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Seniors,have you seen any signs notices that make you ask,why bother?

This year we have a census form to fill in from the government.

Q17 says 'this question is deliberately left blank,go to Q18'

A Sunday paper reported a sign that said 'this sign is not yet in use'

Any more 'Then Why Bother' been seen?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    when you buy something new and it gives you 3 pages of instructions that you are desperately trying to follow - then at the end it says "This feature not available on the model you bought."

    I have right this minute in my hand, a package of thread that says (I QUOTE) " 100% Unknown Fiber". really? why did you waste the ink to tell me THAT!?

    Thank you for telling us about the census in the UK, it is interesting. The US census was last year.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Like on my sleeping tablets, 2 at night. "These may cause drowsiness" Duh!!

    Or "Keep out of the reach of Children" and I can't even get the top off myself!

    Or "This train is cancelled" and my son is on it and speeding home!

    The Census won't be opened for 100 years - So why the rush to fill it in? Yeh right, and I believe in fairies!

    Bet the different departments are going to cross check everything and will the illegal immigrants be filling in these forms??

    I stopped "bothering" years ago!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I was reading some governmental informational leaflets and the bottom said, "This leaflet available in Braille." I had to ask the clerk about it. She said that a lot of people take these home to keep for reference. Those with blind family members like to give them their own copy to keep at home.

    When I worked handicapped parking, I was curious about the "Reserved for the blind" space. I jokingly asked the Sr. Ofcr. how often they have blind drivers. He told me it was for those transporting the blind so that they didn't have to help them navigate walking a busy parking lot to get to the store entrance. Since walking with canes will not warn them of an unattended, roll-a-way shopping cart.

    Yahoo just did a story on all of those stupid product warning labels. Such as the curling iron that warns "Do for use inside bodily orifices." I learned that when we read these stupid labels its b/c SOMEONE did that very thing & sued a company & WON.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I saw in a leaflet in a shredder I bought.

    A red circle with fingers going into the shredder and a red diagonal line through it.

    I saw a bus getting towed with the front of the bus 3ft off the ground displaying - sorry i'm not in service.

    On the news. An escaped killer on the loose 35 years old 6ft3. 20 stone. Members of the public are warned not to try to apprehend this man. - I wasn't gunna.

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  • Beulah
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I saw a sign above the entrance to a pier that stretched out into the sunny sparkling waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The sign said

    "Pleasure Pier".

    Below that sign was another.

    No cycling

    No ball games

    No fishing

    No drinking

    No food

    Beyond this point.

    As you asked "Why bother?"


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In November the governor of the state, responding to the citizens turning down just about every tax measure on the ballot, said, "I don't have a plan for moving forward." Her method of trying to erase a multi-billion dollar deficit was just to keep taxing the hell out of us and keep spending. The citizens said, "no thank you."

    If the governor doesn't have a plan, then why bother?

  • Kwe'
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Outside a drive-thru with car hops a sign had the full menu on it and the last sandwich was grilled cheese and right below it a ways it said, "cheese 20 cents extra"!!!!!

    Outhval: That was hilarious!!!!

  • Karen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I used to work in downtown Chicago ---- lots of skyscrapers! In the winter, as I made my trek from the train station to the office, there were signs "Beware of Falling Ice". I never really knew what I was supposed to do - look up as I walked?

  • 1 decade ago

    It always amazes me to see the "No Parking - Fire Lane" signs ignored at Walmart all the time. Why aren't these people ticketed and their vehicles impounded? The mysteries of life.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The sign in rear windows of cars saying, Baby on Board, can they not afford a seat?....

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