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Linda M

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  • Katoomba High school NSW - does anyone have kids in this school? Need an opinion!?

    Katoomba High school, NSW - does anyone have kids in this school? Just wondering if you were happy with the level of education at the school. Or The Mountains Christian College in Blackheath - if you know anything about these schools. We may have to move into the area due to my husbands work but I am having trouble finding any parent opinions on these schools. Thanks

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education6 years ago
  • High Schools in Bathurst, NSW. Which schools are affordable and decent in Bathurst. Also what are the better areas to live in?

    We have two girls, one in primary and one in high school. My husband has applied for a job in Lithgow, we have been looking to live in Bathurst and we have never been there before. We will be renting a house there. So schools, rental areas etc. some advice would be appreciated. Thanks

    3 AnswersNew South Wales (Sydney)6 years ago
  • Kmart (Australia, Sydney) what to expect in a group interview?

    I have done group interviews before - and they vary in style. Has anyone recently been to a group int for Kmart around Sydney. I have one tomorrow and just want to know what to expect. Thanks

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Bunnings Warehouse (in Sydney) job application - how long does it take?

    After a phone interview, group interview and 2/1 interview I was told that I had the job (when I rang them to ask) they said that I made it through and had the job, but now it has been 3 weeks and I have not heard from or had an email from them. How long could this possibly take!! I need to work. If anyone has applied recently in Sydney - I would appreciate it. Thanks

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Divorced women: Do you get jealous of your girlfriends who are still happily married?

    I had this friend, when I met her she cried on my shoulder many times as she was at the beginning of a nasty divorce.

    I helped her with babysitting her two kids, helped paint her house she had to sell (a two hour drive to get there).

    Proof read many of her University assignments for her, encouraged her during exams, picked her kids up at 6.00pm at night if she was stuck in traffic. Took her kids home with me if they came down sick at school. Looked after her kids in the school holidays.

    Organised a cruise for her 40th birthday, and pretty much was her best friend, and we also went to movies, shopping together. Pretty much she was like a sister to me.

    Then one day I get this message, after offering to help her sick child. Lets just say it was the most degrading, cruel message. Saying WTF was wrong with me, I'll get my other friend to look after my kids - etc. (Just horrible) and rings me to apologise but then starts to accuse me of all sorts of strange things.

    But says, I don't need your help.....?? And mentions that I was still married and she wasn't.

    I am now a broken person. I just wanted to know - could it be jealousy? Or that she believes I was only helping her to give her charity. I need a single mother's point of I going crazy?

    Thanks, sorry for the long story.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Stay at home mum / part time worker, friend does not understand.?

    A really good friend of mine keeps on commenting on my work status.

    I have been a stay at home mum for 8 years, looked for a decent 2-3 day a week job for all of this year but could not get one. Now I have a small job that only gives me 5-6 hours a week over 2 days, but I am attending a training course next year as well (one day a week).

    Now my friend, who recently got divorced and is struggling for money and is now at university full time keeps on saying that I am pretty much a lady of leisure and that I don't do enough, don't work enough and should be working more and putting the kids in after school care (like 4 days a week).

    My husband hates housework and we have two kids, so I am doing most of it, and the school runs, and the homework/school events, and we decided long ago that I would take care of the kids and he would do the career.

    My friend also has two kids, and quite often they seem tired and stressed from their mother working so much. But that is her choice! And I have always supported her.

    I am just sick of her comments, telling me I am not busy enough and not supporting my choices - when I always find I have plenty to do and I want to have a good relationship with my kids.

    She is still a very good friend, but I don't know what to say to her when she 'accuses' me of being lazy.

    I feel there is a lot of prejudice toward people like me that want a balance in life - I know not everyone can afford it, I am very lucky. But what do I say in defence? Or is my lifestyle too laid back?

    7 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Barry O'Farrell, I'm not rich, but I have solar panels. Who else?

