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just wondering

Favorite Answers13%
  • my 3 1/2 yr old son has NO interest in potty training?

    This is my second go around potty training a boy. My first son was about 4 when it finally happened and he was already in school so they helped the process. Now I'm struggling with my second son. He could care less. I offer candy if he potties in the toilet and keeps his pants dry. I know he can hold it and control it because he has had dry diapers overnight for a while now, and he can potty on que if I make him sit on the toilet and try. However, he doesn't want to potty, he gets mad when I ask if he needs to go and he will not ever tell me he needs to go. He only shows interest if I offer candy but that doesn't really motivate very much, only that moment. He potties his pants all day every day. He's 3 1/2 how could he possibly not be ready yet??????????? What else can I do to help motivate?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler6 years ago
  • In India,what do cement cylinder blocks mean in the yard?

    My neighbors are from India. I've never talked to them, just waved on rare occasions. My house is on higher ground then theirs so when I look out my kitchen window, I can see their backyard clearly. I noticed that they keep cylinder blocks thrown all over the ground and they have to pick them up to mow, but then they scatter them back all around after mowing. I think it has some kind of religious or superstitious meaning, not just a clutter habit. I tried googling but nothing comes up and curiosity is killing me. I'm not gonna ask them.

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • why is my dog pacing and panting?

    Im out in our backyard with my 2 boys and our dog. We've only been out here 15 minutes and our chihuahua is pacing and panting by the door instead of enjoying this beautiful cool evening?

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • Is this normal toddler behavior? What to do about it?

    My son will soon turn 4. From the moment he was born he coslept with us. However, he has been transitioned into his own room. But!!!!! Almost every night, in the wee hours of the night, he will get up and come check our door then go sleep in some odd random place. Most of the time we find him on the couch in the morning, but we have also found him upstairs on a bean bag. I've been told to get up and lead him back to his room without saying anything. Doesn't work!!!!!! He makes a game out of that and we end up with him right back at our door crying and beating on our door. So for now we just let him sleep in weird places. That bothers us though because we keep the house pretty cool at night and he gets pretty cold being uncovered. We used to leave a blanket for him but we were told that would not help stop that unwanted'd think he'd prefer to go back to his cozy bed, his brother is nearby so he's not really alone. Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • What to expect with potty training a 3 yr boy with PDD NOS?

    I began potty training when my son was 1 1/2. I tried it off and on because he just wasn't ready. Now he's 3 1/2 and he's trip trained. He'll potty if you sit him on the toilet, but he won't communicate that he needs to go. He can communicate just fine, but he has no interest in telling anyone when he needs to go. He's perfectly comfortable sitting in soiled clothes. I give him stickers when he potties in the toilet, candy when he's dry, but he has yet to get anything for telling someone he has to go because he hasn't told anybody yet. He says peepee or poopoo AFTER he soiled himself.......sigh. He soils himself 4 to 5 times a day......I scrub carpets and wipe floors everyday and wash a lot of laundry. How long is this supposed to freakin take!?!?!?! What other ideas can I try before I go insane??????

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Condom effectiveness?

    If a man leaks large amount before he actually finishes, does it diminish condom effectiveness in preventing pregnancy? Already asked this under the pregnancy category, just giving health a shot.

    1 AnswerSTDs8 years ago
  • Condom effectiveness?

    If your partner leaks before he finishes, are condoms still effective? Wondering if it will get pushed out? Im having a terrible time finding anything on internet about it. Yes I know to ask a doctor and I will, but it's probably too late and yes I'll test.....I am just curious what responses I'll get here. I feel pregnant but racked my brain on how that could be possible because the condoms never tore......then I remembered his issue and figure that must be body just likes poking fun at me giving me prank pregnancy symptoms.

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Looking for obscure cartoon.....?

    So I'm trying to find a cartoon I saw as a child but my memory of it is so vague I don't know where to start. It may be an 80's cartoon and it's not from a least I don't think it is. All I remember is the main character took off on some kind of trip, I don't remember where they were going or why. The main character was either an animal or a bug. They got lost and it was night.....may have got stuck in a storm....they were huddled up and crying out of loneliness and missing their family and home. I think someone gave them refuge in a tree and fed them????? That's all I got, Im not even sure if all the details are right.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Your thoughts on autism?

    My 3 year old is being evaluated for autism. I have conflicting feelings about the whole thing. I see what the professionals are noticing in him, but seems like everybody is diagnosed autistic....overly diagnosed. My son seems totally normal, but if you watch him really close you can see several red flags for autism. He stacks, lines things up excessively....cries if the rug isn't straight.....potty training regression.....speech regression....trouble with social interaction.....on and on....I just don't know.....I wanna hear some opinions on autism from the general public.....what do you think about autism?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Why do I have painful cramping and swelling?

    Im breastfeeding a 10 month old and just now weaning off of night feedings. I have not had a period since before pregnancy so its been almost 2 yrs since my last menstruation. I had a c section, and i know for an absolute fact Im not pregnant because its been a year and a half since i last did anything lol. Im assuming since Im beginning to wean, my period is about to return, but this is really painful, and i am really bloated, I look pregnant which is impossible because I haven't been with anybody in a year and a half. Why is the cramping and swelling so extreme????!!!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Getting crib set up safe for 7 mo old ?

    My 7 mo old is just about to crawl and he has made a new habit of rolling around in the night. He won't go down without blankets. But now he gets all wrapped up and tangled in his blankets. Just dressing him warm doesn't help, I need some creative ideas.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • How to transition to crib?

