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  • Tenant rights in Florida?

    I had just full-filled my one year lease when I lost my job. It was the 4th day of the month when my employer called and told me that I was getting laid off, the lease called for 30 day notice if your moving out. I called my landlord to let them know that I had just been laid off and that I wouldn't be able to live there any longer. Before I could even finish they were telling me that I had to give a 30 day notice. I told them I understood, but I had no control of getting laid off and was at out of the lease and paying month to month. My landlord continued to say that they needed a 30 day notice and that I would have to stay there another month and they also bumped the rent up from $895 because I was no longer on a lease. In my head I am thinking what part of I am no longer employed the landlord didn't understand? How could they possibly ask me to stay another month?! The landlord really starting to get confrontational. Even after I tried my very best to find a solution to the problem. So to avoid problems I quickly ended the conversation and hung up. I moved out by the end of the week. Long story short I just got a bill in the mail for $3084.73 When I called the collecting company they gave me a break down of the bill. The collecting company said that I owe an early termination fee, an eviction fee of $500 and change, cleaning fee which I would agree to pay and of course the month I still owe. There are other fees on there, but I don't have a copy of the bill and I don't remember the other fees. I tried everything possible to try and defuse the situation and avoid the unecessary legal action,but my landlord wouldn't have it. I also came across a website that allows tenants to post reviews of apartment and I happen tot find my apartments on there. I also found reviews were other tenants call my landlord by name and say how difficult they are to deal with. I just would like to know what my options are? I am willing to pay for my one months rent that I owe even tho I moved out the first week of the month and cleaning fee, but not the $3084.73! For an eviction notice I never got and early termination fee when I was out of a lease and god knows what else they added on there. If I go to court can I use those reviews I found online as proof that my landlord is just a hard person to deal with? I don't think its fair that they are screwing my over becasue I was honest and told them what was going on. Any help or information on what rights I have would glaldy be appreciated. I am already looking into getting an attourney.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How can I stop my ex-wife from threatening me or taking to court every time things don't workout in her favor?

    My ex is always threatening me with taking me to court for child support when things don't go her way. For example some months ago she came up with the idea to cancel the child support if I would keep the kids more often than just my visitation days. So I said sure I love my kids and I would love to spend more time with them. So she cancelled the child support. Her little plan worked good for about three to three and a half month and then we had a disagreement and the plan went out the window. The disagreement had nothing to do with the agreement we had or anything to do with kids for that matter. So I am back on child support which I don't mind they are my kids and its my job to support them, but now she is threatening me with taking me back to court to increase child support, modify parenting plan and get full custody. My ex has always been like this, but she also suffers from emotional issues such as depression and some other mental issues. So I put up with it, but I am tired of getting screwed over every time she feels like it. I would like to know what other options do I have to protect myself and deal with her besides getting an attorney? Attorney option is just too expensive for me sadly, but true! I was thinking of maybe putting a restraining order to keep her from contacting me and harrassing me, but I am not sure what I can do. We do have kids together and can't cut all communications, but I can't have her taking me to court and threatening me with child support issues everytime things are not in her favor. I need it to stop!! BTW, I know I should of gotten that agreement on writting so, thanks in advance.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • If I trade my current vehicle in for a cheaper one will my monthly payments go down?

    I currently drive an 07' Toyota Tundra, but lately been looking into getting something a little cheaper a month. I have already talked with Toyota Financial about lowering my monthly payments a while back, but they said they couldn't. Sounds like a bunch of BS to me, but what can you do. So if I trade my truck for a car of less value would that be a good idea? I still owe on my truck, but I figured if the car I am looking to get is valued lower than my truck then I can use the extra $$$ to put that towards the current loan. Or can I? That is what I am not sure about. Any help will gladly be appreciated. BTW, I already know that if you have a loan and you trade your car in it rolls over to your new loan, but like I said what if the car your trading in has a much bigger value than the car your trying to purchase? Again thanks in advance!

    7 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Can a general manger make you shave all facial hair even though the employee handbook says it's ok?

    When I interviewed for my current job I interviewed with a trimmed beard. I just happened to ask my manager what the policy was on facial hair. Her replies was simply that facial hair was the GM's pet peeve and that it would be better if I did. So, I decided to read through the employee handbook that my manager gave me. It clearly states that facial hair is allowed as long as it's neatly trimmed and as long as your facial hair grows fully (meaning no patches) and it had to be grown during a vacation. Now, my question is this. Wouldn't it be illegal for a general manager to ask all his male employees to be clean shaven because he simply doesn't like facial hair when the employee handbook says its allowed? Isn't that considered border line discrimination? Specially when all the male employees had some sort of facial hair during the hiring and interview process? Now they threatening with writing people up if your not clean shaven even after you followed the guidelines to grow facial hair?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How much child support should I pay for two kids at $10.30 an hour in Florida?

    I just got my child support order finalized and they slapped me with $704 a month in child support! I am not a lawyer or nothing, but that seems super high for my current hourly wage, not to mention my rent is $705 and it's due the same day as my child support. What am I supposed to do? I can't afford to pay both! I need help! Any information will gladly be appreciate it.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago