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just wondering asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Potty training issues with my chihuahua?

I got her from a friend about 3 yrs ago. They kept her in the backyard with 2 other dogs and never took her to the vet for vaccines or anything. When we first got her, she had to get fixed, vaccinated, get treated for tapeworms, blah blah blah. Then we worked on potty training her. She slept in a kennel all night, then we watched her all day till she learned to tell us she needed to go out. We eventually let her sleep wherever she wanted when she learned to potty outside. But she would still manage sometimes to pee in the bed, on the couch, and the floor for no reason??????? She knew she wasn't supposed to, because she'd cower and lower her ears before we even noticed the spot. I'd understand if she did that because we didn't let her out enough, but she goes out constantly????? She's not sick, but we do have another dog. I figure she's marking her territory? We even moved to a new house and started hooking her up in the kitchen and not letting her eat and drink at night so she doesn't do anything at night, but even on new carpet, going in and out constantly, she pees everywhere, and acts all skiddish after she does it cause she knows she's in real trouble. So what do I do????? Why is she doing this????? When we see the spot, I swat the spot with something noisy and say bad dog!! No no no!!!! Then I put her back outside. She usually walks back and forth by the door to let us know she needs out, and she goes out and potties real good, but I find it so odd she potties on the floor when she goes outside to potty so often??? She does act extremely aggressive and territorial, and I correct her everytime she acts that way, but she doesn't ever seem to learn?????? She's so smart in so many ways, she reminds me of an arrogant kid that gets no discipline even though she gets lots of it. And I've noticed the only submissive stance she takes is cowering and lowering her ears when she's in trouble. But she NEVER rolls on her back like most other dogs do????????

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Marking is completely different situation from potty training, even though in many ways you train them out of it the same way,

    A dog uses urine marking to help make a new environment smell like home, masking the unfamiliar odors with his own scent.

    Dogs communicate their sex and status in the pheromones in their urine, that typically means that the most vigorous animals in the pack do most of the marking because they pose the most threat to any interloper. So your dog is showing her ownership of your house, she feels it is her job to keep the house safe from interlopers.

    In the majority of these cases, though, the marking exists because, due to a lack of training and other human displays that communicate leadership, owners have deliberately or unwittingly thrust this protective role upon their pets. Unfortunately, owners who don't understand what the animal communicates via the display - i.e., its fear and willingness to fight to protect this sacred space - often view the pet as spiteful, mean, or stupid for ruining their belongings. The following ideas will help you stop this habit.

    Sleeps in his crate.

    Where a dog sleeps is of much status-related import. Sleeping ON your bed makes him your equal. Also, being on a physically elevated level can fuel a dog's perception that he is top dog, even over the people of the house. So keep the dog off your bed and other people furniture. .

    Works for a living.

    Most dogs were originally bred to perform certain jobs, and this remains in their nature from generations of breeding. Generally, either you give them work or they make up their own. A dog might make up a game called "Taking over the house one wet spot at a time". Have the dog sit or down for EVERYTHING - every door opening, every pat, every word.

    Avoid spanking and other punishment.

    Dogs typically do not make the connection that the owner is hitting them because they marked. It is better and more effective to educate instead of punish. Wilson notes that spanking a dog for marking only makes him think you did NOT get the point last time, so he marks AGAIN and more clearly. He may defecate as well. "There" he says to himself "Surely, they will get THAT message!" Instead of punishing, you must take steps to change the relationship and establish that you are leader.


    One wet spot and it is house arrest for four to six weeks. That means in sight, on lead or crated. No exceptions, except for Belly bands, they wrap around the dog’s belly and prevent him from urinating on objects. If the dog is wearing the belly band and marks, the belly band will function like a diaper and hold the urine. Dogs don’t like being wet and they will normally stop marking once they learn that marking makes them uncomfortable.

    It is extremely important to get rid of the odor the dog has left with previous markings. Use a specially formulated urine odor eliminator (such as Simple Solutions) in all areas that have been marked. Remember that urine soaks through carpet to the padding, so try to clean the padding too...or replace as necessary. Do not use ammonia or other standard household cleaners, since some will leave odors that many pets will feel compelled to mark upon.

    I hope this helps you understand why dogs mark and how to stop it, its a two fold solutions, never leaving them alone and also pushing the fact that your the boss.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Dear fellow dog lover,

    Don't Waste Time, Potty Train Your Dog Today...

