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Moving 2 yr old to his own bed?

We boobooed and let our son sleep with us. The night we first had him home with us, my hubby put him in bed with us. I asked him to put his bed in our room so he'd be safer, hubby shrugged me off, I cried and tried to drag his bed in our room and couldn't fit it through the door. I was terrified my son would suffocate or we'd roll over on him. Well, he survived through it, now he's 2 with a brother on the way, so we are converting his crib into a toddler bed and I'm gonna try to put him in his own room to sleep for naps. I plan to read to him till he falls asleep, then leave and shut the door. If he wakes up, his room is safe so he can play. Plus, we can mount the baby monitor in a corner and it is sound and movement sensitive. The crib will be converted this weekend. How does my plan sound? Any advise? Oh, his brother's not gonna be in our bed, we're gonna do better this time. The playard is by our bed. My hubby knows now cause the pediatrician talked to him, he'll listen to dr's, just not me lololol he thought I was just being hormonal lol which I was that also lol. Also, you're probably wondering why we didn't put him in his room from day one, well, our master bedroom is really far from all other rooms, and I have to feed a newborn every 2 hrs. I DO NOT want to march back and forth across the house all night to feed and change a baby, so I'd prefer my newborn close by. I'm still uneasy about my 2 yr old sleeping on the other side of the house, but I don't wanna be a mom like Kiera Sedgewick on Loverboy lololol. Anyway, so I wanna know if there's any other moms who coslept with baby then transitioned them to another room? How did it go, any advise, would you change anything about my plan?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Mom. Well first of all, I did co-sleep with my daughter from day one, and that was a conscience decision I made. Its what I felt most comfortable with, and its okay if everyone calls me over-protective - I personally dont think that term is even a real word when it comes to a newborn baby - but that's JMO and everyone is entitled. The point is, this arrangement put you at ease and it worked for you - so no need to regard it as a mistake going forward.

    We recently tore down our baby's crib (never once used) and converted it to a toddler bed (which is actually a full size (nice!). The transition was do darn easy, you would not believe. My daughter is 19mos old now and I didn't know how it would go. I wanted to wait until she could at least partially understand what was going on - and guess what, she does, and she loves it. We made the new bed, went out and got a really nice bedding set (super soft sheets, fun lively print, firm pillows, etc). We purchased one plush side rail which covers about 3/4ths of the bed on one side and pushed the other side against the wall, with two of those memory foam pillows pushed btwn the wall and the bed, to avoid her from smacking her head if she rolls over hard. Lastly we bought this really nice, two stair lil stepper and placed it at the bottom of the bed where the guard is not in place (oh and our guard flips down, which is really nice!!). I introduced her to her bed and as soon as she saw it she went nuts!!! She climbed right up on it from the lil stairs, got up there and started laughing, clapping and yelling, "fo me? fo me?" and I said, "YAYYYYY Big Girl Bed" to join in her excitement and make it seem like it really was VERY cool, just like she thought it was. First night, I took her to her new bed and laid next to her - that's all it took, one night with mommy. Now, she sleeps in there alone and shes totally safe from falls. When she wakes up she climbs down her stairs, walks outta her room, comes into mine and gets me (so darn cute!). Mom, she loves her big girl bed. I betcha this change is going to go over better than youre imagining. I hope at least!!

    Good Luck!!!

    PS - This is totally JMO, but I wanted to say, those instincts that you have that told you to sleep near the baby for the first two years are a good thing, a very good thing. Those instincts are in you for a reason, they allow you to protect your baby and keep her safe and sound. Never ignore them, never buy into the idea that youre "over protective", no matter who says it. I mean really, is there anything in this world more important or more precious than that baby? Nope. So do you act accordingly, of course. Congrats on baby number two Mom. While you may consider some things over the past two years "lesson learned", dont ever discredit yourself for what you've done here. You have a happy and healthy two year old and its all bc of you. Take the credit Mom, you did it! So on that note, I wouldn't dream of changing a thing about your plan. Once again, those instincts are fully intact - you've got this. If you think this is the way to go - then it is.

    Congrats again!!

  • 10 years ago

    The plan that you first mentioned for your older child sounds great!

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