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Are UK gun laws working?

Since the Dunblane shootings, in the late 1990's, there were severe restrictions placed on the ownership of fire arms.

The reason being that the gun man (I won't mention the gits name) used legally owned guns to do the rampage.

My own objection to these laws was that it doesn't matter whether the guns are legally owned or not, because a fruitcake who wants to go on a shooting spree, with the intention of committing mass murder isn't going to get pangs of guilt over using illegally owned guns.

Since these gun laws were brought in, gun crime has soared, and we have had two more lunatics go on a shooting spree.

That is not the end of it. The police in Wordsley, West Midlands, have uncovered a swivel eyed hooting head cases huge haul of weapons. I don't know about the NRA, this stash looks like it would impress the IRA.

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The problem is the simplicity and efficiency of gun control laws does not translate into the real world, because every government on this planet is completely incapable of efficiency! Have you visited a state bureau of any kind lately?

    Take Jared Loughner, the guy shouldn't even have been allowed to purchase a firearm due to his history of mental complications.

    By the way, to any gun control activists who list worldwide statistics of low crime in high gun controlled countries, there are just as many stats backing the opposite. In California, it's damn near impossible to get a concealed carry permit if you are not a DA or judge, yet we have some of the most violent cities in the nation. DC is another example.

    It doesn't matter if Spain or the UK have more gun control and less crime, their culture is not congruent with ours.

  • Scouse
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    it does not matter what laws we bring in there will always be a nut case on the rampage sooner or later. for this reason I reckon they are working rather better than we give credit for.

    The police have found that many people using a gun for crime have in obtained it from a third party who has obtained them and holds them illegally.

    There has been much press ado about some children being given a licence but these are the very people who are unlikely to get involved in crime. Some children develop a far greater sense of responsibility than adults if they are taught properly.

    Nut cases and those determined to commit a crime you can not legislate to prevent at any time.

    Before anyone starts I do not, never have and have no wish to own a gun of any sort more lethal than a water pistol

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Street gangs have cases full of illegal weapons shipped into Britain all the time, mostly hidden among second hand car parts and scrap, where lazy good for nothing customs cant be @rsed to look..........( too much heavy work). The British government has always been scared of its people. The British are bloody stupid to let Parliament disarm them. let me give you the facts, During the 1950s when I was a boy nearly every family had a gun of one kind or another, but the murder rate was about three a year, the difference was not gun control, but the death penalty. Those chilling words ' you will be taken down to a place of confinement, and from there you will be taken out and hanged by the neck until you are dead. May God have mercy on your soul.....That is the way to deal with murderers. The figures speak for themselves 1950s with the death penalty in place, three murders a year. 21st century without the death penalty in place, three murders a week. Prisons are like holiday camps, and an average sentence for murder in Britain is about seven years.....There's nothing to stop them.

  • 1 decade ago

    No gun laws will prevent the isolated psychopath going wild, although they might restrict his access to firearms.

    We have no way of knowing how many more incidents such as Dunblane, Hungerford and the more recent one in Workington there might have been if access to firearms were more widespread in UK.

    I'm comfortable that the very low number of deaths by firearms in the UK is a consequence of our stringent firearms laws, and the fact that such incidents are rare - and the fact that discovery of such an arsenal is national news suggests the same.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Guns have never killed anyone,it's the crazy bastards that use them do all the damage,when I was a kid we all had sheaf knives catapults airguns ,never saw anyone getting killed ,when I was older we used to go shooting and walk down the country lanes with a 12 bore over our shoulder and a bag of rabbits between us ,into the pub put the guns behind the bar ,sell the rabbits ,ducks pigeons and have a few pint's on the takings ,Imagine the uproar in these times? people are getting shot carrying a chair leg down the road, banging your woman starkers in your own home ,or running for the underground as I said it's not the guns that kill .it's the crazy bastards that are issued with them

    Source(s): life
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    gun crimes are slowly on increase. gun laws are followed by law abiding citizens so these can be argued either way.

    sadly it is still to easy to be able to obtain illegal weapons. here is the real worry. the change in gun laws didn't really change outcomes or events. these folk who use such weapons would do so with or without any laws.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some random guy managed to kill 17 people with a bolt action rifle... HELL NO THEY AREN'T WORKING.

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