    Learn the Secrets to Completely Potty Train Any Dog or Puppy Quickly and Easily in 7 Days or Less...

    Don't waste time! The more times your dog goes to the bathroom inside your home the harder it will be to break him of this habit. Take action now and permanently stop your dog from using the bathroom inside before it's too late!

    Potty Train Any Dog or Puppy in Less Than A Week -

    In As Little As 7 Days from Now You Will Be Able to:

    + Leave your dog home alone without worrying

    + Let your dog roam freely throughout your home

    + Actually have your dog protect you at night, instead of being locked in a room

    + Stop wasting your time and money cleaning up after your dog

    + Have a fully housebroken dog

    House Train Any Dog -

    Discover the Dog Potty Training Solution That Will Permanently Housebreak Your Dog...

    Source(s): Download House Train Any Dog Now -
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There are a few real keys to dog training, whether you are trying to train your dog to come when called, sit, stop barking or any other behavior. Understanding their importance is critical to achieving rapid results that are long lasting and help develop the bond between you and your dog. Read more here

    The first is simple; you must win your dogs mind. If you don’t achieve this first then you will be struggling the all the way. When I talk about winning your dogs mind what I really mean is that your dog looks to you for all the decisions. Before you do anything else watch one of the amazing video sites that show you the 5 Golden rules to establishing yourself as the pack leader. If you aren’t putting these in place then you are setting yourself up to fail. Just at the crucial point where you really want your dog to listen they will go and do their own thing. For sure your dog may play ball occasionally or even most of the time, you may even have a dog that is obedient 99% of the time, however if you want a dog who always listens to you and does as you ask then you need to win your dogs mind.

    The second key to success is to motivate your dog. It is really important that you discover what it is that your dog enjoys both in terms of exercise and play but also in terms of a reward. If you can make the experience enjoyable then you will both achieve more and look forward to training.

    Some dogs love to fetch, others love agility, and other dogs simply love obedience training, or swimming out into water and retrieve. At least to start with find out what your dogs love is and help them develop this, what I am saying is work with your dog. The other point to recognize is to make training enjoyable reward your dog.

  • Paula
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    A dog should be trained on how to eat, walk with you, not to bark, potty training and sleep on its place etc. You can teach anything to your puppy, dogs get trained easily with some good instructions. If you want some good training tips visit

    If properly trained, they should also understand whistle and gesture equivalents for all the relevant commands, e.g. short whistle or finger raised sit, long whistle or flat hand lay down, and so on.

    It's important that they also get gestures and whistles as voice may not be sufficient over long distances and under certain circumstances.

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  • 5 years ago

    Dog training are excellent and very helpful to build you a stronger relationship with your dog. Read more

    After I started training my dog, he became very attached to me and loves to stay by side as long as he can. But just going to them won't help. You have to practice what they teach you outside of the class and you need to keep up with it at least every now and then after the class ends otherwise they'll just go back to previous habits. This course is a really good place to go for dog obedience classes. It get's your dog around other people and dogs to socialize while getting the training you need. As for electric collars, I would say to not get one. In my experience, they're only a negative effect on your dog. I mean of course you're going to need to correct your dog, but being positive and encouraging your dog works a lot faster and easier.

    Every dog is different, so unless you have a german shepherd or a really smart dog, it might take a while to train her. You might get frustrated with her, but go easy. She's still a puppy and has a lot of energy. A backyard or somewhere to run will help her get rid of a lot of energy that might cause her to misbehave from boredom.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    well looks like you have him on a 4 and 5 hr potty break when you are home,try using wee pads for emergency,that's what I have,my dogs usually wait,but if they have the need to go they know its there,its hardly used,i change it because it just sits there for a week clean,not cause they use it... I am never gone for longer then 6 hrs and that's maybe once every 3 weeks...

    For the best answers, search on this site

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    about 15 mins after they eat, put them on the paper. if they drink water, put them on the paper. when they urinate or deficate on the paper, praise them lavishly. This works to re-train even an older dog. Don't rub their nose in it if they make a mistake. that does nothing but make them resent you, and actually hinders proper potty training. don't punish them if they go off the paper, just clean it up, and watch them carefully for their next bowel movement. they'll get the idea. good luck!! I found the resource below to be really useful for potty training and much more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You NEVER punish your dog after the fact. Dog needs to be caught in the act of peeing in the house.

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