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why would anyone think that polygamy (as mentioned in the Koran) is acceptable in the 21st century?

Just because something is mentioned in a 'holy' book written hundreds and hundreds of years ago (e.g. that a man can have up to 4 wives), does that make it right, relevant or appropriate for the 21st century? Doesn't polygamy break the criminal law of England & Wales?

15 Answers

  • Answer
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Just because a nation sets up a law that is against a religious law does not mean we should listen to the secular law and prohibit the religious law

    2) I agree that certain rules were made for a time period and are no longer applicable

    3) Having said that, this is not the case with polygamy in the way that it is with other laws

    Polygamy was allowed as a way to limit the pre-Islamic Arabs from them having a great number of wives. Islam however in the Quran says that polygamy is allowed only if you can treat them equally. Nobody can treat them equally therefore while Islam allowed the practice as a means of morphing the pre-Islamic culture, it also prohibits it


  • 1 decade ago

    Critically, polygamy marriage is ok if you make the requirement. I will want you to look into these points and think of their possible solution without polygamy marriage.

    1. present women's population in the world. If you are current enough, you will get to know that the population of women is high like twice or thrice that of men due to war and high resistivity of female child to that of a male child. Now if every man should marry one woman, what will be the fate of other women.

    2. Maturity. Please note that women attain physical maturity earlier than men and as such, it not even the number of women that matters but how fast they reach puberty stage because despite the number of men, not all that are mature that are capable to raise a family .

    3. Education. The 21st century is so challenging that everybody must to go school for him to be carried along with others, therefore women are not an exception and they must go to school. Now, how will they do that without committing adultery and fornication if you ever had experience to be in higher institution, then you will know where I am heading to?

    4. Sickness. Have you ever discovered a barred woman who might be dump out of her matrimonial home because she can not conceive? Who will get to her rescue?

    5. Displacement. As a child, if your parents are civil servants; what are the set back you might face academically as a result of your parents being transfered from one place to the other?

    6. Widows. Finally, if you lost your husband or got divorced may be in a later age, does it means that you have to search for a divorced man before you get married or you will find a man that never get married before?

    If you know the solutions out of polygamy marriage, please let me know.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The veil isn't suggested in the Qu'ran. I surely don't have any further something antagonistic to females wearing the veil, a head scarf or maybe the chador (as worn earlier in Iran), in basic terms see you later because that's the female's decision and not in any respect imposed on them by potential of father, husband uncle or brother. that is a lady's precise to placed on the garments in which she feels comfortable. Integration has no longer something to do with the way human beings dress. i'm a Brit, residing in Switzerland. and that i'm a criminal adviser for asylum seekers. even as i flow to help my consumers, I regularly placed on a healthy. The interviewer is likely wearing a t-blouse and jeans, yet hi! i'm British and that is the way i become delivered up. Your/our u . s . shouldn't become yet another Islamic state. AND, dangle about! the united kingdom is a in reality Christian u . s .. high quality! yet Jesus preached tolerance, equality and become completely antagonistic to discrimination. So how a lengthy way does 'our' Christianity flow? Islam recognises Jesus as between the great prophets and honours his mom, Mary. Jesus not in any respect suggested that he become the son of God. That got here later - clone of the Sharia.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i see you have such a big problem with a man marrying 4 women who has to be responsible for providing for them, housing them, and looking after them and love them. and as you mentioned it is illegal in england and wales.

    but do you not find it a little hypocritical that its not illegal for a man to have 6 girlfriends at the same time, get them pregnant and leave them without having any responsibility of supporting and loving them?

    try get out of your cultural bias and try and open your mind a little. true most people nowadays dont like it but there are people who are ok with polygamy.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Salam Polygamy is acceptable since the coming of Islam until qiyyamah because it is given by Allah as privillege for men although most women would not permit their husbands to take another wife until 4.wives as maximum But it is the way to solve social problem such sas criminality and prostitution, when there is war ,when the ratio of comparison between women and men population is out of 1:1.Now the ratio is 6:1 while nearing qiyyamah it will be 50:1..

  • 1 decade ago

    If it was written by a man, then certainly we can claim times have changed. But if it comes directly from our creator, who are we to reinterpret what he allows or forbids based on the passage of time.

    While these things are allowed in other religions, they will never be done in Islam. There are no reforms in Islam. We don't change the religion to suit ourselves for worldly benefit or otherwise.

    Islam allows men to take up to four wives if he feels he is unable to be satisfied with one PROVIDED he treats them all fairly, with honor, and provides for them. At the same time, Muslims are required to abide by the prevailing law so if polygamy is forbidden where they live it is not allowed.

    The modern world has problems with this, but they have no problems with men and women having multiple partners outside of marriage and the resulting havoc that creates in the family life especially when children arrive as a result of this promiscous behavior. Do we know more than our lord and creator that we should overule his law?

