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How can I stop my ex-wife from threatening me or taking to court every time things don't workout in her favor?

My ex is always threatening me with taking me to court for child support when things don't go her way. For example some months ago she came up with the idea to cancel the child support if I would keep the kids more often than just my visitation days. So I said sure I love my kids and I would love to spend more time with them. So she cancelled the child support. Her little plan worked good for about three to three and a half month and then we had a disagreement and the plan went out the window. The disagreement had nothing to do with the agreement we had or anything to do with kids for that matter. So I am back on child support which I don't mind they are my kids and its my job to support them, but now she is threatening me with taking me back to court to increase child support, modify parenting plan and get full custody. My ex has always been like this, but she also suffers from emotional issues such as depression and some other mental issues. So I put up with it, but I am tired of getting screwed over every time she feels like it. I would like to know what other options do I have to protect myself and deal with her besides getting an attorney? Attorney option is just too expensive for me sadly, but true! I was thinking of maybe putting a restraining order to keep her from contacting me and harrassing me, but I am not sure what I can do. We do have kids together and can't cut all communications, but I can't have her taking me to court and threatening me with child support issues everytime things are not in her favor. I need it to stop!! BTW, I know I should of gotten that agreement on writting so, thanks in advance.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    umm, if you have any proof of medications, or depression, you can use this to take her to court, and get custody of your children. Mothers do get the better deal usually in child lawsuits, and so if you have this information, you could help even the field, or state that she is an unfit mother, whose instability is creating a unfit lifestyle for children to grow up in, while you are the reasonable parent, who has done everything to make it work and just want to spend time with your children, without harassment from your wife. I guess i just wrote your opening/closing statement=).

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, if you have court ordered child support (or ordered through CSE), don't mess around with it regardless of what she says. Because if she seeks assistance in collecting and says you haven't paid and you can't prove that you paid her, well guess what- they will put a withholding on your income without batting an eye.

    I would suggest that you get her to mediation and get everything hammered out and in writing, then file it with the court for a judge's approval.

    Also, don't fight with her. Keep it about the kids and that is it. Obviously there are other issues here and I'm sorry, but I'm betting that you aren't as easy to deal with as you are trying to make yourself sound. Sorry, I may be biased because of the garbage I'm dealing with in my life right now. By all means if she is just crazy and you really aren't being a pain in her rear, then definitely document everything, save everything like emails, texts, voice messages, letters, and journal everything else. You can also find out if is legal to record without her knowledge. This came in handy for me recently when my child's father was trying to make some outlandish claims about his visits w/ his child in my home, that were not true.

    Source(s): Previous marriage to a swell guy for 15yrs, currently in the midst of a custody battle w/ my infant son's father.
  • 5 years ago

    Texting is private and intimate. Texting is the perfect way to create a private and intimate world between you and the man or woman in your life. Learn here

    For women in particular, texting can end up being a fun “game” where they can do or say anything (even things they would never do in the “real” world). Texting is non confrontational. Odds are your relationship ended on a heated note. I don’t know why you and your ex broke up, but there was probably at least one (if not a few dozen) big fights. Done properly (the way I’m going to teach you), texting is simple and subtle. You can slowly feed your ex tested and proven messages and ideas without the risk of either one of you flying off the handle, falling back into old and destructive patterns, and throwing plates at each other.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Whoa... she's messing with you by having you "stop" child support payments. You don't want to do that. Keep paying what the court told you that you're supposed to pay in your divorce agreement, otherwise you will look like the "bad" father.

    Keep records of your bank statements so you have records of your payments. And keep records of your communications with her. Tell her you want only to communicate in writing with her. That way, you have a record of everything.

    Make your child support payments automatic payments with your checking account so it's not an emotional nuisance anymore.

    Good luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Even though you say you know it, I'm going to remind you again... You should have gotten that agreement in writing. In fact, not just once, but twice... You should have gotten that agreement in writing. Hopefully, that's enough to get it to burn in your brain.

    Collect evidence for the inevitable court case. The more evidence you have, the better you will stand in court. Only once you have enough evidence, can you call her bluff and have her take you to court. She will either take you to court and you'll win (if you get everything well documented) or she'll back down. Once that's happened, she'll learn that her threats are merely shooting blanks.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you need to file a written agreement. She uses the threat of litigation to leverage you and what she wants. Let her do what she feels she has to do. Taking you to court too often cant hurt her as much as it might hurt you. the only way she will stop is if she realizes she cant use it to manipulate you. The courts don't look kindly upon parents who use their children to manipulate and control the other parent

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Ex Back In 30 Days
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