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Uppercut asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 1 decade ago

How long has your favorite movie been your favorite movie?

Just to make it clear it doesn't always have to do with the release date. For example your favorite could movie could have been released in 1980 but maybe you just saw it 5 years ago.

BQ: What's the latest movie that went into your favorite movie of all time list?


@Tamara: Thanks for welcome email :)

Update 2:

And once again I make a grammar mistake on yahoo answers. Some things never change I guess :)

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Romeo and Juliet" (1968) has been my favorite movie since my English class went to see it when I was a senior in high school. I kept going back to see it~16 more times. Later, when it was re-released in a city to the north of us, I drove there to see it 10 more times. My sister convinced me to ask to speak to the manager and to tell him about my devotion to the movie. He was so impressed that he gave me a poster, some lobby cards, and the pressbook, from which they clip items to appear in newspapers (ads, reviews, etc.). To this day, my 43rd year as a fan, I still collect memorabilia and have kept everything I collected throughout the years. One of my prize posssessions is the special multiple-record set of the ENTIRE soundtrack, every word, every note of music, every moment from this film that always has seemed to me to be like a medieval tapestry that has come to life.

    I attended Renaissance faires in garb (aka costume) for 13+ years and am certain that my love of "Romeo and Juliet" encouraged that love of events. I taught myself to play the bowed psaltery and learned several pieces from Nino Rota's beautiful score, including "What Is a Youth?", as well as "The Moresca", the music to which they dance with bells.

    BQ: Well, since I found it on Starz On Demand (free service), I've been watching "Hellboy" every night, sometimes twice a night, for several weeks. Does that count? The last OD film I watched so fanatically was "Tank Girl". Before that, it was "Young Sherlock Holmes".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I saw "Crash" for the first time in 2008 or maybe the end of 2007 not sure....People told me lots about it but i hated the first time i heard it's name..."Crash"..I said to myself "Not worthy of watching, from it's name another stupid action movie"....i didn't even search about it

    One day i woke up at 3 AM or so because i had to go at 8 AM to donate blood, anyway i opened the TV and "Crash" just began, so i put it to see what's the big deal about it, i watched the scene when the racist cop (Matt Dilon) sexually touch the african lady (Thandie Newton) and got my full attention, i saw it to the end and blew me away, the next day i bought it on DVD and saw it again, since that day it's my number one movie

    BQ: "Pulp Fiction" is the best movie i saw this month and defiantly on my top 10

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honestly, I think I have a new favorite movie. After re-watching Christopher Nolan's "The Prestige" yesterday, it may very well be my favorite. The first time I watched it I really wasn't paying much attention for whatever reason, but now I love everything about it. Brilliant film.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lord of the Rings since 2003

    Recent: 500 Days of Summer (2009), Love Me If You Dare (2010)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Back to the Future for about a year. Never knew what my favorite movie was because i never made a commitment to think about it. If i did, it probably would have done it years and years ago.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Reservoir Dogs released in 1992, favorite since 2005 or 06, not sure :)

    BQ: The Black Mamba and currently tops it lol

    of real feature-length movies - Rocky Horror Picture Show, fell in love with it instantly, it's #90-something I guess

    glad to see you, man :)))

    @ Goku: you're welcome lol

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the hangover i <3 it its been my fave movie for 2 1/2 years

    Source(s): my mind and my love for movies
  • 1 decade ago

    Fantastic Mr. Fox, about a year and a half.

    Terminator 2 recently made it onto my list of favorites.

  • 1 decade ago

    (500) Days of Summer has probably been mine since August or September or October. Somewhere around then.

    BQ: Psycho

  • 7 years ago

    Just watched the Prestige a couple weeks ago, if anybody hasn't they NEED to se it!

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