  • 36
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    because humans has the same body structure and brain patterns as those in the past. Nothing has evolved yet where humans begin to grow scales, got infectious diseases where sex would spread it and kill whole community in a short span of time .

    polygyny would never stop as long as there are men who are not contended with one woman relationship. The bible did not forbid polygyny. Why only point this to the muslims. There is even no restrictions mentioned in the bible.

    As this is a fact happening, those whose laws does not allow polygyny have their men put into many illegal relationship with several mistresses or prostitutes. Really, why would there be a law to stop men's sexual libido. Islam actually restrict men to have up to 4 wives only and all to be legally recognized and have their shares of duties and responsibilities. Islam is for the protection of women from men who fools women into sex and leave them when they are old , lost their beauty and wrinkled.

    I myself was not in favor before with polygyny but studying and knowing why it is such. I finally understand that it is for the benefit of the society.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do Women and Men have equal rights?Indeed,Muslim women have,and had since 600 A.D.. Non-Muslim women have been oppressed and suppressed for centuries.Judaism and Christianity consider women to be an inferior species,born sinners,unclean etc. As for atheism,it is not a religion,and thus have no rules.If a chauvinist leader is elected,he may decide to revoke a law allowing women to vote and replace it with one that forbids it.And again, another leader may come up and pass another Bill declaring owning of property by women to be illegal etc.And of course,a just leader may appear centuries later and declare women and men to be equal…. However,since this is so unreliable,we cannot say that atheism gives women rights.In the early 18th century,the English critic Daniel Defoe denounced marriage as "legalized prostitution." English law dispossessed any woman who married,with the notable exception of England's queens.Women were not allowed to own property or land or to control their own assets.William Blackstone,a celebrated 18th century jurist, put it this way:"By marriage, the very being or legal existence of a woman is suspended,or at least incorporated or consolidated into that of the husband,under whose wing, protection, or cover she performs everything."

    With the advent of Islam came the verse from the Quran elevating women,honoring them and giving them equal rights with men.Though as we notice in some cases,women have been given greater privilege that men(as in the case when a Muslim woman marries,she becomes an owner of her husband’s property,BUT her property remains hers alone, and her husband has no right over her wealth).

    But Islam makes it clear that women and men are 100% equal in every possible way.In fact,the greatest and most learned scholar,or Imaam in Islam was a woman,the first Muslim on Earth was a woman,the greatest general in Islamic history was a woman(who had led one of the most powerful contingent of armed men, in 7th century Arabia),and 14 centuries earlier,Muslim women were governors of ‘Islamic’ countries,and women help powerful positions all over the Islamic world.

    Can we yet forget how in early 18th century European leaders gathered in Paris to decide whether women should be regarded as humans or animals!?And I would not be surprised if another century later, non-Muslim leaders gather to vote to brand women as animals once again.You see, is there any law preventing them from this?Yes,we may be relieved to see that Islamic laws(i.e. The Quran)remains in its pristine form and has not been changed, and shall never be changed. Thus, our rights are protected within this Great Book.Inherently contentful, the Quran’s authenticity has never been questioned. And this Quran,the direct speech of our Lord,the intelligible light,the bridge by which we shall return to salvation,is present,sustaining and illuminating.

    Sir Charles Edward Archibald Hamilton says about Islam:“Islam teaches the inherent sinlessness of man.It teaches that man and women have come from the same essence, possess the same soul and have been equipped with equal capabilities for intellectual, spiritual and moral attainments.”Islam came as the defender of the fairer sex and entitled women to share in the inheritance.It gave women,centuries ago,the right of owning property.Yet it was only 12 centuries later, in 1881, that England, supposed to be the cradle of democracy,adopted this institution of Islam and an Act was passed,called the ‘Married Women’s Act’.But a thousand years before our time,Islam assured women that they shall have every right and every opportunity as men have. Muslim women never had to bite and fight for their rights as we had.Our Creator ensured that this invincible, just law shall remain until the Last Day,and women will never again be considered as the ‘weaker sex’.

    Source(s): Sir William Muir, a renowned critic of Islam on the Quran: "There is not a single book on earth that has remained in its pristine form as it were revealed some 12 centuries ago, (now 14 centuries) but the Koran."
  • 1 decade ago

    It's NOT acceptable. Only in certain situations like war zoned countries such as Iraq or Palestine, to PROTECT women.

    The Prophet SAW did not have any lustful desires to have multiple wives. It was because to help spread Islam properly. 99% of his wives were widowed women, depleted of their beauty, who had husbands die or divorced.

