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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsAstronomy & Space · 1 decade ago

What planet is Planet Nibiru?

I've been looking at the Astronomy section of YA and this planet is always showing up. I tried to google it, but I never got a straight answer. So I ask: What planet is this?


Don't say anything stupid


Response to Faesson:

There's no need to cry just because you know more than me about this subject.

That also doesn't give you the right to insult someone, that's called arrogance.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nibiru is a fake planet, invented in the 1960s by Zechariah Sitchin, for his book called the 12th planet. In this book, Zechariah proposes his idea (now known to be false) that the Sumerians - they lived before the Greek - knew about a planet called Nibiru.

    In Zechariah's story, Nibiru is on a very large elliptical orbit (period around 3750 years). The people on Nibiru need gold in order to survive their long winter, far from the Sun. There is gold on Earth but they can't work here, so they created us to be their slaves. We mine gold for them.

    Every time Nibiru comes close, they come and collect THEIR gold from us. In Zecharih's story, the next passage cannot take place before the year 2085.


    The Big 2012 Hoax is a recycling of the Planet-X hoax (we all died on May 13, 2003). Planet-X is a different fake planet, invented by Nancy Leider in the 1990s. "Friends" of Nancy turned her story into a hoax (making money selling books on how to survive).

    After May 2003, they needed a new hoax so they created the Big 2012 Hoax and they "improved" their fake Planet-X by adding elements (and the name) from Zechariah's fake planet. They did think of reducing its orbit period to 3600 years to make it fit their new hoax.

    Both stories are so obviously fake (and have been known to be fake for decades now) that it is difficult to perceive questions about them seriously. Many questions about Nibiru, Planet X or the Big 2012 Hoax are by people who just want to keep the hoax alive (meaning = they know it is a hoax, but they ask serious-sounding questions in the hope that some of the readers will think it is serious), or by people who do not have a clue what a planet (or a hoax) is.

    Even though I try to answer these questions seriously, I keep thinking that chances are that any question about Nibiru is actually a troll question.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I am not saying that I believe in Planet X or Nibiru but one question to consider is how did a civilization 4000 plus years ago was able to chart our solar system? If they were not visited by E.T.s then they must have had advanced technology to see out of our planets atmosphere and fairly deep in to our solar system. If this is the case then why did it take all the way in to the mid 1900's to re-discover the these planets? Did the human race become less intellegent throught the years? Mentally de-evolve? And in the sumer "translated" and pictured tableture it shows how when physically looking at a chart of our planets the size differences on a small scale comparison to one another and its quite accurate... and it shows a planet X..... so its hard to rule the planet x idea out. But it doesnt say anything about certain doomsday. It really is hard to rule out a planet x specially since this past month 32 planets were dicovered.... exoplanets and "super earths" so if these exsist then why can't planet x or nibiru? Not saying they are the same... Only people that are too scared to admit the possibltiy of a planet X or E.T. exisitance due to feeling inferior to a more advanced race could void any of these questions out. And if a civilization 4000 years ago could be more advanced than what we were in the early 1900's in space exploration then why couldnt there be a planet x and about it's orbit? well I am sure that somewhere out there there would be an intellegence capable of controlling an atmosphere... or hell it could just be a death star off star wars ( scary.... hqhahahah) either way nothing is impossible... No matter how you look at life and its creation, it all seems impossible but its not for we are all here right?

  • It doesn't exist. In fact, it can't exist without breaking the laws of physics and celestial mechanics that every other observed body in the universe has to obey.

    You also have to understand the frustration when this question comes up. Some variation of it is asked several times every day, and it gets tiresome to answer the same question over and over, especially when there is a search function that shows that questions about "Nibiru" have been asked 13 times in the past week.

    We also feel like we _have_ to answer, since there is so much bad information and outright lies floating around, including that there is a "dead sun" orbiting the sun that has planets of it's own (If there was a companion star (even a failed one) to the sun, we'd easily be able to see the infrared signature, and there is nothing out there). Even if there was, for any planet that might be orbiting it to get close enough to us to do anything in the immediate future, it would already be one of the brightest objects in the sky--but there isn't anything there.

    The straight answer is: There is no Nibiru. Anyone who claims otherwise is either lying, or they've bought into a hoax put forward by con artists and crazy people because they don't understand how science works. You don't want to be that guy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nibiru is the domain of the Babylonian god Marduk and was identified with Jupiter or Venus by the Babylonian priests.

    The reason you never got a straight answer is that the name Nibiru was used by a fake historian called Sitchin 40+ years ago for books of pseudo-history claiming that a planet he called Nibiru approaches the Earth about every 3600 years. The inhabitants of this planet then nip across to Earth to look for gold. He claims that they produced humans by crossing themselves with apes and used them to mine gold. According to Sitchin, the planet was not due back near Earth until after 2080.

    It is just a distortion of the Babylonian creation myth. The planet cannot exist for perfectly good astronomical reasons and the inhabitants could not exist for the same sort of reasons plus biology and chemistry. On top of that the scholars who can actually read old Sumerian and Babylonian writing say Sitchin is wrong, he has deliberately misinterpreted many things that were already known and left out others. Most such books are like this.

    When the lies about 2012 started to circulate about 6 years ago the liars got hold of it and combined it with another, different fake planet called X which was predicted to be here in 2003 by the mentally disturbed and very superstitious woman who invented it.

    So most of what you will see is one lie combined with one, two or more others, depending on the lunatic or fraud who produced them.

    Just like Sitchin, the people predicting doom & disaster in 2012 are in it for the money or to promote the great god Woo-Woo.

    Source(s): See
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Here's a straight answer: there is NO planet named Nibiru. It was made up in order to scare little kids and people too dumb to understand even grade school science.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nibiru doesn't actually exist.

    Its a mythological object that Zecharia Sitchin came up with:

  • 1 decade ago

    Neil DeGrasse Tyson (a physicst) made the below video. Take a look. It might help answer your question:

  • 1 decade ago

    "Don't say anything stupid"?

    What, YOU are the only one allowed?

    Nibiru doesn't exist. It will be VERY HARD INDEED to get a "straighter" answer than that.

  • Lola F
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's right past Magrathea, in between Arrakis and Tatooine.

  • 1 decade ago

    the planet nibiru is actually a dead star, in fact sister to our star, it gives off massive amounts of heat and radiation, it also has several satellite's/planet, one which the "annunaki" as told in the Sumerian, Mayan, and egyptian cultures lives, this planet is on elliptical orbit around the sun will pass between mars and earth in 2012 wreaking havoc on the planet i.e Great flood

    Source(s): do not be rude if you dont believe then dont respond
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