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Does a jealous God imply more than one God?

I can only see three scenarios:

God knows that there are other Gods;

God knows that there are no other Gods;

God does not know either way.

With an omniscient God, I think we can automatically discount the last option. If God knows that there are no other Gods, then he would not need to be jealous. Which only leaves option one, that God knows that there are other Gods. Whilst I am Atheist (I believe option 4, there is no God as described), I would be interested in any Monotheist views on how to get around this issue.


@ The Coach - I have a morbid curiosity as to why perfectly rational people would not see the paradox of religion. I have no fear of Gods or religion and I do debate/discuss theology with the Theists in my life (I love JWs) but my life is quite insular and the Theists are very few and thus I like to post the odd question on Y!A to get the views of a larger slice of Theism. I am openly Atheist because I live in the UK where people can openly discuss their views, Atheist or otherwise, without fear of being disowned by parents or ostracised by communities. I've been to churches and listened to sermons and honestly, I have found them wanting. Two of the many books that sit on my desk (keeping "The Selfish Gene" company are "The Bible" and "Reasoning from the Scriptures" (The JW's field book).

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, it does. Monotheism didn't start with the idea of there being only one god. It started with the idea of the tribe's god forbidding the tribe to worship other tribe's gods.

    If you are interested in the evolution of monotheism I can highly recommend the book A History of God by Karen Armstrong, which delves deeply into (among many other things) exactly this issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    For someone who is an atheist you sure ask a lot of questions about a GOD you claim not to believe in. I'm sure you don't believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny either but I don't see you dedicating your life to disproving their existence. I think you know deep down inside that GOD exist but for whatever reason you are too afraid to believe. Maybe asking questions on Yahoo is how you go about learning about GOD. Maybe you are intimidated by the thought of going to church or too embarrassed to ask a Believer in person for help now that you have so publicly and proudly branded yourself an atheist. One thing is for certain, you are clearly reading the bible, probably more than most believers. It's okay, step into the light Astaroth. God loves you!

    Source(s): Life
  • 1 decade ago

    I always thought that the statement "God is a jealous God" sounded funny. But the Bible wasn't written in English; maybe it could have been translated more appropriately.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Thou shall have no other gods before me sounds like there are other gods and it is important not to revere them more than Yahweh. Why would I care to get around this issue?When Moses threw his staff down it turned into a snake which ate the snake /staffs of the Egyptian magicians

    ,this demonstrated power from other religious practices.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is no god, there are no gods! Omniscient or otherwise. If there were, we would not be in any doubt. Everyone would know, for absolutely certain, because it would simply be the biggest deal there ever was! Instead, there are millions of people who do not accept the existence of gods. The fact that I don't is the ultimate proof of their nonexistence.

  • 1 decade ago

    There "are" other gods, although they are not alive. I can name many other gods like Amaterasu, Zeus, Ba'al, Marduk, and etc. However, none of these are alive unlike Jehovah*. They are called false gods in the Bible and God was very much aware of them because many people were worshipping them. It's like a boy who plays with his one imaginary friend more than his living human best friend. Just because the human one gets jealous does not imply that the imaginary one exists in life, just in thought. An interesting story of a challenge between Jehovah and Ba'al is recorded at 1 Kings chapter 18. I will provide a little synopsis but feel free to read the whole chapter.

    1 Kings 18:21-various other verses in chapter 18:

     Then E‧li′jah approached all the people and said: “How long will YOU be limping upon two different opinions? If Jehovah is the [true] God, go following him; but if Ba′al is, go following him... And E‧li′jah went on to say to the people: “I myself have been left as a prophet of Jehovah, I alone, while the prophets of Ba′al are four hundred and fifty men. 23 Now let them give us two young bulls, and let them choose for themselves one young bull and cut it in pieces and put it upon the wood, but they should not put fire to it. And I myself shall dress the other young bull, and I must place it upon the wood, but I shall not put fire to it. 24 And YOU must call upon the name of YOUR god, and I, for my part, shall call upon the name of Jehovah; and it must occur that the [true] God that answers by fire is the [true] God.”

    25 E‧li′jah now said to the prophets of Ba′al: “Choose for yourselves one young bull and dress it first, because YOU are the majority; and call upon the name of YOUR god, but YOU must not put fire to it.” 26 Accordingly they took the young bull that he gave them. Then they dressed it, and they kept calling upon the name of Ba′al from morning till noon, saying: “O Ba′al, answer us!”...And it came about that, as soon as noon was past and they continued behaving as prophets until the going up of the grain offering, there was no voice, and there was no one answering, and there was no paying of attention.

    36 And it came about at the time that the grain offering goes up that E‧li′jah the prophet began to approach and say: “O Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, today let it be known that you are God in Israel..38 At that the fire of Jehovah came falling and went eating up the burnt offering and the pieces of wood and the stones and the dust, and the water that was in the trench it licked up. 39 When all the people saw it, they immediately fell upon their faces and said: “Jehovah is the [true] God! Jehovah is the [true] God!”

    *(Psalm 83:18) That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.

  • 1 decade ago

    god doesn't just mean from another religion a god could be anything that u put before him ie: money, cars, clothes, spouse etc. He's talking about anything that can deter ur relationship with him, because all in all He comes first.......Well in my life he does!!!!!!!!

  • Mythos
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In a word, no. That God is a "jealous God" simply means he's letting his people know that he will not tolerate them going after any strange, god "wanna-be's".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, that is exactly it's meaning.

    God is jealous of all the other gods.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is only one God. Buddhist God is same as my Catholic Christian God.

    I think the passage that you refer to, would mean for humans not to put greed, sex, drugs, and alcohol before God. Don't worship sex over God. Pray first. Choose marriage. Pray together. That kind of thing. Only one God.

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