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What would you have done?

Ok, I ran through a drive through for lunch today, got my lunch and parked in the parking lot between the fast food place and a couple of hotels to eat it. While I was there, this girl pushing stroller came walking down the street. She stopped, got the kid out (looked about a year to a year and a half old) leaned against a rail and just stood there.

A few mins later, a guy came down the walk from the direcion of one of the hotels. He was sorta yelling at her but he had his hands out to the side in sort of "what the hell" kind of position. I couldn't really hear what he said because it was kinda windy. Then they started yelling at each other. I couldn't understand most of it, but I did hear the girl say "you won't let me in the hotel room ..." But then she tried to kick him. It was an obvious groin shot, but he reacted and she missed. He then started to walk away, going away from the hotel.

She screamed at him "what am I supposed to do!!" He turned around and was trying to hand her something. Could have been money, could have been a hotel key, I don't know. She spat in his face. He jumped back and started walking away again away from the hotel.

Less than 30 second later, she went after him with the baby in her arms leaving the stroller there. A taco later, they both come walking back up the sidewalk together. She was carrying the baby and he sort of had a hand behind her and one on her arm, kinda how you'd lead someone that was really upset. It didn't look like he was forcing her to walk or anything. The entire time she was screaming at the top of her lungs F YOU, over and over and over. He led her back up to the hotel.

So, if you had been there, what would you have done?


Had it just been the girl and the guy carrying on, it would have been easier to mind my own business. But because they had that child in the middle of it, I walked away (er, drove actually, after finishing my tacos) feeling like I should have done something. What about that poor child caught in the middle of that?

It actually amazes me that people jump to "mind your own business" so quickly. As if, that kind of behavior is acceptable in your lives. It's not in mine. Thank god.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Honestly, I probably would have called the cops. When kids are involved,you can't be too safe. And the guy could have done serious harm to the woman,too.How do you know he didn't take her home and beat her or even kill her? There are a lot of psychos out there these days,sad to say. I don't think it's overly nosy to possibly save someone from harm or even death.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Nothing. It's none of my business. Clearly not anything those two couldn't have handled by themselves. Some overly-nosy people probably would have called the cops, but that's just a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars. They have real criminals to catch.

  • 1 decade ago

    That depends. If I was still hungry, I would have gotten more tacos. If not, I would go home. Either way I'd mind my own business and stay out of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would have minded my own business and stayed out of it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mind your own business.

    Nothing happened.... you walk away.................................................................. if something happened you call for help......................................... srsly.............

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