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Lv 5

Who is more Delusional?

Someone who Believes that God can exist. Or someone who believes that they can't see God they can be positive that God can't exist, even though they can't see air but they know it exists.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you don't think I can prove air exists, let me remove yours.

    For your part, remove your "god" from me and let's see the consequences. Or, rather, the non-consequences.


  • 1 decade ago

    Are you really that literal to think only seeing is the way we sense things? The air analogy is lame and stupid. I can prove air exists in many ways. In a way I have even seen air. I have seen its two major components as liquids, which started out as air.

    Their is plenty of evidence for air, gravity, heat, evolution, sound and a bunch of other things you can't see.

    Their is no similar evidence for god(s).

    I can see why some believers believe. Lack of reasoning skills.

  • Robin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Faith (as the bible says) is the evidence of things not seen. We have no problem accepting the history we were taught at school (even though much of it have since been corrected), we are happy to place our lives in the machines we drive to work and the traffic lights..even out fellow drivers despite the evidence we see every day (that tells us the roads are potentially killers). We are convinced that the love we know is fact, that our doctors know best, our children are safe in the care of strangers and that our pensions and saving schemes will provide for ours old age. We have no problem believing in things we can't see, even if they don't make sense...yet we doubt the spiritual element of our being, the existence of God, the transforming faith of billions of people for hundreds of years even though we have seen it working. The issue is not lack of faith or being delusional it is not wanting to face the consequences of believing...we don't want to give ourselves (our autonomy, free-will) to God. People are silly.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well, your bias here is pretty obvious, but neither person is delusional necessarily. However, for someone to be positive that God *can't* exist puts a lot of pressure on them to prove the "can't" part...Most atheists just don't think any gods *do* exist.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am not positive that God cannot or does not exist, but in any case you are making an apples-and-oranges comparison here. The existence of air has incontrovertible evidence to support it, while the existence of God does not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those who refuse to believe that God created the heavens and the earth as we see. The stars, sun and moon and earth didn't create themselves. Neither did they come into being by chance. God is the intelligent designer who did all of this. This is the obvious evidence that the blind Atheists refuse to believe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Anyone that believes in a god.

  • AEF
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Who is more delusional?

    Someone who address the archaeological evidence that contradicts the Bible and core themes of the Abrahamic religions (such as God being the only God (we now know the religion started with at least 2 gods), the holy trinity, account of the holy land, etc.) Someone who sees the severe lack of evidence to support the account of Jesus and Moses.

    Or someone who continues believing in these things?

    Definition of delusion:

    * certainty (held with absolute conviction) Just saying "there's a slim possibility" doesn't mean you are free of delusion.

    * incorrigibility (not changeable by compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary)

    * impossibility or falsity of content (implausible, bizarre or patently untrue)

    Atheists are agnostic in nature, while Christians are more gnostic in nature.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The one who thinks that something like 'believing' in air (a logical necessity which we can directly experience, measure and experiment with) is equally valid as believing in something completely invisible and intangible which contradicts all available logic and evidence.

    I mean really, you should be embarrassed. If you're going to call people delusional don't make such a mockery of yourself with that nonsense.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think opening a second grade science book will help you understand air a little bit better.

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