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Can you pair up these names for twins ♀♂?

Just for fun, how would you pair up my favourite names for boy-girl twins :) Use each name only ONCE; you should have 8 different pairs at the end.


Roman [RO-mun]

Harper **

Morgan **

Elias [ee-LY-us]




Aubrey **



Viola [vy-OH-luh]









Please explain why you chose each pair, if you can :)

** Yes, these are BOYS names, and I live in England where these names are rarely seen on girls, if ever.


Those who noticed there's 9 - well done! :P Missed out Ruby for a girl, sorry!!

Update 2:

Grrr, seriously messed up the numbers here! I meant for you guys to have 10 pairs, and I thought I had an extra boys name in there. Silly moi :)

32 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Roman and Francesca -- Both are Italian ... well, Francesca is Italian in origin and Roman is from a city in Italy. And isn't it funny that the Italian one actually means "Frenchman"?

    River and Winter -- Both are naturey word names; maybe they're a bit too similar in sound, but they really do seem the best fit here. I'd imagine parents who liked one would also like the other.

    Elias and Isobel -- I like the subtle repetition of the "El" sound, at the beginning of one name and the end of the other. They also share an "i" and an "s," yet they manage to sound perfectly distinct from each other. They both could be seen as less popular versions of popular names -- Elias of Elijah/Eli and Isobel of Isabella/Isabelle.

    Gideon and Eleanor -- Both are very old-fashioned three-syllable names with the same syllable rhythm. They're about equally uncommon, they are both just beginning to sound stylish again, and they both have a similar formal quality.

    Nathaniel and Katherine -- I like the repeated "ath" sounds; they're similar without being too similar. They're also the most timeless sounding names on your lists, so they pair well stylistically. Yes, I realize they could be nicknamed Nate and Kate -- but having full names that don't rhyme almost makes it okay that the nicknames do, doesn't it? And they don't HAVE to be Nate and Kate if they don't like that. They could be Nate and Kathy or Nathan and Kit.

    Morgan and Jennifer -- Both names are Welsh in origin, and both names are slightly past their popularity peak, at least in the U.S. I'd imagine twins called Morgan and Jennifer to be in their 20s or even 30s.

    Harper and Matilda -- Harper is a hard one for me to pair stylistically, since I'm not sure WHAT style it is in the UK. Here it's a fashionable, literary girls' name -- it's one of the few boys-names-on-girls that we naming traditionalists will tolerate (and some even like it -- the horrors!). Since it is fashionable, albeit on the opposite gender, I paired it with another fashionable literary choice. Harper and Matilda are both very energetic.

    Aubrey and Viola -- I'm not sure why I like these names together, but I think it's because both names have a sort of magical quality. Aubrey means "elf power" -- and I know it's related the Shakespearean Oberon. Viola is also a Shakespearean name meaning "violet." Together, these names evoke an image of elves and fairies playing in a 16th century enchanted garden.

    Isaac and Annabel -- Both names are exceedingly happy, friendly, and accessible. They're the sort you run across often enough, but not too often. And they both have great meanings -- "laughter" and "lovable." You can't get much happier than that!

    This was challenging and fun!

  • Elise
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Roman & Gideon

    Harper & Isobel

    Morgan & Viola

    Eleanor & Matilda

    Elias & Jennifer

    Rover & Winter

    Isaac & Francesca

    Aubrey & Annabel

    Nathaniel & Katherine

  • 1 decade ago

    Roman and Matilda

    Harper and Winter

    Morgan and Viola

    Elias and Katherine

    River and Francesca

    Gideon and Isobel

    Isaac and Eleanor

    Aubrey and Jennifer

    Nathaniel and Annabel


  • 1 decade ago

    Roman & Matilda - One is very masculine and the other very feminine so they balance each other out, also I love both names.

    Harper & Isobel - They sound so classy as a pair.

    Morgan & Katherine - Both solid, traditional names, I'm not in love with Katherine but they make a lovely set.

    Elias & Francesca - Love both names, sound a bit different but not completely out there.

    River & Eleanor - Couldn't find anything that I thought went really well with River but I do like Eleanor a lot.

    Gideon & Viola - Both fairly unusual, sound very grown up as a pair.

    Isaac & Annabel - Quite common but classic names.

    Aubrey & Winter - Not keen on either, hence they sort of got lumped together. They just seem very "americanised" to me...?

    Nathaniel & Jennifer - Slightly dull but completely acceptable names.


  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Roman & Eleanor

    Harper & Matilda

    Nathaniel & Francesca

    River & Katherine

    Elias & Isobel

    Issac & Viola

    Gideon & Annabel

    Aubrey & Winter

    Morgan & Jennifer

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in England too! I never met a male OR female harper! But I know one Male Morgan! hes too cute! For 12 year old any way...

    Roman & Viola - They are both a tiny bit 'different' but not wacky-weird!

    Harper & Jennifer - I chose this together because they were the only ones left! But they sound quite nice together!

    Morgan & Eleanor- I'm not sure on putting these two together. They seem too oposite to me, but some may like sib-sets like that!

    Elias & Annabel - These are both my least fave names out of the lot, but i still think they sound nice together... Ish XD

    River & Winter - I love with Sib-Set for some reason XD They're both word names, and i have always liked it better to have two word names together. River and Katherine wouldn't look related, for example.

    Gideon & Matilda - Two wonderful old-fashioned names! They just sounds nice together i think, personally!

    Isaac & Francesca (Thought about Isaac & Isobel, but i think they seem a little too close)

    Aubrey & Isobel - Kind of last minute, again/ They sounds nice together, with them both having a B and a E.!

    Nathaniel & Katherine - Similar, but different! And nicely traditional! Nathan & Katie sound like a nice pair of twins!

    This was fun!

    Source(s): Moi
  • Roman & Viola- both have that fun, exotic sound

    Elias & Francesca- again they are both fun, and exotic sounding

    Harper & Matilda- they both have a classic, but edgy feel

    River & Winter- nature names

    Morgan & Eleanor- not sure why they just sound great together and I can picture them as kids, teens, and adults

    Aubrey & Isobel- both have a funky vibe (even though isoble is a classic name this spelling makes it more fun)

    Nathaniel & Jennifer- both are traditional

    Gideon & Annabel- both are three syllables and flow well together

    Isaac & Katherine- what was left over

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Roman & Francesca

    Harper & Matilda - I hate Harper. Love Matilda. But Harper for a boy isn't so bad. So I think it balances out.

    Morgan & Jennifer - Kind of dated, but I think Morgan & Jenny sound great together.

    Elias & Isobel

    River & Winter

    Gideon & Viola

    Isaac & Eleanor - So classic and perfect.

    Aubrey & Annabel - Too matchy, but I mean, if you're into that, you may like this.

    Nathaniel & Katherine "Nate & Kate" - I wouldn't actually use this. It's more of a guilty pleasure.

  • Slinky
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Roman and Katherine

    Harper and Francesca

    Morgan and Matilda

    Elias and Isobel/Ruby

    River and Winter

    Gideon and Viola

    Isaac and Eleanor

    Aubrey and Jennifer

    Nathaniel and Annabel

    I love Isaac, Elias, Eleanor, Matilda, Ruby and Annabel. Great names!

  • Dahlia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There's 9 names though. But I'm going to only make 5 (well, 4 1/2) by pairing them with middle names. There's names that I would never use as first names and thus put them in the middle instead.

    Roman Harper & Isobel Winter

    Elias Morgan & Annabel Viola

    Gideon Aubrey & Matilda Katherine

    Nathaniel Isaac & Francesca Eleanor


    Jennifer & River

    No need for thumbs down, I explained why I did it this way. Christ, lighten up people.

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