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Middle school advice,help,tip and much more?

Well I'm starting 6th grade soon at lavilla I need help I need advice and tips on any to everythng fashion friends older kids and much more plzz help on anything about middle school thx

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Fashion~ When I was in elementary school I was always mitch-matched and wore basketball shorts and baggy T-Shirts. Honestly, I would tell you to be yourself but the world is cruel, and you'll make friends easier if you're dressed like everyone else is. I know that in middle school I didn't really want to talk to the kids who dressed awkwardly. My suggestion? Skinny jeans and a shirt that isn't baggy, but isn't extremely tight. Also, it seems Vans are becoming more and more popular these days.

    Friends~ In elementary school I had a big circle of friends. When I got to middle school we all sort of drifted apart and I made new friends. Come to think of it, I wasn't friends with one of them by 7th grade. Trust me, you're not going to keep all of your old friends but you're going to make wonderful new ones!

    Older kids~ When you're in 6th grade, the 8th graders will either be jerks, or they'll call you adorable, that's just how it goes. The 7th graders are going to complain about how much they hate you, even though they have no clue who you are. My advice would just be to ignore them and do whatever you do.


    -One thing you'll probably end up doing in middle school is wearing makeup. Just please, don't cake it on your face, no one needs that much makeup, honestly.

    -Do you're homework. I know it sounds boring, but honestly, when you don't do your homework, you're in stupid people classes, which puts you in bad high school classes, which will NOT get you your dream job.

    -Cursing every 5 words doesn't make you cool, and lots of kids will think it's annoying.

    -Middle school = drama. You're going to get in a bunch of friend fights, but honestly, just suck it up and apologize, even if it wasn't your fault. They'll get over it quickly and you'll be friends again.

    -You don't need to go to your locker every period, get your stuff for 2 or 3 periods and then go again when you need your other stuff. Find a time that works for you and make it your schedule.

    -You're going to have A LOT of crushes, and you'll probably never tell them. Honestly, if you like someone, TALK TO THEM. Then you can decide if you really do want to date them and if you do, you'll have a better chance if you're friends with them.

    -Get a Facebook if you don't already have one. You'll find that you actually stay 'In the loop' with your friends and chatting them on facebook is easier than texting them.

    If you need any more info, just email me at

    Yes, I know my email is stupid, but my sister named it for me because I couldn't think of anything.

    Good luck in middle school! :)

    Source(s): Myself(:
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    They've all been fun, with mostly good things and just a few bad things about each one. But I think I'd still say elementary and middle school were better, just because they were more stress-free. High school has been fun, but there is just a little more stress involved because your grades start to really count and you really have to make sure you do well in your classes. You have to start thinking about your future and college and whatnot, and it can be overwhelming. Elementary and middle school were a little more carefree. I can't pick between elementary and middle though, because they were both so much fun for me! I guess I could say elementary since it was the easiest and I had the least amount of homework, haha. And since pretty much everyone was friends and there weren't a bunch of cliques and stuff. You could just go up to anyone at recess and play, and the wouldn't judge you. Even though that kind of stuff gets pretty common in middle school (cliques, people being judgmental, etc.), I managed to escape that since I just stayed with my friends and didn't try to hang around the "popular" crowd. I've heard that a lot of people had a horrible time in middle school, but I actually had a lot of fun. I just had really awesome friends, and I loved most of my teachers in middle school too, so that was also what made it good. I've had a lot of good school years, and I can't possibly pick one, so I'll just pick one from each school. 4th grade was my best year of elementary school, 7th grade was by far the best middle school year, and so far, I think my senior year has been my best high school year (I'm a senior right now). Junior year was pretty good too though.

  • 1 decade ago

    The best advice I can give you is to be yourself. Wear what makes you comfortable. Older kids are just kids born a year or two before you. They have the same issues as you and at one time or another were exactly where you are right now. So don't worry about trying to impress them. They've been there. Remember, middle school is the same thing as what you attend now, only a new building and a new schedule. If you weren't ready to move on, then you wouldn't. Enjoy your summer and get ready for a fantastic middle school experience.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is NO need what so ever to get into fashion to fit in.

    No need to dress like other people to fit in. Wear what you want, wear whatever feels most comfortable to you. Don't worry about older or other kids, they are not a bother, never bothered me in middle school, but I will say this, surround yourself with a good group of friends, no low life losers.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok...In middle school one thing I regret is not studying enough...The better grades you make, the better classes you get in High School...which could lead to some college credit hours, before you even go to cool, wear what others are (Jeans, tshirts, and flip flops were cool, when i was in middle school...) DON'T give in to peer pressure...only do stuff if u want to "not because everyone else is and says you have to do it to fit don't...they aren't your friends if they can't respect that...So, my, make good grades, and have fun :)...Hope this helps

    Source(s): Middle Schooler from 2001-2002 (7th and 8th grade) my school 6th grade was elementary
  • Meli
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You don't only have to make friends with the older kids. The 7th and 8th graders are very cocky and think they're all that just because they're almost in high school, so it's probably better off staying off with people your age.

  • Krista
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    the best advice i can give you is,

    stop caring so much.

    its just high school.

    don't make a big deal of the first day

    no 1 will remember it in a couple of weeks anyway

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Be friendly with everyone you possibly can because it will help with networking. try to stay away from serious relationships. Stay focused and never wear stained clothes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just. Be. Yourself.

    I mean, right now, you have your circle of friends, right? Therefore, that means you are liked for who you are now, who says you wont be liked for who you are just because you change schools?

    You'll gradually change though, but that wont be noticed ;D

  • 1 decade ago

    don't even worry about it!

    i was new too, i fit in perfectly!

    everyone will fit in, even you!

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