    The reason for why Polygamy was not considered HARAM was because if Allah forbade it, there would be times where the women would suffer if a war happened and in social situations, not for a man to get his jollies with many women. Polygamy is for the benefit of the woman. In the Prophet's times, wars were very common and women needed to be in protection of men, esspecially when the non-Muslims would kill and rape innocent women when Islam was being spread.

    It is not needed in most parts of the world today. And Allah says "you can never be just with women" that's indirectly not recommending Polygamy to Muslims. And hadeeth suggests a virgin man marry a virgin woman, which shows Polygamous marriages are not really there for a man to marry a virgins and have *fun*

    If a man is married once, he goes through a phase where accepting responsibility is a tough job. Marriage is about responsibility and helping families succeed rather than sex. Only close minded idiots think otherwise.

    And Muslims can only practice laws of Polygamy in a Shariah state (Islamic Law) or a country that permits it, GIVEN it's under the reasons FOR ISLAM I mentioned above. We are not allowed to go against the rulings and teachings of another country's laws.

    And like I said, Quran indirectly does not recommend it, but doesn't forbid it either for the reasons I mentioned once again.

    LOL @Sara Some animals the female goes out to find mates and reproduces with many males. POLYGAMY is not for men who fear sleeping around that is falling short in their duties and their religion. No wonder many non Muslims hate Islam. Stop spreading stupid information

    @Ruchjat: You're wrong. The population currently exceeds females males are slightly bit more than females in 2011. Do your research. Allah never gave the reasons you claim for Polygamy. If you do a bit of research on Islam you would see it's to help widows/orphans and the Prophet PBUH and Sahabah mainly married WIDOWS with children

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    STONE THEM TO DEATH: "If however the charge is true and no proof of the girl's virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death..." Deuteronomy 22:13-21

    --However, there is not a single verse in the Quran that directly or indirectly allows the stoning of either men or women.

    Polygamy still exists amongst fundamentalist Mormons and certain sects. A fundamentalist group in America instructs women to call their husbands MASTER and to practice the art of being a SLAVE. Various fundamentalists exhort wives to submit and obey and have embarked on a chastity crusade targeting young women. ARE WOMEN TREATED FAIRLY IN THE BIBLE? ARE THEY RESPECTED AS INDIVIDUALS OR SLAVES TO MAN? ARE THEY RESPECTED AND HONORED?

    --However, you should know that in Islam, a woman decides whether her husband can marry again or not. That is, at the time of marriage, a contract is supposed to be set according to Islamic religion. And a woman is free to include any sorts of condition in the contract, including if her husband can marry again or not. In that case the Muslim man can NEVER marry more than one wife at a time. However, if he becomes a non-Muslim, then naturally he can marry as many as he can imagine because other religion does not allow contracts in marriage. It is considered a vow.

    Note: All references from King James Version


    [Exodus 21:7]

    And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do.


    [Deuteronomy. 25:11]

    When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets: 12 Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.

    Women are NOT allowed to speak.

    [1 Corinthians. 14:34]

    Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

    --However, Muslim men and women have equal rights and can


    [Amos 7:16-17]

    Now therefore hear thou the word of the LORD: Thou sayest, Prophesy not against Israel, and drop not thy word against the house of Isaac. 17 Therefore thus saith the LORD; Thy wife shall be an harlot in the city,

    [Jeremiah. 8:9-10]

    The wise men are ashamed, they are dismayed and taken: lo, they have rejected the word of the LORD; and what wisdom is in them? 10 Therefore will I give their wives unto others,


    [Deuteronomy 22:28-30]

    If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; 29 Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days. 30


    [Deuteronomy. 25:7-9]

    And if the man like not to take his brother's wife, then let his brother's wife go up to the gate unto the elders, and say, My husband's brother refuseth to raise up unto his brother a name in Israel, he will not perform the duty of my husband's brother. 8 Then the elders of his city shall call him, and speak unto him: and if he stand to it, and say, I like not to take her; 9 Then shall his brother's wife come unto him in the presence of the elders, and loose his shoe from off his foot,


    20:17 Wife as property.

    21:4 Wife and children belong to master.

    21:7-11 OK to sell daughters. Female slaves can be used for sex.

    Polygamy permitted. Unwanted female slaves can be set "free" without payment of money.

    22:18 Kill witches.


    12:1 Childbirth a sin, Women unclean after childbirth.

    15:19-32 Menstruating women are unclean.

    20:10-16 Death penalty for homosexuality and various sexual transgressions.

    21:7 Priests must not marry prostitutes or divorcees.

    21:9 Burn daughters.

    21:13-14 Priest must marry virgin, not "used" woman.


    1:2 Census lists only men - women do not count.

    5:11-31 Fidelity test for women only.

    30:1-16 Woman's vow invalid unless approved by her father or husband.

    31:17-18 Kill all except virgins. Keep virgins for yourselves.

    CH 12 Miriam punished for rebuking Moses.

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