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Lv 6
cold asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Will Democrats get out of the way and let this necessary spending cut Bill pass?

Will Senate Dems get out of the way and let some real change occur? Or will they take their predictable path and immediately objecting to and opposing any and everything proposed by a Republican? Will these ignorant socialists finally realize that Medicare and Medicaid are as unnecessary as Social Security, something which is lucky enough to avoid the axe in this proposed bill?

I hope the Democrats realize that spending more and increasing the size of government is not the answer.


Hey, chris tanzu, I'm not even going to fixate on your grammatical mistake (a note though, before you call someone an idiot, make sure you know the difference between "your" and "you're," as saying to someone "your an idiot" just defeats your attempt to pretend you know what you're talking about.), but I will let you know that:

1. You're wrong to assume I'm a "Tea Party supporter." But then again, it's typical of liberals to assume things. I won't blame you on that.

2. You obviously must want to live in a nation, and raise your children in a nation (unless you're like most libs, who believe that reproduction should be asexual) that is well over $80 trillion in debt.

3. You allow your entire set of views and beliefs to be shaped simply by the biased media, and I know this because if you actually took the time to formally educate yourself, you probably wouldn't be a liberal.

Update 2:

I agree that the seniors and baby boomers should have the right to be grandfathered in (or remain in) along with the proposed spending cuts, but it's fundamentally wrong to simply and solely rely on the government to retire you. You should take care of that yourself. Access to healthcare is not a natural right. And if you disagree, well, take that up with Thomas Jefferson and the rest of our founding fathers.

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the Dems are hoping for a shut down that they will try to blame Reps for. It's true, the size of government is out of control. There are so many non-essential services, and Medicare and SS need tweaking. But, those are essential to seniors that have counted on it all their lives and don't have much else. I like Paul Ryan's idea of anyone 55 and older will get what they thought all these years they would get, and everyone else needs to make other arrangements.

  • 1 decade ago

    and your a idiot and you don,t know history

    ignorant socialists finally realize that Medicare and Medicaid are as unnecessary as Social Security, something which is lucky enough to avoid the axe in this proposed bill?

    most tea parties or on medicate

  • 1 decade ago

    Bah, they are ALL politicians - republican and democrat alike. Yes the republican plan is the lesser of two evils but chances are neither side will bend.

    Source(s): Words of wisdom from my gizzard.
  • LeAnne
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The present administration is apparently trying to spend us into oblivion.

    $14,000,000,000,000 and counting.

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