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Christians, will you please provide me with some information on Biblical prophecy?

Please provide me some SPECIFIC examples of Biblical prophecies, and then the real-life occurrence that made the prophecy "come true". I ask because "prophecy" is usually the #1 response when I ask how you know the Bible is true, rather than simply a man-made work.

I suspect that the "phrophecies" are so maddingly vague that they are basically self-fulfilling, but I'm giving you the chance to show my why my theory is wrong.


@Not Ashamed - the first several on that website pertain to Jesus' coming as the Messiah. Those "prophecies" only "came true" if you believe the stories of Jesus in the Bible in the first place! CIRCULAR REASONING!

I'm talking about Biblical prohpecies that we have real-life, documented proof of an occurrence that proved the prophecy true.

Update 2:

@Patrick Speight

Same can't use Biblical stories to prove that other Biblical stories came true!

@Fireball - please quote the Bible passage that says Israel will be formed and recognized as a nation in 1948.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    Daniel 8 gives the description of two figures: A ram with two horns, one smaller than the other who seems unstoppable and goes around doing whatever he pleases. Then another figure appears, which is a goat with only one great horn. This goat attacks the ram and kills it, breaking his two horns. After his victory, the great horn breaks into 4 pieces. One of the horns becomes greater than the others.

    Now that is pretty vague. Daniel, the prophet who saw the vision felt is was vague as well. God sent an angel, Gabriel, to show Daniel what it meant. The Ram with two horns (one smaller than the other) represents the Medo-persian Empire because one was greater than the other. At the time of this prophecy, the Babylonian Empire was still in charge but it was being challenged by the Medes & Persians. The goat with one great horn represents Greece (Alexander the Great unifed the Greek empire under one rule for the first time). At the time this prophecy was given, Greece was no threat to anyone. Gabriel further explains that the four pieces of the horn represent 4 kingdoms that rise up out of that one nation and that one of the kings will become more powerful than all of them.

    If you pick up a copy of an Encyclopeadia Britannica (which is very anti-Bible) and search the Micropeadia for a brief history of Alexander the Great and Darius the Mede you will find Gabriel's explanation is accurate. Further research will show that not long after Alexander's army finally defeated Darius of the Medes, the victory was sure and they had a big party after which Alexander became very ill and died. FOUR of his generals (4 pieces of the horn) divided up his kingdom among themselves and then began to betray one another. One of them became greater than all of them.

    There is also the Matthew 24/Mark 13/Luke 21 prophecy called the Olivet Discourse, which prophecys that Jerusalem would be sieged and the Temple would be destroyed. Fulfilled in 70AD by the Roman General Titus. (Brittanica again)

    Daniel 11 also give a prophecy about the Selucid King Antiochus Epiphanes whom the Maccabees revolted against (once again you can check the very anti-Bible, Brittanica)

    There are numerous prophecies about the Israelites (Jewish/Hebrew people) being scattered from their land and then one day returning (Deuteronomy 29; Isaiah 11:11-13; Jeremiah 25:11; Hosea 3:4-5, Zechariah 8:7-8). This is more miraculous than one could imagine. No other people group has been thrown out of their land, returned, and reoccupied it after centuries of absence. Especially when you consider that the Israelites had been exiled from their land at least three times. The last exile occurred in the 2nd century by the Roman Empire after a Jewish uprising. Imagine, they had been kept from occupying that land for nearly 2000 years but in 1948, they were given status as a soverign nation once again and have remained that way.

    Ezekiel 26 give a prophecy of they ancient city of Tyre being cast into the sea. Alexander the Great also fulfilled this prophecy.

    Source(s): Encyclopeadia Brittanica 1994 Edition, History of Greece, History of Greece and Rome Micropeadia 1994 Edition, Alexander the Great
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    zechariah 11:12-14 & matthew 26:15; 27:3

    it's a historical fact that these books were written roughly 500 years apart and was fulfilled by those who didn't know to fulfill them.

    but since you don't accept the idea that the Bible can support itself then chew on this: after nearly 2000 years israel became an independent nation once again, backed up by ezekiel 36-37.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are over 300 from Jesus alone

    Epithelium Appetence- Please tell me what proof you would consider acceptable, since there were no cameras back then and all.

    The documented proof has been collected and put in the Bible. And like I said, there's not a lot of proof you can have from back then. I'm not sure what you're asking for. Where's your proof we all came for a soupy puddle?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this website shows some of the prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus

    most of these books were written at least hundreds of years before Jesus

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    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    REVELATIONS 6:6 - BEES are DISAPPEARING, grapes and olives will not be impacted...while much of the fruit, veggies and nuts will be severely reduced resulting in famine.


    RFID CHIPS - Bilderburg will try to MICROCHIP - EVERYONE. (REVELATION 14:11)

    "NEW WORLD ORDER" - They want to RELPACE the US DOLLAR. (2 CORINTHIANS 4:4) - Jack Van Impe

    ROMANS 1:15-32

    EZEKIEL 20, 30, 38-39

    Source(s): JESUS IS KING FOREVER!!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    First answerer: please try again, or at least come back with proof that Jesus existed and actually did all of those things. Proof is not considered ONE fairy tale book. Thanks.

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