    Most parents ask how to transition from bed to crib, well, my 3 mo old sleeps in his carrier. He WON'T sleep in his crib because there's nothing fluffy or warm to bundle up in, I'm scared of suffocating him. I know how to swaddle him, but he wiggles right out of the swaddle and gets uncomfortable. I thought I could transition him now cause he rolls now, but I read articles that say no pillows under age 2, no blankets under 1???????? So my son has to sleep in his carrier a year???? I don't think so do you moms make the crib cozy yet safe?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Moving 2 yr old to his own bed?

    We boobooed and let our son sleep with us. The night we first had him home with us, my hubby put him in bed with us. I asked him to put his bed in our room so he'd be safer, hubby shrugged me off, I cried and tried to drag his bed in our room and couldn't fit it through the door. I was terrified my son would suffocate or we'd roll over on him. Well, he survived through it, now he's 2 with a brother on the way, so we are converting his crib into a toddler bed and I'm gonna try to put him in his own room to sleep for naps. I plan to read to him till he falls asleep, then leave and shut the door. If he wakes up, his room is safe so he can play. Plus, we can mount the baby monitor in a corner and it is sound and movement sensitive. The crib will be converted this weekend. How does my plan sound? Any advise? Oh, his brother's not gonna be in our bed, we're gonna do better this time. The playard is by our bed. My hubby knows now cause the pediatrician talked to him, he'll listen to dr's, just not me lololol he thought I was just being hormonal lol which I was that also lol. Also, you're probably wondering why we didn't put him in his room from day one, well, our master bedroom is really far from all other rooms, and I have to feed a newborn every 2 hrs. I DO NOT want to march back and forth across the house all night to feed and change a baby, so I'd prefer my newborn close by. I'm still uneasy about my 2 yr old sleeping on the other side of the house, but I don't wanna be a mom like Kiera Sedgewick on Loverboy lololol. Anyway, so I wanna know if there's any other moms who coslept with baby then transitioned them to another room? How did it go, any advise, would you change anything about my plan?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • What bottles cause least problem with nursing?

    I'm 30 wks pregnant with second son, gonna have another c section. I want to breastfeed, but I already know the nurses will insist I give my son a bottle, and none of my family will support my decision to nurse, so what bottles can I use without causing problems with nursing?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • 20 mo old son, bleeding belly button, fever?

    I took my 20 mo old son to the ped for a health checkup Saturday, strange I know because most offices are closed on Saturdays but ours isn't. Sure enough, Monday he came down with a fever, he ALWAYS catches some kind of sickness when he goes in for his checkups......sigh. Anyway, it's now Wednesday night and I went to change his diaper and saw that his belly button was scabby. I cleaned it and it just looks raw. My hubby thinks it's just because he picks at his belly button so much. I'm going to call his ped in the morning about it, but I just want to know what you all think. Oh, he still has fever. I give him iboprophren for it, if that matters.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Is it ok for Braxton Hicks contractions to hurt?

    I go to my ob/gyn on Tuesday and I'm gonna ask her, but I just wanted to see what other pregnant women out there have experienced. I have a 19 mo old son and my Braxton Hicks didn't hurt till the very end of my pregnancy. But I'm only 22 weeks and I have 2 to 3 contractions a day. My stomach hardens and it hurts enough that I have to stop whatever I'm doing and wait for it to pass. They only last a few seconds and the pain isn't real bad, just annoying. I know I have to drink plenty water so it's not dehydration.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Potty training issues with my chihuahua?

    I got her from a friend about 3 yrs ago. They kept her in the backyard with 2 other dogs and never took her to the vet for vaccines or anything. When we first got her, she had to get fixed, vaccinated, get treated for tapeworms, blah blah blah. Then we worked on potty training her. She slept in a kennel all night, then we watched her all day till she learned to tell us she needed to go out. We eventually let her sleep wherever she wanted when she learned to potty outside. But she would still manage sometimes to pee in the bed, on the couch, and the floor for no reason??????? She knew she wasn't supposed to, because she'd cower and lower her ears before we even noticed the spot. I'd understand if she did that because we didn't let her out enough, but she goes out constantly????? She's not sick, but we do have another dog. I figure she's marking her territory? We even moved to a new house and started hooking her up in the kitchen and not letting her eat and drink at night so she doesn't do anything at night, but even on new carpet, going in and out constantly, she pees everywhere, and acts all skiddish after she does it cause she knows she's in real trouble. So what do I do????? Why is she doing this????? When we see the spot, I swat the spot with something noisy and say bad dog!! No no no!!!! Then I put her back outside. She usually walks back and forth by the door to let us know she needs out, and she goes out and potties real good, but I find it so odd she potties on the floor when she goes outside to potty so often??? She does act extremely aggressive and territorial, and I correct her everytime she acts that way, but she doesn't ever seem to learn?????? She's so smart in so many ways, she reminds me of an arrogant kid that gets no discipline even though she gets lots of it. And I've noticed the only submissive stance she takes is cowering and lowering her ears when she's in trouble. But she NEVER rolls on her back like most other dogs do????????

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why are the shopkeepers not selling health potions anymore on Fable 3?

    I made friends with shopkeepers and now none of them sell anything anymore. How do I get health potions now?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How to check relationship status on Fable 3?

    Once I made 20 friends and got the achievement, I couldn't figure out how to check the number of friends I've made. I need 30 to better my sword.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • I'm 21 weeks pregnant with a cervix measurement at 2.49.?

    So my doctor told me my cervix was barely too short, 2.49, and she's going to measure me again in a month. She didn't put me on bed rest or anything, just told me to watch for successive contractions (6 within an hour). All I know is that a short cervix is a risk factor for preterm labor and I'm worried because I'm only 5 months. I was wondering if other women out there reading this has had similar situations? If so, how did your pregnancy go? I've read about it on the internet but there's nothing but horror stories on there, and most have very very short cervix measurements, I don't see any articles that closely pertain to me.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago