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moi asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Share labour stories? How did it start for you?

By my last period im 39 weeks today & i have to say i feel great. normal, ive had no aches / pains, havent felt any BH or have had no indication that labour is close. Im ok with that because like i said im not uncomfortable or anthing & baby will come when its ready, but i always thought thered be a kinda build up to labour.

Has any one else been like my self, easy pregnancy & no labour signs then it all come on you quickly? i havent even felt the need to "nest" im not that tired either but yeah theres prob things i could be doing eg booking my waxing but because i feel fine im in no rush?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I felt exactly like you, great pregnancy and I had no back pains and slept great. In the end I could feel the the baby had dropped a little bit though esp when I was walking but nothing was painful.

    Then at 40 weeks and 1 day I woke up at 8am in the morning and felt water coming out. No big gush just steady leaking and I knew straight away what it was.

    Mild contractions started about an hour later and I called the hospital who said to come up there in about 4-5 hours unless things started to really happen.

    When I went to the hospital my contractions were about 15min apart and I was able to manage them ok. They were like strong period pains.

    We were sent back home (we lived quite close to the hospital) and told to come back when the contractions were about 5 min apart.

    When we got back home the contractions suddenly started to become more painful and closer which meant within an hour we had to rush back to the hospital. When I got there I was in quite alot of pain but somehow manged to deal with it without drugs. When the midwife took a look at me she couldn't believe that I was already 9cm dilated and I was sent straight to the labour room.

    The labour itself wasn't easy and took hours as the babies head was turned the wrong way and after a lot of pushing and drama, the baby finally came out with a help of an obstetrician. Beautiful baby girl who was 7lbs 8oz.

    She is 2.5y today and I'm 14 weeks pregnant with our 2nd one :)

    Good luck with it all.

  • 1 decade ago

    My first baby was late and had to be induced. I felt nothing like you.

    The second baby was late, but I had braxton hicks contractions for a month leading up to labor. She was four days late and two days before having her I had bloody show(a little blood in my panties). Then the night I went into serious labor that morning I had an internal dr. exam and was told I am 0% effaced and 0 cm dilated. Talk about disappointed, but I was in full blown labor that night. What helped me the most was I laid in a warm bath for hours. I would grab on to the handle in the tub whenever a contraction came. It started at 5 pm(we then went out to dinner cause everyone said they won't feed you at the hospital till after delivery), I laid down at 9, but by 10 was waking up every 10 min. with contractions and that is when I went to the tub. I also wrote down every contraction throughout the night. I still have that paper. Good luck and enjoy this amazing experience.

  • 1 decade ago

    i felt fine with my last pregnancy, i did have pre-eclampsia though but it was under control so i was allowed to be left to go naturally. i did get nesting and feeling tired later on, but i had no signs of labour coming it just came on all of a sudden my contractions started every 4 minutes. assuming its your first most first babies go overdue anyway so you probably still have a couple of weeks left but its best to get organised and prepared now, even though you feel fine it doesnt mean anything, you can feel fine and go into labour that day or the feeling could change over night. good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    With my 1st I had contractions for about 7 hours then my waters broke. With my 2nd I had contractions again first and with my 3rd my waters broke first. I could tell they were ready to come because I could feel their heads right down on my cervix before labour started.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    properly i became into in exertions for 18 hours complete (i became into prompted 2 days earlier my due date)... and while i ultimately began pushing... i became into purely so excited to fulfill my daughter (reason i became into advised i became into having a woman for the duration of my total being pregnant, and that i even had sonograms/ultrasounds finished each physician bypass to) anyhow.... while the physician pulled my toddler out, to me something didnt look top. the physician became into like "its a boy!", and all i might desire to declare is "thats a penis" ha ha... i became into in complete ask your self. granted i wanted a boy from the getgo... yet my acquaintances and kinfolk by me an all woman, all pink/pink toddler bathe. all i might desire to do became into cry i became into so chuffed... while my mom walked into the transport room she asked me why i became into crying and that i advised her it became into reason she has a grandson not a granddaughter... she appeared top at me and suggested "thats not humorous" reason she concept i became into enjoying a humorous tale, until eventually she appeared over and observed her grandson getting wiped sparkling up. she became into so rapid to get on her telephone and get in touch with my brother. i might desire to hearken to him in the process the telephone from the different area of the room "how the hell does that ensue", then it became into "MY SISTER HAD A BOY, IM A UNCLE" lol... no i didnt have a mirror, yet i watched each thing... for the reason that my legs have been up on the birthing bar thingy

  • 1 decade ago


    Source(s): Me
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