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I´m allergic to any kind of pollen when the trees are in blossom, pine trees, olive trees. What can I do?

My eyes are swollen, my legs and arms are covered with red spots and it is itching very much, sometimes I can't sleep. My mood is going down... I'm a good looking person, but like now I feel ugly! Days ago I had to go to emergency because my arms were extremely swollen. They gave me injections and made several tests. But I am not in favor of medication, as these mostly treat the symptoms and not the cause. I suppose that these are defense reactions of my immune system, that probably is damaged. I searched but couldn't find any information that can help.

Please, if you know what can help me to heal the cause,.. I would appreciate this very much!

I is urgent, because we are only in spring, in summer it might be much worse. Last year I could manage, but this year it seems unbearable.

A friend told me that I should stop drinking 'RedBull' and any kind of energy drinks, but I like these and can't imagine that these are the reason. What do you think?


Your answers are disappointing. I am expecting some advice from people who healed themselves or where healed, - not these nonsense answers coming out of a sick mind... But this is our 'reality', represented also here at Y!A. No, I do not depend on this and will continue investigating, also the established health system might not give any creative answer either...

Update 2:

An old friend of mine had the same difficulty finding information when he had 'Fibromyalgia'. This was several years ago and then there was no information how to heal or treat this disease. From every where he was told: "There is no cure, you need to live with this" But he didn't let him push down and continued investigating and then he treated himself. After two years he was completely healed and this has been seven years ago and no symptoms have been coming back! - - -

When I investigate about Allergies, then there is some information, especially about the incredible number of effected people in the world, but very little about possible treatments, mostly in the same style like the health system works... There is no healing of the cause, just the symptoms are treated! It is unbelievable, there are hundreds of millions of people suffering and the number is constantly rising and it seems, nobody is really interested in it!

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are right, being disappointed but going on in your search! I can't help you with practical advice but by supporting your attitude. See your condition as a challenge and trust that if you put your energy into it, you will be guided into the right direction. Be aware, that your healing will include your whole existence and not just your body. You are not a victim of unfavourable outside conditions! Have trust and let yourself be guided.

    It might be, that your immune system is over stressed and is over reacting, so it would be good that you avoid any thing that could make it worth. You should not drink any of these 'energy drinks' and avoid any 'fast food' or 'junk food'. Do some cleansing, - a liver cleans might be good. Maybe a fasting, even only for a few days. Do it with the guidance of some body who knows about it.

    I sense, that with being more careful about your food intake you might be on the right track. Do you smoke occasionally? Then stop this immediately!

    Writing this, some more thoughts are showing up: Are you doing enough exercises? Walking or swimming for example. Have you tried a sauna once a week? That would stimulate your system and move some toxins... My mother used apple vinegar for all kind of conditions and I remember, when I was a child, it really help me...

    You see, there is a lot you can find out about and you don't depend on any body with it... You will see your condition as positive, even though you are suffering, - but it is a transition and when you will have gone through it, you will be healthier than ever before!


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Pine Trees.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you go to an allergist, you can be tested and get started on desensitization shots. After several years of the shots, you will not react to the pollen anymore. These shots consist of a tiny fraction of the pollen. They slowly build up the dosage until it is as strong as what you encounter normally.

    Some people think local honey helps allergies.

    You can also get an air purifier for your home.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would see an allergist right away or even an ENT (ear, throat, nose specialist). They can give you advice on what to do and what medications you can take that could help. Although you aren't for medicine, it really could be beneficial to you. Seeing someone like an allergist though will help you understand what ways you can go about this and what you can do to beat the actual cause. Good luck and know you aren't ugly! You're beautiful and you can fight this! Good luck to you! Wishing you all the best! =)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Stay indoors at all times. Or you could be like the bubble boy and walk around in a giant bubble.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I suggest that you get a large clear plastic bubble. you clould live inside of it. it looks like it could be alot of fun

  • 1 decade ago

    Best to talk to your local G.P coz i doubt you will find the expertise to answer your question here.

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