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So I guess it wan't just Catholic priest ..Any out cry ? blasting ? Hmmmm?

According to The Daily Beast, writer Kevin Sessums interviewed Elisabeth Taylor for a cover story for POZ, an American magazine dedicated to AIDS activism. It was then the actress reportedly let him in on a secret about Dean, a close friend of hers.

"I loved Jimmy. I'm going to tell you something, but it's off the record until I die. OK? When Jimmy was 11 and his mother passed away, he began to be molested by his minister," she revealed to Sessums, who was sworn to secrecy.

The Religious Affiliation of

James Dean

great American actor

Dean was a Quaker (Religious Society of Friends). Dean went a few times to worship services of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with actress Terry Moore while he casually dated her.

From: Ellis Auburn, The Most Beautiful Woman in the World: The Obsessions, Passions, and Courage of Elizabeth Taylor, Harper Collins Publishers: New York, NY (2000), page 74:

On October 8 in Fairmount, three thousand mourners jammed the Black Creek Friends Church [a Quaker church] for Jimmy's [James Dean's] funeral, the largest in the town's history

6 Answers

  • Lilith
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It has never been just Catholic priests, it is priests. minister, rabbis, imams, teachers, cub scot leaders, neighbors, fathers, uncles, big brothers,doctors, dentist, it is anyplace a grown man has authority over children and sometimes it is even when a grown woman has authority over them. It is just the the media has played up the Catholic angle to the hilt and no I am not a Catholic.

  • 1 decade ago

    The abuser was a Methodist minister named De Weerd. So the Methoidst "church" covered it up. Nobody cares. The whole point in protesting was not about compassion for the kids. It was all about an excuse to bash Catholics. Since there were no Catholics involved, this was a non-story.

    Welcome to the world of Yahoo frauds.

  • 1 decade ago

    You know Brother, there's simply no excuse for anyone abusing young....from any sector of life and many a priests will have to answer to God for the sickness and abuse they shed over all both young and old...But if anyone ever thought that molestation was any different than a Pastor molesting a young girl or a weak woman, they've got to be weak themselves....

    The thing is, ALL sin disgusts God....No one sin is greater than another if a person doesn't truly repent properly and immediately, since none of us know the hour of our demise.

    But here's some stats on Catholic Priests and laypeople in the Catholic Workforce to give you an idea of how very large a male/female force we're speaking it any wonder that some of these are living in sin???

    Statistics Coming Out of the Vatican -- Food For Thought

    The worldwide Catholic population reached 1.06 billion at the end of 2001, an increase of nearly 1 percent from the previous year.

    The number of baptized Catholics in the world had grown from 757 million in 1978 to 1.06 billion at the end of 2001. The greatest growth has been in Africa, where the number of Catholics increased 148 percent since 1978. Significant increases also have occurred in Asia, the Americas and Oceania, while the number of European Catholics has remained about the same over that period.

    The number of priests declined by 111 during 2001. That reflected a decrease of 778 in religious order priests and an increase of 667 diocesan priests.

    The number of seminarians increased 1.5 percent over the same period, from 110,583 to 112,244. The most significant increases came in Asia, Africa and the Americas, while Europe and Oceania registered a reduction.

    Permanent deacons increased 4.9 percent, members of secular institutes were up 2.7 percent, lay missionaries increased 10.1 percent and catechists were up 6.5 percent.

    The number of people involved in the church's pastoral workforce rose from 4.1 million to 4.27 million in 2001. This includes 4,649 bishops, 405,067 priests (138,619 religious order priests and 266,448 diocesan priests), 29,204 permanent deacons, 54,970 non-priest religious men, 792,317 religious women, 31,512 members of secular institutes, 139,078 lay missionaries and 2,813,252 catechists.

  • Its still mostly Catholic. But that actually is not Catholic people's fault it is the Church's.

    And those poor people cant stand the idea of demanding more of their church.

    Even though for centuries it has often caved in to popular demand. It told people that witches were crap, but then its all like "ok they exist happy now?" Marry worship was not taught in the early church, but popular demand....

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  • neil s
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Everyone knows protestants have been just as guilty. This is not news.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why are you telling us this?

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