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Lv 5

The religious don't understand the atheists...?

It seems to me that the religious are incapable of understanding that non-believers do not think in the same way as them.

Religious people haven't accidentally stumbled across a Bible, read it out of simple curiosity and then decided 'yes, this makes sense' - they believe in the word of God (or whichever deity it may be) because they have been told to do so.

So when they encounter someone who doesnt believe in any religion, they assume that something similar has happened to them - they assume that the non-believer has been forced into atheism by an 'evil' force or organisation, a sort of 'anti-God'.

The religious mistake 'logic and reason' for 'evil indoctrination', as they are seemingly incapable of appreciating the power of the former over the latter - especially as this would be something actively discouraged in their own faiths. This fundamental misunderstanding is, to my mind, one of the greatest obstacles to any meaningful debate.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Agreed. Though I think some non-believers also think all religious people have been indoctrinated as well. Though at one time, that was the majority, but it doesn't seem to be the case for most anymore.

    And I certainly wouldn't say that they don't have the capacity to think like nons do. That's ridiculous... since most of the non's were once believers and yet had the capacity to think like this. There's really no reason to generalize an entire groups "capacity" based on this idea that "they just can't think like me". That is no different than how they see it... except the more vocal ones will simply say "You don't have the Holy Spirit"

  • 5 years ago

    As an earthly Humanist who grew to become into for plenty of my existence a man or woman of religion, i think of that's amazingly puzzling for those steeped in religious thinking to understand atheists. a number of my religious friends basically won't be able to get their minds around the theory that i do no longer worship something. It comes so of course to them on account it is the way they have continually lived their lives. people who've traveled and experienced a sprint greater of the worldwide's variety discover it a strategies much less puzzling.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) your question makes no sense. Some 'religions' (the word means 'following rules' and has nothing, necessarily to do with faith) ARE atheistic...e.g. Materialism

    2) Your analysis bears no relation to evidence. Hardly any theists believe 'because they have been told to do so' (I became a Christian as an adult, and nobody 'told me to')

    I have never met a theist who believes that atheists have been forced into non-belief.

    Would you not be wiser to check the facts before posting unsubstantiated material?

    (Or would facts get in the way?)

    When you say that 'religious' (wrong word but we will pardon that) are seemingly incapable, do you include such 'incapable people' as Kepler, Newton, Darwin, Jung et al?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    may peace be on you.

    Hmm i think i can understand because i also went out of christianity after reading bible. I thought a Creator who designed this universe should be Perfect that what bible today will never have words that unfitting for Him to have revealed. But the difference is, i have belief that there is Creator. So if i have Creator, He has all the rights over me. Like an inventor who invents a thing, he alone has the full knowledge about why He created that thing and gives the purpose. Also looking at this universe or just our human body will already confirm that it never came out just like that out of natural selection and without purpose. A mobile phone is engineered to become like it and has purpose. But the universe is more superior that that. Our organs have purpose so how can it's owner don't have? Just think about it.

    So if we accept that we have Creator then also accept that He has all the rights over us. And He will only give the instruction manual. That instruction according to Him is the holy Qumran. We just have to read and make our own choice to reject or accept but be prepared for the result. Like when a person who don't know the use of mobile, yet the mobile company has given him a manual on how to it but he don't want to follow it because he thinks that he knows better that the manufacturer, so it is his fault if anything goes wrong or the mobile got broken.

    The Creator always knows what's best for His creation and that's the fact. We have intellect to use on how to identify the right way of life that is accepted by our Creator. So it's our fault if we won't use it.

    I'll just invite you to search the true Creator of all that exists who is worthy of your thanks and worship, read Quran and make your own choice if you want to aacceptit or not. Choice is yours.

    you can get a copy in the ff. site if you want.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Although your description is probably the typical case I do not think its always so. THere are plenty of religious people who arrived there not totally from indoctrination. Some were never indoctrinated at all.

    I think most religious people know the difference between logic and evil. The confusion in debates is generally linguistics (vague definitions), not the elements of logical thinking.

  • Robert
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It is a continual source of amusement reading the religious v atheists 'debate' which will provide a lifetimes worth of venting for some.Each is entitled to their beliefs but so many seem to ' rise to the bait' attempting to persuade the other how wrong they are.One has to ask, does it really matter that much or is conceit the real name of the game.

  • 1 decade ago

    I asked a very nice young mother the other day why she believed in god. In front of her small children she replied because he talks to her...and the kids nodded in agreement. No hope for the children then.

  • 1 decade ago

    God says they are fools. Psalm 14:1.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree COMPLETELY

    I used to be a believer, because I was brain washed by my country.

    I then traveled to different parts of the world on trips and learned about THEIR religions

    So seeing different sides, I decided they are all rubbish.

    Religious people, however, don't have the capacity to think that way

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the "not understanding" goes both ways. Otherwise, we wouldn't even be having this debate.

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