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Is it true that religion is in decline all over the world? Or is it only christianity?

today in the news I read a short article by an Australian man. He indicated that

religion is disappearing down there. Got any facts to back your assertions?

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Worldwide on average, the number of people who identify themselves as theists is decreasing significantly. Obviously this varies by region- secularism isn't exactly booming in third world or theocratic regions like the Middle East or SubSaharan Africa.

    The United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom continue to have the percentage of people who identify themselves as "not believing in a god' (though many are not willing to call themselves atheists despite the description being correct) rise significantly. The United States in particular has seen a large rise in the number of people who do not identify themselves as believers- between 10 and 15% of Americans are secular (depending on how the polls are worded).

  • 1 decade ago

    I just realized you had asked the question twice. This is different from what else I have stated, and though it is from memory now, it is based on things I read yesterday. I read in the dozens of articles so I may not have the exact figures and would have to look to find the sources again, but based on what I read yesterday:

    World wide, religion is growing but atheism is declining. I will have to go back and check but I believe it was about 600 every 24 hours. That would equal a decline of 220,000 per year if it stays steady. There was a carefully conducted, scientifically based survey in which the conclusion was religion is expected to become extinct in nine countries, Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland. They took a number of factors into consideration and for the most part I feel they were conscientious and thorough. However, apparently they did not bother taking into consideration the Baha'i Faith. I have yet to find statistics for all of those nine countries and am still looking for a couple of them, but what I have found so far is that the numbers of Baha'is in those countries I have checked is increasing at a significantly higher rate than is the population, and the rate is increasing, indicating the conclusion of the study is very flawed.

    Since you mentioned Australia, that was the first one I checked and the Baha'i Faith there is growing several times faster than the population, and at a much faster rate than atheism. Not in hard numbers, but percentage of growth, which means sooner or later if that rate continues most of the population of Australia will become Baha'is. Please, keep in mind that children are not counted as members until they choose to enroll, and that is not permitted until one reaches fifteen, which eliminates inflated growth just from a high birth rate. Again, the estimated growth rate of Atheists is lower than for the Baha'i Faith, so atheism is losing out in Australia also. So far, every survey ever conducted (save in Israel where resides the World Headquarters of the Baha'i Faith) indicates only a small percentage of any given population has even heard of the Baha'i Faith. If it is growing that rapidly when only a few have heard of it, how much will the growth increase as more hear of it?

    Does that trend indicate the Baha'i goal of bringing peace to the world is looming closer? I believe it does, and am looking forward to world peace.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion has been declining for decades. The crazy teachings of hellfire, the soul living on after dying, the trinity and the numerous holidays that can be traced back to having pagan origins have made Christianity the biggest loser.

    If someone were to do a deep study on Revelation chapter 18-20 they would see that all religions are close to being banned and stopped by the governments.

  • 4 years ago

    faith is dropping floor interior the more advantageous international the place standards of residing are severe. interior the coming up international faith isn't possibly shifting nevertheless that's changing form (classic religions are being replaced by Christianity and Islam). as a results of fact the coming up international develops and gets a much better primary of residing faith could be anticipated to vanish from there besides (the info does point out that top standards of residing and faith are incompatible, the U. S. is the exception usually as a results of severe point of earnings inequality and absence of a social protection internet).

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Religion is actually growing pretty rapidly. So many end of the world predictions are causing people to try to become spiritually humble. The fastest growing religion is Islam. Though I am not a Muslim, it is very interesting how fast it is really growing. It is catching up on Christianity.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    An Australian man who was riding the subway in Sidney said this.

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't assert that claim, the Australian man did. Sorry, I got nothing to give you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I once heard that an Australian man said that the beach was safe and that there were no great white sharks in the area. Then one ate him. Sad, but true.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Matthew 24:10

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you look at the data, it's mainly Christianity now. Islam is still growing, but slower than the birth rate so they are losing more than gaining.

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