country is better off from him being in office.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No. I have never met a libertarian Democrat and Obama is definitely not a libertarian, so I will not vote for him. If the Republicans nominate a neoconservative like last time or a RINO like Mitt Romney, I will vote for the Libertarian. I think if the Republicans nominate a libertarian then they will win. To me Mitt Romney has about a 30-40% chance of wining the Republicans nomination but he will never beat Obama. The TEA party will give the GOP to Ron Paul who has the same chance of winning it as Mitt Romney. If Ron Paul won the GOP then the Libertarian wouldn't stand a 1% chance. Next to Obama, I would say Paul has an 85% chance of getting at least 51% of the votes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama has lost the independents.They are the ones that got him elected and he did NOT win by a landslide he won by 48 to 52 plus McCain did a terrible campaign.So if he doesn't have the independents, and goes up against a GOOD hard hitting Republican. He wont have a chance

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  • 1 decade ago

    In my opinion not even Obama or any Dem or GOP candidate can run for president, so far no one since Bush Jr. couldn't run our country. If Palin gets elected as president, just kill me now, I rather be one of dead people in the Japanese earthquake/tsunami.

  • 1 decade ago


    I am a Black man and my sister and mother voted for Obama because he was black. They now say they made a mistake and will not vote next election. They would rather not vote at all then to vote for a Republican. But, if many Blacks sit the next one out then it is a good thing. Republicans need to remember you do not need every vote or district just enough to win the state, stay true to your beliefs because Dems are not going to vote Republicans no matter what you say. Make sure your base is tight and you have a real chance in 2012.

  • 1 decade ago

    Our financial situation is worst then ever?....ok in 2007, banks were closing, Wall st was crumbling gas was $5 a gallon The mortgage bubble popped...We were in a recession on the brink of a depression...How are we worst now..? Bailouts were necessary..every economist has said that. But what the powers that be wont tell u is , that this is old hat..My friend until the rich are suffering there is nothing wrong with our country..Stop listening to the sound bites...How has our country grown in the last 30 years but been operating in a deficit for about 25?...Have u ever heard a rich person or corp say, we have to much money..Theres a reason rich ppl own the media, and thats to keep the populous on edge...Ever been threatened at your job that it we don't tight in up or take a pay freeze ur job wil be gone.? But executives now make 700x more than a employee and they aren't taking pay cuts..To answer your question Obama will win a gain because PPl who were told that the new congress was gonna cut spending weren't expecting it come on the backs of the avg american..Wisconsin residents are already talking of recalling their Gov, why cause he gave tax breaks to the rich and then created budget issue where there was none in Wisconsin. The Gov of Pa gave a tax break to a oil company that's drilling in Pa for natural gas and then proceeded to cut $1billion in state funding to Head start, public schools, state colleges and transportation..Teapartiers ran on hype, but the reality is its old Rep hat..cutting the poor and middle class programs..Obama will win because of the sentiment of the country..after the cuts starting hitting home..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd prefer to vote for HIllary, at least we'd be out of Afganistan right now. Short of that yes I will re-vote for him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. I will vote Republican unless the candidate is not qualified; in which case I will vote for an independent or write someone in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don`t think that Obama and the Republicans will make us feel any better before their reelection.

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