    My husband and I earlier this year invested $10,000.00 on solar panels on our roof and by NSW Law it stated that we were to receive .60 cents per KW that we made from the sun. Now they are changing the 'CONTRACT LAW' that they just put in to say we won't be getting .60 cents.

    We took out a loan to invest in the panels, we are not wealthy people we were just trying to do the right thing by the environment and to make our own power. Now we will have trouble even paying for the panels.

    Barry O'Farrell feels sorry for other people who can't afford solar panels. Well Barry we couldn't really afford them either, that's why we took out a loan. Now we definitely can't afford them but they are still sitting up on our roof and we still have a debt of $10,000. Mr O'Farrell can buy the panels from us and stick them where the sun don't shine.

    I am going to the Solar Industry Protest this Wed 18th starts at 11.30am at Customs House Circular Quay Sydney, If you have the time to join us.

    Would you like to sell your solar panels to Barry?

    2 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • Greg Boston of Manly -comments on Private/Public students:?

    This is the attitude of Mr Greg Boston, of Manly in Sydney regarding privately educated students:

    The headmaster at The King's School, Tim Hawkes, is absolutely correct when he justifies why governments should fund schools such as his on the basis that ''our students do more''. Independent schools are creating the leaders of tomorrow and are required to provide a far higher level of cultural, sporting and extra-curricular support. Funding these extra activities with taxpayers' money is undeniably a sensible investment in Australia's future. Re-allocating these monies towards children in comprehensive government schools who are content to do less both in school and in life, would be a waste of money and a win for the forces trying to destroy Australia's prospects and culture.

    Greg Boston Manly

    Yes Mr Boston obviously you have not ventured outside of Manly in quite some time. My husband is a Mechanical Engineer, I know a Veterinarian, a Doctor, Civil Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Computer Scientist, Marine Biologist....and the list goes on of people that I know that all attended Public Schools.

    Do you think his comments are disturbing and prejudiced?

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Charlie Sheen. I am totally over that guy now. Who else is over his big ego?

    I used to watch his show and it is funny, but he is now acting like an attention seeking child. Are you over it like me?

    5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Melbourne Cup Race @ 3.00pm - Very unfair for Mums with Children at school!?

    The Melbourne cup was run at 3.00pm, the exact time when most Mums are racing around picking up their children from school. I think it should be on at about 2.00pm so Mums can also join in with all of the fun. We like to have a bet too!

    I think it should be moved, what do you think?

    4 AnswersHorse Racing1 decade ago
  • Getting our Solar Panels this Friday!!! Who else has them or is considering?

    I am so glad we will be mostly powered by the sun, goodbye coal fired power station - so glad to be independent!!! Prices here in Australia are set to rise enormously over the next 6 years......not at my place!!! Who else is going solar?

    5 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • Dogs outside? What is the problem?

    I mentioned that my dog is an outside dog and everyone gets upset about it!!! I don't know where you guys all live but here in Australia outdoor dogs are very, very common!

    I have a mini fox terrier, she is not allowed inside, she has a very warm and comfy kennel with a sheepskin blanket. It does not snow here, nor does it get very cold at night.

    Dogs in the wild are outdoor creatures, I think humans have forgotten that. My dog loves to run around in the dark at night hunting mice and rats (I have seen her) - that is what dogs do.

    It must be a cultural thing, as vets here are used to people keeping dogs outside. Vets here say it is fine for a dog to live outside, it does them no harm.

    My dog is not excluded from the family, she has plenty of attention and lots of love.

    Who else has an outdoor dog on here?

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • One dog or two? Does two dogs help break the boredom?

    I have a Mini Fox Terrier (cross). She is 5 months old, really gorgeous personality very friendly but also knows how to stand up for herself. I have two kids that play with her in the mornings for about 1/2 to one hour and then they go to school and play with her after school for 1/2 hour some days other days longer depending. They do play with her a lot on the weekends.

