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? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 1 decade ago

Ramadan: when "americans" tell muslims to "go back to ur country" why dont they think of this...?

they are not americans, this is not their country. they are EUROPEANS. america was discovered when european explorers came to america, and killed all the native americans. they killed the real americans. who are they to talk?

so anyways my point is, this is not their country either. so unless they are native americans (american indians) they shouldnt be saying "go bak 2 ur country"

am i right? =/




hahaha aaron i dont care

Update 2:

@linda: i swear, i have no idea wat ur talking about

21 Answers

  • Salish
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its even more interesting when non-natives tell Native American Muslims to go back to their own country ;)

    History, loaded with several flaws as for the most part it is written with the bias of upper-class white men, is responsible for the misconception that my people originated elsewhere than here in our homeland. Religion is responsible for making humanity want to place all human life's beginning at one original source (think adam and eve). Stupidity is responsible for the continued circulation of misconceptions and infactual information.

    Science, genetics, archeology and anthropology have proven, several times over, that the land bridge never existed. To try to continue with this mindset is like clinging to the earth-is-flat belief, you'll just look like an ignorant fool, and a dumb one at that, to anybody educated ;) Human remains just as old as those of Lucy (the oldest human remains found in Africa) have been discovered in South America and in the Middle East. In addition to this, genetics have proven that native american dna is unique and unrelated to any other race in the world.

    Now, for the Definition of THEORY, for those of you who are too stupid to separate what is factual and what is hypothetical.

    Theories are analytical tools for understanding, explaining, and making predictions about a given subject matter. There are theories in many and varied fields of study, including the arts and sciences. A formal theory is syntactic in nature and is only meaningful when given a semantic component by applying it to some content (i.e. facts and relationships of the actual historical world as it is unfolding). Theories in various fields of study are expressed in natural language, but are always constructed in such a way that their general form is identical to a theory as it is expressed in the formal language of mathematical logic. Theories may be expressed mathematically, symbolically, or in common language, but are generally expected to follow principles of rational thought or logic.

    NOTICE THE KEY PHRASE "ONLY MEANINGFUL WHEN GIVEN A SEMANTIC COMPONENT BY APPLYING IT TO SOME CONTENT"...basically, if you do not have the data or facts to back it up, it cannot be considered a reliable source of information.

    Now, why, despite advances in science and technology can theories regarding prehistory continue to be debunked, even more recent ones? Because we do not have any ability to travel back in time and observe human activity before or even durning the times when written languages did not exist. All we have to gain understanding from are the deteriorated leftovers of bygone societies, left under dirt and soil, of which only a fraction of 1% of the earths surface has been excavated for archaeological purposes. Even less attention has been paid to prehistorical archaeological sights underwater (the land has changed drastically over the mellinias). So basically, archaeologists and historians are drawings conclusions from fragmented data with nobody who can validate or invalidate their understandings of the prehistorical world. It like seeing a sqare inch of a very deteriorated and old painting that stretches 100' tall and 500' wide and using that sqare inch to tell what the entire image depicts, without any possible way to see the rest of it.

    So, retarded people aside, lets just assume native americans really are from the north and south american continents, like they say they are, and have been since the creation of man. We have known we existed since the beginning of our existance...white people have only known of our existance since Christopher Columbus landed in HAITI (not the U.S., thank you).This makes it no less terrible or more terrible that people justify the near-complete annihilation of my people by claiming we were merely the first immigrants. The Jews in germany were immigrants, did they deserve what happened to them?

    Source(s): Native American Muslima, Museum Studies Major, intern for a tribal archaeological program in the pacific northwest.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that's stupid. Americans are people born in the United States of America. Not all people stepping foot on this soil of USA or born in this country are European-descent. Even the Mexicans have some Spain-spanish because they were natives but Spain invaded them and that's why their skin color looks the way it does. But there are still some that are very native-blooded and some that aren't really. it's all a mix of genetics. My man lives till this day and is part native American, so no, they didn't kill them all.... most people tell Mexicans to go back to their own country. If a muslim is visiting here and they say that, that's just the American being rude and it's more American to be accepting of another faith. America is a melting pot and we should be accepting, but many Christian Americans are not accepting of other faiths. Would they like it if they got a free trip to France that I or some game show paid for just for a france native to say to them "go back to America?" what would you do?

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately once you get a main stream culture or religion with a large population then it tends to stick. Then having people come into your area with new and different ideas can be a daunting thing to adjust to - for some people.

    But it also goes both ways, don't forget that! As a woman I would not be able to walk around in many Muslim countries without covering up. - If I was visiting a Muslim country and was asked to cover up than I would and I would abide by any laws of that country, because I would be the foreigner.

    Unfortunately we humans separate our countries, our religions and our cultures. It will be a long time coming before all live united as one.

  • Not just Americans. I mean, I'm American and I've had to deal with this for a long time. Many places all over the world too. It's sad, but that's life.

    You just gotta keep going with yo life and let them haters hate... You are there for a reason. Ain't nobody can tell you where to go and what to be.

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  • musa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Even the so called 'native Americans' have no right to say that, because they too don't belong there. They actually originated from India, where our great grandparents Adam and Eve could have began procreating. Or for at least Adam landed in todays Sri Lanka (Adams Peak), whick was part of India then. Adam was an Indian. Not amazing that they call themselves 'Indians'.

    We are all childrens of Adam. We are all Indians. America belong to the Indians.

    Everyone living in America has the right to say and claim; "America is my country".

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The last i heard from muslims was that Muslims discovered America.


  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If anyone is legally considered an American, regardless of race, religion, etc, they are American in my eyes. Some people who say that are ignorant of their race and they think they "own" this country. BTW I'm white

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are American born Muslims............erm? Also i hardly think that argument would hold much water with the border guard of any country no matter how good it makes you feel.

    Why are no non - muslims allowed in Mecca, surely the Earth is meant for all of us?

    I take it you mean guys like this:;_ylt=Ap...

    I don't think he got one positive answer, so perhaps you should reword your question to 'some Americans'.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Native Americans are telling to European invaders for 200 years to go back to their countries. They did not go back yet.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I am a Native American and GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY! lol

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Idk. They r uneducated

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