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I am REALLY confused about what to do?

I have never been in this section before . . lol.

Anyway, on with my question.

I'm LOVE my best guy friend, I'm only almost 14.

I didn't like him at first, the first time I saw him, I thought, "Huh, he's kinda cute" then I began to talk to him even more . . then it turns out we have A LOT in common. We like the same bands, the same music, shows, prefer the same breeds of dog, we even have the same taste in people! In fact, he told me a joke about preps the other day, he just walked up to me and told me. And every time I post a picture or status about something that happened to me, he'll be the first to comment with something like "Are you okay?" or something. Then, once he was EXTREMELY sick; like, the symptoms of the flu+throwing up extremely badly. During that time I rescued a beagle, and ended up cutting myself. (Not on purpose) and for some strange reason I posted a picture up. He was the first to comment, and we had an ongoing conversation about our beagles!

At first, I thought he might like me back. Then, one of my friends was passing notes with him (We're aloud to in this class) and I glanced over. (I didn't mean to peak, I barely even noticed this girl had a note!) He had written a whole paragraph, but I saw only three words "I like ___" (I censored out the name . .)

Then, (this was only a few weeks ago) one of my friends was like "Valerie, who do you like? Huh? Huh?" My other friend told him, she gets up and told him. When she gets back, she just says "He says he was 'frightened' and ___ said he wants to go out with you."

I just rolled my eyes. He knew I liked him and he didn't like it. My friend convinced him that I didn't and he began talking to me again.

Then, on Facebook, on that 20 Questions thing. I saw there was a question that said "Would you hook up with [My name]?" "No." I racked up the coins and it was HIM! I almost pulled my hair out and broke down crying. (I know, not a big deal but, still)

Plus, he's "in love" with some other girl. She's already said no and doesn't like him back; but he still likes her, almost obsession.

The thing I'm confused about is: I REALLY want to tell him I like him, but every time he thought he knew I did, he was terrified to talk to me. It's happened twice, I just didn't mention the other time.

He probably suspects I *really* like him, but he talks to me anyway, which is good.

I dream about this guy . . not a day goes by I don't imagine life together with him . . (That's probably kinda corny . .)

Should I tell him, just to get it off my chest?

Sorry the story's so ongoing, I had a lot to tell.



I was actually nervous to post this question, so please don't be mean!:0

Update 2:

*and told me a joke about preps* That messed up guys!

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was in the same boat, I never told him and we continued to be the best of friends. It's been like two years and I never got over the kids until he started talking to my best friend. It absolutely crushed me but I kept my composer, STILL best friends. I couldn't quite take that so I tried my hardest to get over him... I never completely did. I gave him advice on girls... the whole ten yards. THEN things didn't exactly work out between them, but I was there for him all the time every-time. To make a long story short after I tried so hard to get over him he confessed he like me and now we're talking:) It was totally worth the wait, I love him to death. But something that helped me through everything was remembering how young I was/am. As of right now I'm 15, I don't NEED a guy in my life. Get your priorities straight and everything else will fall into place! Hope this helped:)

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