    In between I am too busy to give her much attention, I do take her for walks a couple of times a week. She is an outside dog so I was wondering from your experience if getting another dog (probably a puppy) similar size or breed, would be beneficial for keeping her entertained.

    Or could it just cause her to feel a bit left out or taken over by a new pet.

    Because she is so well behaved I am worried a new dog may change all of that?

    Let me know of your experience with 2 dogs or more. Thanks

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Environmental sceptics. Oil spill in Gulf of Mexico, now can you see what damage we are doing?

    There was a bad oil spill last year off the coast of Queensland, Australia, Now there is another in the Gulf of Mexico. These spills cause untold marine damage and destroy fishing communities, kill wildlife, and the clean ups are never, never 100%. The oil bosses just write out checks to keep the public and politicians happy and say it isn't that bad - I bet they aren't' living on the coast in the affected areas!

    We should be moving away from Oil and fossil fuels, they are turning our world into a toxic toilet.

    Clean up these things and use renewable energy sources and the global warming problem will start to subside as well as our planet being cleaner.

    And don't tell me humans can't affect the planet, take a look at the Ozone layer thinning problem, it is now on the mend because we stopped to use of CFC's, but it still won't recover fully until 2050. It was man-made. Why don't we trust our best scientists now? It is baffling to me!

    I don't know why we are all being so stupid and blind to what we are doing? Does anyone know why we are so thick?

    4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Why can't we see what we are doing to our world - Floating Pacific Garbage dumps.?

    The Eastern Pacific Garbage Patch (between Hawaii and California) and the Western Pacific Garbage Patch (near Japan) these garbage patches together are bigger than the US Continent. It is mostly plastic that is washed into the ocean from rivers and beaches. The plastic is being consumed by the fish that we eat and spreading through the Oceans food chain, and breaking down to leave a toxic suffocating sludge on the bottom of the ocean.

    I just can't believe there are people out there who still think we humans aren't making an impact on the environment. The plant will recover if we disappear, the slogan should be "SAVE US FROM OURSELVES" not "Global Warming". I am disgusted - even at myself. Who else is disgusted at what we are doing blindly? What will we do about it on a daily basis to stop this stupidity?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Avatar the movie, do you think it has changed some peoples minds on climate change?

    It hasn't changed my mind - I already believe we are treating our home like a dump!

    7 AnswersClimate Change1 decade ago
  • Women. Trapped in the monthly cycle of weight gain - any tips on how to break it?

    Every month I get very bad PMS. At the start of the month I eat normally and even start to lose weight. A week or more before my period I get so hungry and I just can't seem to control it - I lose concentration, forget things, get very cranky and......of course put weight on.

    I am trying a routine of exercise and certain vitamins which I thought was helping - but now I am not so sure.

    Anyone else with the same problem? How do you handle it - do you have any tips for stopping the hungries? Thanks

    Oh and also am not on the Pill, I can't take it, it makes me crazy.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What to Christians, Muslims (& other religious people) think about climate change and the health of the planet?

    I am just interested, because the planet is in our care and the care of God / your God. I think he would be quite disappointed looking around and seeing the damage we are doing to the gift he gave us. Global warming or not, we do throw out a lot of rubbish, chemicals and pollutants into the world.

    Do you believe we should be doing something to change our world for the better? Or just sit back and let God take care of it?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Target stores in Sydney have stopped giving out plastic bags! Why couldn't Peter Garrett do it? Target can!?

    It is great Target has taken a stand with the plastic bag issue. I now always take a tote bag with me when I go shopping and about 7 with me when I do the groceries.

    What is 'Wong' with Environment Minister Mr Peter Garrett, he wasn't able remove one plastic bag!....Yet he was able to stop people putting solar panels on their homes. Well done....... Environmental Disaster Minister!

    Go back to singing, you were much better at that Mr Garrett.

    Do you take your Enviro bags with you?? Do you think Mr Garrett is good at singing?

    2 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago