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Are high gas prices Obama's fault?

I ask this because when gas hit $4.00 a gallon under Bush all I saw were many people saying the price of gas was Bush's fault. Many people were saying it was because Bush was tied to oil companies so does that mean Obama is also tied to oil companies?

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    His policies are a large part of this mess. He could slow it down just by issuing an order to lift the ban on US drilling and speeding up the permit process. He could order Salazar to finally obey the court and let the gulf oil drilling begin again. And during the campaign (lie fest), obamadinejhad said he didn't have any problem with high gas prices, he was just concerned they went up so fast.

    So yes, I blame it on him. And I also don't think he really cares, it is just one more piece of the puzzle he is using to ruin our way of life.

  • 1 decade ago

    While I'm no Obama fan, I don't think it's quite as easy as that, or as it was to blame Bush.

    While Bush certainly is an oil-buddy, and buddies do not spank buddies into submission, I tend to lean toward the belief that the retail sale of fuel is like any other private business. It's regulated by the customers themselves, and the government, no matter whose administration, has no business telling someone how much they can charge for their product. Now, the problem with my own reasoning is that I can't yet come up with a good way to balance that with the government's responsibility to protect the people from predatory business, hence weights and measures compliance, etc. I just don't know how to say "hey, stop screwing the people," without becoming some other kind of government.

    What I think I'd like to see is one oil company deciding "Hey, we make a LOT of money...let's make a little less and increase our customer base." Sell gas much cheaper, still be millionaires, and do the right thing....but let's face it. What's the likelihood of that happening?

    If the government is going to help, I think the only way they can do so without violating rights, is to take a few of these government properties (closed bases) and turn them into refineries. Buy oil from our 'buddies' cheaply (you know, the buddies who would be in deep poo if we pulled our our protective bases) and refine and sell gasoline at cost. Open US Petroleum stores, one in each county. No coffee, no snacks, just gas. Total up the cost of purchase, transport, refining, operation of the stations, employee pay, etc., and sell it for no profit. The other oil companies would then have to lower their prices enough to be competitive or go out of business. In this way, the government could regulate the cost of gas the American way. Outsell 'em.

    Of course, the obvious problem with that is that, at some point, the non-profit would somehow become hidden profit. Someone would get greedy, we'd see increasing prices being hidden in "equipment repair" or some other financial black-hole, as someone would say "Hey, why sell at cost when all we really have to do is be a dime or so cheaper than the others?"

    Then, it would begin all over again. Corruption is rampant, everywhere. The only option is frequent replacement of politicians and of regulatory personnel.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is and it isn't.. He can't control the price of oil directly but he can do things to indirectly to bring the price down or up, Any time that we do something that makes us more dependent on th Middle East for oil the price goes up . We stopped drilling in the Gulf and not opening up any new sites im the states so the other oil producing countries know that they have us over a barrel (no pun intended)

    people forget that when the price of gas went up under Bush he gave the ok to start opening up new sites in the US and prices came down. The present administration does not seen interested in doing any thing about the problem so the oil companies and the foreign oil producers are taking advantage of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Democrats in general are against any measures which could lower the price of gas. When gas prices started rising while Bush was president, he did something about it. Democrats will not, so it will just keep getting higher.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If the high prices under Bush was his fault I see no reason why the current prices are not all Obama's fault.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    straight forward, they aren’t. by some potential I wager you weren’t asserting that some years in the past whilst Bush became into President although. yet what's Obama’s fault, is his loss of management on the priority. and the certainty that he keeps making excuses for his loss of management. BTW – in the time of maximum of Bush’s Presidency, gas fees have been purely over $2.00 a gallon. There are issues that Obama could properly be doing to diminish the fee right here at residing house, which comprise offering tax incentives to refineries to advance production, and to sell the surplus gas purely to companies in u . s . a .. this could reason an advance in furnish in gas, subsequently drop the fee we pay on the pump. as a strategies because of the fact the turmoil interior the middle East, he ought to be stressful that Saudi Arabia advance their furnish besides, and make efforts to assist Iraq to advance their furnish to counter the strikes taken with the aid of Iran at present. Its referred to as management, something Obama for sure lacks.

  • Lins
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    NO.. but at least Bush said he was sorry about it and they were looking at ways to help us out.. Even if he was blowin smoke up my a$$! i perfer that then, Obama saying high gas prices was a great thing because it "shows economic growth for that country"!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama's Failed policies didn't help.... for sure.

    Back in the Clinton Administration... when there was a spike in gas prices... Clinton did NOTHING because he said... it would take 10 years for production to be at 100%,

    Had he done that THEN... we could have been totally off FOREIGN oil... setting our OWN prices... and selling it to the CHINESE to evaporate more and more of our debt.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wasn't it one of the Obama czars that said gas prices should be $5 per gallon or more? Then Obama went and did his groveling act in the middle east. Now there is unrest in the middle and ever increasing gas prices. While not proof, one has to wonder.

  • 1 decade ago

    0bummer`s goal is for gasoline to become too expensive for the average American to afford so that the left`s green energy will become slightly more affordable. It is just another one of 0bummer`s spread the wealth tools, oil companies in 0bummer`s mind have too much money and the left wants it spread thinly.

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