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Stupid modern laws in your country?

They don't even have to have passed. It can be laws withing the past 12 years your country has simply attempted to pass.

I also need some folks in Australia to clear up some rumors I've heard:

You can get fined for for swearing in public? All video games with a rating higher than PG-13 are banned? Porn can't have flat-chested women because it suggests pedophilia?

I guess one of my country's dumber laws is jailing people for possession of marijuana; a drug that apparently doesn't kill but just makes you numb, lazy, & hungry. Cigarettes on the other hand? Fine, just don't some em in public. Kinda like how we sell cars that can go faster than the fastest speed limit: it's not necessary, you can't legally use that speed, so don't even advertise that it can go that fast.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes you can get fined for swearing in public in Australia

    Video games can only have a MA rating 15+. Meaning NO R rating video games.

    In regards to smoking ciggarettes, which a legal product sold within Australia.

    The government wants to ban ciggarettes being smoked in ALL public places.

    Sounds a bit odd to me, when the government taxes them so much, and then in the next breath (no pun intended) chooses to restrict its use. Sort of defeats the purpose, does it not.

    Dont care much about marijuana. Couldnt care less really.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, in Australia any video game higher than MA15+ is banned because there's no R18+ rating, people are trying to get one though.

    I wouldn't have a clue about the flat chested thing.

    And the swearing in public, it's true you can get fined, but I've never heard of it actually happening.

    Also there's apparently a law here where you can't wear hot pink pants on Sunday after mid day... No one would ever actually get prosecuted for it but the law still exists!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Australian folk to clear up the rumours:

    Swearing in public: depends on the state. In Queensland a judge ruled that it was okay for an offender to abuse and swear at a police officer because the officer should be "used to it"... (!!!!!! RIDICULOUS.)

    PG is allowed, MA15+ is our highest rating, there are no R games (but R movies, so it's really stupid and pointless. I don't even play video games and I signed the peitition...)

    I've never heard of the flat-chested thing...I think you're making that up.

    Marijuana actually has proven links to mental illness, particularly schizophrenia. It's not the harmless thing you make it out to be. No drug is harmless.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just clearing up the Australian rumours:

    1) Yes, you can get fined for swearing in public; that's the "offensive language" offence. It isn't prosecuted frequently and is only usually prosecuted when someone is going off their nut and swearing at the Police, usually because they've just been arrested for something, so the offence is added. There has been some effort by the Courts to decriminalize it, however, as one magistrate threw out a case where the police officer had been told to "**** off".

    2) No, that's not true. Games with a rating higher than MA15+ (which would be equivalent to NC-17 in the United States) are "refused classification" (i.e. banned). This means games rated R18+ cannot be sold in Australia as a R18+ rating doesn't exist for games (it does, however, exist for films and literature).

    3) Never heard of that one, but the Courts are very strong on pedophilia over here.

    There were some odd laws - like the potential to be fined $550 for killing pigeons (it rated its own mention in the Crimes Act 1900, but was superseded by animal protection legislation).

    One of the more head-scratching ones was, however, suicide legislation. Suicide used to be prohibited in England, but bizzarely, successful suicides could be sentenced to death, ignoring the fact that if they had succeeded in committing suicide, they were already dead!

    One anachronism of murder law in Australia concerns attempted murder. Say you want to shoot someone but that person has already died when you shoot them. Of course you can't be charged for murder, because the person is already dead, but it is perfectly allowable to charge you with attempted murder, as there is no legal requirement that someone needs to be alive when you're trying to murder them as far as the doctrine of attempt goes.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i imagine /absolute/ monarchy is undesirable- that's actually means over an entire u . s . interior the palms of one individual, really very such as a dictatorship. imagine Pol Pot, Hitler, Fidel Castro etc etc. Being blunt is positive, see you later as you aren't any more rude. Judging from the above comments, many human beings the international over stay below /constitutional/ monarchies, that are an completely different count number. Constitutional monarchies, in truth, can truly artwork a lot extra suited than a generic democratic authorities, because it takes the load of ceremony and historic past off the finest minister's shoulders, and allow him get on with operating the country. And the monarch turns right into a ceremonial figurehead, and a way for the authorities to connect extra in my opinion with the human beings. That way the dual obligations (and means) which may oftentimes be assigned to a president or king are halved, and the authorities turns right into a lot extra effectively run. i imagine the variety of monarch you're conversing about is the variety that existed interior the united kingdom, Spain etc earlier they grew to develop into constitutional monarchies. i'd agree that this kind of ruler is undesirable, and that merely delivering means to the subsequent in line in basic terms leads on your entire kin scheming to have you ever assassinated. ;) Quote: "Haha, have you ever considered the CORRUPTION in Asia? some human beings in countries there can not even urinate without the "King's" permission." -it is a generalization. Which area of Asia? Which u . s . and below what authorities? Which King? the position are you getting this comprehend-how? at the same time as i'd agree that places like North Korea and China have corrupt governments, I nonetheless do not see the position this truth is coming from. you're also insulting many those who stay in Asia, extraordinarily places like Japan (it is a approach of constitutional monarchy. Japan has a /best minister/, with the help of how. >_>)

  • 1 decade ago

    Never heard of any of those laws

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Gym. Every day. 30-35 minutes.

    I have asthma attacks every day in gym.

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