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Can this happen? Obama siding with the UN and arab league imposing a no fly zone in Israel?

The Arab League, on whom the United States and the "great powers" of Europe depend for the moral authority to impose the no-fly zone over Libya, now wants the United Nations to impose a similar no-fly zone over Gaza, whence the Palestinians fire their rockets at Israeli schoolchildren. The Israelis, naturally, fire back with air strikes. This inconveniences the Palestinian rocket batteries no end, of course, and the Arab League is eager for someone, since the Arabs have never been able to do it, to make the Israelis submit to their own destruction.

President Obama has peopled his administration with prominent policy-makers and aides who wear their hostility to Israel like Easter finery. Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., is a passionate and impetuous critic of America's only reliable ally in the Middle East. Samantha Power, the senior director for multilateral affairs (this is not as naughty as it sounds) at the National Security

Council, once in a fit of little-foot stamping proposed landing a "mammoth force" of American troops to protect the Palestinians from Israel. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is appropriately diplomatic in her present incarnation, but as the first lady she famously embraced Suha Arafat, widow of Yasser Arafat, with hugs and kisses at a rally in the Middle East in 1999.


that should read... GAZA

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately, this is not in the realm of impossibility, given the ideological leanings of at least some within the administration. And I would note that the possibility of this happening wasn't mentioned just within the last few days. Frank Gaffney, the leader of the Center for Security Policy, warned about that possibility on March 22nd, arguing that the attack on Libya could serve as a precedent for similar action against Israel:

  • 1 decade ago

    It is hard to know what Mr. Obama will do, and I don't know if he even has a clue what he should do.

    I would agree that there have been some abuses by Israel, but I can also understand why they have happened. The Arab states, for the most part, have at one time or another favored the destruction of Israel and the killing or deportation of the Jewish people. In my view the Palestinians have been guilty of far worse and far more deliberate excesses against the Israelis.

    Should Obama choose to support the idea of a no-fly zone over any part of Israel he should expect serious consequences, not the least of which would be the loss of support by most American Jews.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When Israel hating hags like Samantha Power have the ample ears of Obama anything could happen. What Power and her supporters want is to solidify the principle of “responsibility to protect” in international law. That requires a “pure” case of intervention on humanitarian grounds. Power’s agenda would explain why Obama acted when he acted, and why the public rationale for action has not included regime change in Libya. Many people believe that the Arab League got on board in the "kinetic military action" against Libya and, in return for Power and Rice possibly pushing "responsibility to protect" in the UN.

    The thought of the US engaging in such action should disgust all Americans.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Palestine fire rockets but Israel have fired much worse at the Palestine’s. They’ve used illegal phosphorus, dime bombs & fired rockets at people in cars while children play in the street. Not to mention, shoot people in plain view of cameras for no reason what so ever and the list goes on..

    People need to get it into their heads. what both sides are doing is totally illegal. But the problem lies in the power Israel have over US & UK politics.

    300.000 jews live in the uk

    650 parliament mp jobs

    65 million brits, yet the amount of jews in high power jobs is shocking when their should be non statistically.

    As for the US, only 2% of jews make up the population but the largest most powerful lobby group in the world is the jewish controlled Aipac. And without their money you presidents would not stand a chance of being elected. Not to mention the jews are the largest ethnic group in congress, plus their hold over the federal reserve bank and banking in general is shocking... Talk about a cartel. And lets not forgetting how powerful the jewish controlled media is..

    Jewish & Palestine people should be exempt from donating, influencing or ever being allowed into politics. The UK & the US should be total impartial when dealing with this middle east problem. “BUT HAY! WHAT INFLUENCE DO THE PALISTINES HAVE“.

    Down tools and stop voting and lets take our own countries back.

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  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well they could TRY.. Howz things going in Libya for Obama and the Arab League? Oh yeah so far it looks like a Non-Victory in a Non-War........ they can't handle Qaddafy and his thugs.. they'll talk big but they won't mess with Israel.

  • Chin T
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If it does happen hopefully we will be down on US president quickly.

    Can it happen? With this administration anything can happen.

    But it would be at great risk to anyone who tried it and I think treason would be in order, and might actually be part of the response if anyone survived long enough.

    Really bad move for the man who thinks the US has 57 (Arab) states.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When/if Israel goes, the ground will glow in the dark for a dozen years.

    Think they wont do it? Have terrorists cornered the market on suicide?

    There goes the neighborhood (property values).

    Truly a Dr. Strangelove ... doomsday scenario.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Israelis still have balls, unlike the castrati in D.C. , so it will make Libya, Gold Coast, Afghanistan look like child's play... don't mess with Israelis unless you want to have a very, very bad day.

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A Lib is a Lib and any free country aka Israel the left hate and wants to over take.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes it can happen when you have candyass people like Obama.

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